
Snow Angel

“Breathe Bom Breathe, you’re not Bom you’re going to be Beyonce now…,” I began my ritual that I’ve done every time before going onstage.

Without any warning warm strong arms were around me, “You’re going to be awesome Beyonce.”

Turning around in his arms I couldn’t help but grin as I gazed into his deep brown eyes, “Thanks.”

He pulled me into him as he whispered, “But I prefer you as Bom.”

Playfully I pushed out of his embrace before people got suspicious, “Yah! You better.”

He chuckled at my play fight, “Of course, but I must say Minzy is growing up pretty nicely don’t you think?”

“Yah, TOP! You better…” I began to say with a hint of jealously.

2ne1 you’re on stage now the intercom went off before I could finish.

“Sssshhh…” he lightly pressed his index finger to my lips as he walked close to me and whispered, “Go and do your thing Beyonce and we can argue about me and you later.”

Feeling the warmth of his breath against my ear sent electric shocks throughout my body. If only he knew how I was losing all resolve of our secret fairytale story. I just want to shout at the top of my lungs to let the world know that he’s my man. But what can I do when YG won’t permit us to officially date.

“Bom let’s go,” Minzy called after me.

“You better go, their calling your name. I’ve got to go to my next appointment. See you at the same place…”

“Same time,” I had to finish his sentence as I gave him a devilish grin before I walked away to meet the rest of the girls.

I inhaled deeply as I thought of Top’s words that he preferred me over Beyonce.     


It’s always exciting playing this secret game of lovers as I crept into the dark studio. Looking around to make sure the coast was clear, I slipped into the room and reached for the lights. In the process of doing so my phone slipped onto the floor.

“Nnnooo…” I quietly yelped as I too went tumbling to catch it before it hit the ground.

“Got you,” I grinned as I scooped my phone up to cheek for any scratches. Luckily it survived without a scratch. GO ME! But I better do my celebrating standing up before TOP tries to make up another story of my awkwardness.

SPLAT!, “What the?” checking to see what I had stepped into with my beautiful stilettoes I found, “Corn?” SPLAT! “Wha…” SPALT! “What the heck?!” Every step I took it seemed to be in pieces of corn. Whoever spilt their lunch without cleaning up is totally dead meat! But looking down at the ground it seemed like someone purposely placed them in what seemed like a trail into somewhere. Where could it be going? But where ever it could be heading I need to pick this up before YG catches me and I end up with double the workouts for a month! Picking up each piece I grew more and more curious as it lead into the studio next door. I began to feel uneasy about where this corn would lead me too so I gripped my pepper spray tightly as I entered.

Like a worrier Bom I encouraged myself, “YAAHHH…”

But before I could do my ninja attacked someone covered my mouth and pulled me towards them, “SSSHHH!”

Wide eyed with my adrenaline pumping I pulled out to face my villain with my pepper spray, “YAAAHHH… YOU…”

“YAAHH BOM what’s your problem,” he whispered loudly before turning on the lights to reveal his face.  

“YAH TOP! YOU…” before I could finish he covered my mouth again with a serious gaze. Pushing his hand away I adjusted myself the best I could before I turned to him and gave him the serious gaze back, “Yah, why did you scare me like that?!”

“Jeez can’t a man surprise his woman sometimes,” he began to defend himself.

Showing him the collection of corn, “You call this a surprise? Getting corn over my favorite pair of stilettoes?!”

Catching me off guard he swooped down to look at my heels, making me lose balance, “AAHHH!”

“Got you,” he said as he carried me like the prince charming he is.

My heart skipped a beat when he gave that devilish grin, “Umm…you can put me down.”

“But what if I don’t want to,” his grin grew as he began to start walking.

Embarrassed yet loving every second that I’m literally in his strong arms I unwillingly summed up some energy to put up a fight, “YAH! Stop this nonsense and put me down before someone walks in on us. YAH! Where are we going?!”

Excited to see what he had in mind he walked into the…girl’s locker room? What?

Putting me down he looked around to make sure no one was here.

“What are we doing here?!”

“Ssshhh…” he brushed off my comment as he walked me over to my locker. “Open it.”

“Why do you want me to open my locker,” I had to ask seeing how suspicious he was acting as he kept looking around. “Hello… I said…”

“Bom please just open your locker,” he paused as he looked at his watch and then back to me. “C’mon just do it.”

Not knowing how I should be reacting at his…nervousness? I do what he asked.

Moving me out the way he smiled as he pulled out my…snow gear? What, now I’m super confused at what is going on.

He threw them at me, “Here change into these and meet me back in the studio,” and disappeared without another word.

Starring at my gear I couldn’t help but wonder what it was doing in my locker.

“Hey are you almost ready,” Top’s voice echoed.

Startled by his voice I quickly began to change, “A…almost.”

Placing my soft white knit beanie on I did last minute checks and was grateful that I still managed to look decent with a last minute outfit change. “Okay I’m ready,” I called walking back into the studio. I laughed seeing him with his boarding goggles on and his snow gear get up on as well.

He smiled as he gave me a huge hug, “Perfect. I don’t want you to freeze to death up there.”

“Freeze to…death,” I whispered to myself before I was being pulled out the studio and towards the elevator.

I tried to shrug his grip off but he was too strong, “Stop before someone sees us!”

“I don’t care,” he spoke impatiently pushing the elevator button.

DING the elevator rang as the doors opened.

“C’mon,” he pulled me out the elevator and up the stairs leading to the roof top.

Bursting through the doors I was surprised to see mountains and mountains of snow covering our roof top. It felt so magical with the glistening white snow surrounding me.

“Do you like it,” he asked breaking my day dream.

“Huh…wha…how…” I was at loss for words.

He chuckled as he scooped up some snow and began to pack it together.

“T…t….TOP! YAY! Stop right there,” I tried to distract him but it didn’t phase him as he flung the snow ball at me.

“Aaaah,” I yelped falling flat on my back.

I heard him burst into a heavy laughter which meant war!

I lay waiting for my prey to fall into my trap and sure enough I heard footsteps rushing over to me.

“YAY! Bom are you okay,” Top asked as he looked down at me with concern.

Mirroring his devilish smile he had given me earlier I picked up as much snow as possible without him noticing and threw it right in his face. Making him tumble over and giving me enough time to pile more snow to throw at him.

The war between the two lovers continued on as they ran around chasing each other with their snow missiles.

“Here I come,” TOP shouted after the target.

“NNNOOOO….” I squealed but before I knew it TOP swooped me up into his arms.


“Aaahhh…put me down,” I demanded.

Top shrugged his shoulders, “As you wish.” He looked around and began to rock me, “1…2…”

“TOP,” was all I could scream before I was launched in the air and landed flat on my back.

Sitting up to give him the eye he plopped flat on his back right beside me and began to make a snow angel.

I couldn’t help but giggle seeing the boyish smile of contentment as he moved his arms and legs back and forth. Following along I laid back down and smiled as I too moved my arms and legs back and forth to make my own snow angel.

“There,” TOP said as he got up to see his work. “Perfect! Let’s see yours,” he spoke as he extended a hand to help me up.

I looked to see mine and there was something that was missing, “Wait…we need to add one more thing.”

“And what would that be,” he questioned feeling they looked perfectly fine.

But I on the other hand reached down first over mine and then Top’s placing an oval over each head, “Now it’s perfect because every angel needs their halo.”

Top nodded as he looked at both of them, “True. That completes the picture of a true snow angel. Now we should sign our names next to them so that there won’t be any plagiarism or anything of the sort.”

“Ah yes, we can’t let anyone steal this master piece of ours,” I agreed as I signed my name next to my snow angel. “Well that’s pretty legit now.” I looked to Top for his approval comment but instead I saw his serious pondering face as he starred at our signatures. “What’s up?”

He shook his head, “No there’s just one more thing missing that will probably send this art work down in history.”

“Really and what would that be,” I grinned as I placed my hands on either sides of my hips.

I watched as he bent down and underlined my name and began to write, “Bom…will…” every word I began to quietly breath out so I wouldn’t disturb the artist. “Bom…will…you…marry…me…”he then underlined his name. “Bom will you marry me. –Top” I read it all together glad to piece it all together. But then as if I was hit with realization shock registered and I turned to see him on bended knee.

He reached for my gloved hand, “Bom will you be my angel and make this man’s world picture perfect?”

Not knowing what to say, “What?”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box and took off my left hand glove, “I said Bom will you marry me?” He smiled as he opened the box and there was a precious ring with little diamonds engraved into a gold band, “This belonged to a dear angel grandmother of mine and I was told to find an angel to give this very ring to.”

The emotions overcame me and all I could think of was jumping into his arms making him tumble over to the ground where I found myself lying on top of him.

He chuckled as he starred up at me and grinned as he began to lightly caress my face sending shocks of love throughout my body. But I couldn’t contain this overwhelming joy and I had to let him know what I was feeling in that moment and I swooped down and pressed my lips against his. My heart was filled with so much love that I never knew I could have for someone.

“Whoa, I’m guessing that’s a yes,” he asked for confirmation.

“YAY! Was my kiss not an answer for you? I can’t believe you would still ask that,” I teasingly scolded him as I sat up.

“Well good. Let’s go eat something. I haven’t eaten all day because I was nervous to what your answer would be,” he confessed as he helped me up. He then slipped the ring onto my finger making my hand tingle knowing what this would mean.

What this would mean? Before I knew it flashes of news reports and the damage it could cause a massive mess for YG. My heart became very heavy as we were riding down the elevator.

“Hey are you okay,” Top asked as he squeezed my hand.

I squeezed his hand back as I tried to reassure him, “No I’m fine it’s just…” I began as we were heading towards the studio.

“Just worried about YG and 2NE1,” he finished my sentence. “You shouldn’t worry about that. Just as long as we have each other everything will be okay.”

“Top I don’t know, what if…” I began to worry.

“Ssshhh…I will take care of everything. Just watch…” he began as we stepped into the studio.


“SURPRISE!!!” shouted everyone as confetti was thrown in the air.

Looking around it was filled with all of the YG family and it was decorated like a party from champagne glasses to a dj playing my favorite songs from Beyonce.

“UNNIE! Congrats,” all the girls squealed as they gave me a group hug.

Tears began to fill my eyes as I embraced them as we looked at each other and giggled knowing all too well that tonight was going to be a slumber party in my room.

Loud coughs interrupted our girl moment and I looked to see YG with his hands on his hips as if waiting for an explanation.

Taking a gulp of air I stepped forward to meet the person I feared most after my parents, “Ummm…”

But in a moment notice Top saved the day and entangled his hand with my hand as he spoke up, “YG…”

“Congrats,” YG’s serious face turned into a grin. “And how do you two suppose that we should handle this?”

“Don’t worry YG I have a way to handle this situation. Just don’t worry my angel here about it,” Top smiled at me as he winked at his angel reference.

“Alright Top I trust that you can do that,” YG grinned as he patted us both as he walked away.

Top spun me around to face him as he gave me that devilish grin that always led to something, “Hit it dj!”

Suddenly I heard my voice echo throughout the room as the lights were turned low and a spotlight was put on us.

“You and I together it just feels so right…” Top sang to me as he teasingly exaggerated every note.

I couldn’t help but giggle as I embraced him tightly as we glided across the floor. Oh how beautiful the moment was even if we were dancing in our snow gear. But it didn’t matter because I’m in the arms of an angel.


Author's Notes:

I wrote this in December for someone as a Christmas gift so that's why it's not a Minzy fic LOL! but thanks for reading! <3

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Chapter 1: DAEBAK !!!!! :> <3
Nala29 #2
Great story! Keep on writing! Luv it!