Episode 2

WGM S5 SMTown Special


“I still don’t get what the big fuss is all about,” Cho Kyuhyun grumbled.

“It’s our very own SMTOWN special, Kyu. That’s like we rule the entire season. Of course it’s a ‘big fuss’,” Shim Changmin retorted, used to Kyuhyun’s complaints. His fingers were furiously tapping onto the screen of his tablet.

Kyuhyun glared at his best friend. Changmin always knew the right thing to say. He appreciated that really, but sometimes he wished he could stuff the other’s mouth with magical food that would never finish so the other would just shut up and listen to him rant.

Kyuhyun sighed, shifting the rolled-up papers (the meeting’s discussion) under his arms as he clutched onto Super Junior’s assigned practice room’s door.

“I’ll see you later, Kyu,” Changmin called out smilingly.

“Eoh,” Kyuhyun waved the other off dismissively and pushed open the door, expecting to be the only one there.

His disgruntled looks softened as his eyes landed on the sleeping figure of his group member on the single white couch. Sighing, he closed the door quietly. And he strode off toward the soundly slumbering man; lightly sitting down on the small space near Siwon’s middle, right by his folded arms atop his stomach.

‘Siwon hyung...’ he thought as he stared at the older man’s peaceful face.

Signs of weariness were evident on the pale face - shadows under the eyes, dry skin and pallid complexion and bloodless lips. The older was sleeping tight-lipped and lightly snoring. There were faint stubbles growing on the older one’s sharp chin. Amongst all of Super Junior members, Choi Siwon was currently the busiest.

Kyuhyun smiled humourlessly. It pained him every time he looked at Siwon’s face. He never really liked Siwon. He hated the man for being too polite to people. He hated Siwon’s good mannerism, his tall built, and his success and more importantly, Cho Kyuhyun hated Choi Siwon for making him feel things he shouldn’t feel. Heck, he didn’t even know what it was he felt and that was why he hated the other even more. Nobody could stay nice 24/7 and Siwon must have a flaw somewhere. 

All the emotions pent-up, Cho Kyuhyun was tired of them all. He rubbed his face, trying to sober up – he was exhausted too.

And again he looked at the older man and his weird sleeping position. Kyuhyun knew he must be uncomfortable. The couch was after all, smaller than the tall man himself. Siwon’s head was supported awkwardly and his legs were pulled up and compressed within the sofa’s arm.

Siwon needed to get up and choose somewhere else to sleep if he didn’t want his body to ache all over. 

“Hyung,” Kyuhyun decided to wake him up, “Siwon hyung, get up.”

The group’s magnae shook Siwon’s arms gently then tapping onto them in attempts to rouse the unconscious man.

And Siwon suddenly took a huge intake of breath as he sleepily opened his eyes, slightly unfocused. He blinked wearily and saw Kyuhyun’s poker face staring at him. He smiled.

“Get up, hyung,” Kyuhyun ordered as Siwon stretched, hearing the bones popped and Siwon groaned in relief before yawning loudly.

“Oh, Kyuhyun ah,” Siwon greeted, “Is it time for practice already?”

“Ani,” Kyuhyun said, “if you sleep like that, you’ll be sore all over.”

Siwon widened his bleary eyes and a sincere smile graced his thin lips. He sat up and patted Kyuhyun’s back. He was still too sleepy.


Kyuhyun’s only response was a monosyllabic hum.

“What time is it anyway?” Siwon muttered.

“Don’t worry hyung, if you want to rest, there’s about an hour more before we’ll get busy,” Kyuhyun mumbled, answering exactly what Siwon wanted to know.

The youngest SuJu member got up, walking toward the water dispenser by the opposite wall and poured warm water into 2 plastic cups before heading back and handing one to the thankful Siwon. He settled himself over by the other edge of the couch, pretending to look through the meeting’s memo. Silence settled over them.

It was when he reached the third page when he felt something heavy on his thigh and he looked down passively.

Choi Siwon was resting his head on his lap, eyes closed.

Kyuhyun’s breath almost hitched and his focus averted quick to his paper. He gritted his teeth.

“Let me borrow your lap, Kyuhyunnie,” Siwon whispered croakily, eyes still closed. “I’m so tired...”

A war was brewing up again in the main vocalist’s mind – a part wanting to push the other’s head off his lap while a part felt pity for the man and wanting to let him rest.

Siwon snored lightly. His head warm against Kyuhyun’s cladded leg.

With a frown on his face, Kyuhyun sighed. The answer’s right there. Discarding his memo on a small table close by, Kyuhyun let himself relax and began combing through Siwon’s thick black hair leisurely.

Letting himself stayed close to Siwon.

Even though he hated it.


“Alright now, the IT team will be putting up the voting poll on our website and spread the words by this afternoon! Make sure everything is settled within a week and we’ll meet again on Tuesday. Meeting adjourned!”




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Seems to me that the progress is quite slow, yeah? But hopefully, you guys will still enjoy reading ^^ -Amber xo


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Please please update soon
Chapter 2: omg i cant wait for krisyeol <3
mpreglover69 #3
Chapter 2: Omg such a great idea can't wait for you to update!!! :)
akahashi #4
Chapter 2: Can you just update this? I want to know more!! >3<!! Please!
Chapter 2: update soon !! xD
Chapter 2: Yieeee!!! Can't wait!! Wonkyu on WGM!! The perfect combination teehee... ^^
Chapter 2: weeeeeeeeeeeee. so happy right now. can't wait for krisyeol part
Chapter 2: updatesoon ..
i've waiting for so long for this story...
i really anticipated this one ..
wonkyu wgm :D