
Angel Lock


Chapter Nine: Greed


strong desire for more: an overwhelming desire to have more

of something such as money than is actually needed



                “Yah, Myung-soo, I have something to ask,” Sung-gyu said while sitting on the floor and resting his head over the part of the bed opposite to where Myung-soo was sitting.

                “Hmm?” Myung-soo didn’t look at his hyung and continued reading the book that he had on his hands.

                “Myung-soo oppa, look at me,” and Sung-gyu succeeded on calling Myung-soo’s attention.

                “Why don’t you just ask your question?” Myung-soo said, eyes already on Sung-gyu.

                “Fine,” Sung-gyu said, “Myung-soo, can I have your hands?” Myung-soo looked at his hands and slowly held it out to Sung-gyu. Sung-gyu then took them and held them firmly.

                “Can I have your eyes?” Sung-gyu said.

                 “No,” Myung-soo said. Sung-gyu questioned him why and he said, “because I won’t be able to see if I gave it you.” Sung-gyu chuckled, but his expression quickly changed to a serious one.

                “But I’d give up anything just to make you look at me, and only me,” Sung-gyu said. Myung-soo was surprised to hear that, even from his boyfriend, and so he didn’t know how was he going to react. “And if ever you’re going to look at Sung-jong or at Dong-woo, you have to look at me thrice the number of times you looked at them,” Sung-gyu added.

                “Hyung, I think that is a bit –”

                “I want to have your attention, always,” Sung-gyu said, which interrupted Myung-soo in mid-sentence. “And that’s the only thing I want from you.”

                Myung-soo smiled and moved closer to his boyfriend before giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek. “Hyung, you don’t have to worry,” Myung-soo said as he caressed Sung-gyu’s cheek, “I’m yours.”


                Weekend passed and Myung-soo was back to his classes, back to his friends. Every day, he had to wait for lunch and afterschool to see his hyung. The schedule had been like that before, but since that night at the bay, Myung-soo just couldn’t help but long for Sung-gyu with each passing moment.

                “Myung-soo ah!” Someone called him while he was on his way to the cafeteria.

                “Ah, Dong-woo ah, Sung-jong ah,” Myung-soo said.

                 “Hey, how are you? Have you been all well after we took you home last weekend?” Dong-woo after feeling Myung-soo’s forehead.

                “I’ve been good,” Myung-soo said, “I was just tired that morning, that’s all. Maybe we can come back and visit the elders again.”

                “Right! It can be our bonding time too! And no one will take you away from us,” Dong-woo said. Myung-soo looked at him, puzzled with his statement.

                “You see, we missed you a lot,” Sung-jong said. “We meet you in class, and talk to you but your mind is always far away.”

                “We weren’t able to eat and chat together during lunch, and earlier, you quickly sprinted off when the bell rang,” Dong-woo said, “and we had to run after you just to get you talking.”

                “I’m sorry Myung-soo, but you’re worrying us so much,” Sung-jong said, “You’re acting weird. Is there a problem? You know you can always tell us anything.”

                “I… Guys I’m…” Myung-soo stuttered and he didn’t even know why. All I have to do is to tell them that I already have a boyfriend, that’s all. But Myung-soo didn’t have to worry so much on how he would break the news. I the middle of his thoughts, a pair of soft lips partly touched his cheeks, leaving his two friends in wide shock.

                “Oh, you’re also here,” Sung-gyu said, “why don’t you join us over lunch?” The shocked reactions on Myung-soo’s friends didn’t go off right away. Sung-jong and Dong-woo just kept on staring at Sung-gyu and Myung-soo but didn’t say a word.

                “Oh! Dong-woo ah! You need more kimchi on that? ” Myung-soo then turned to Sung-gyu and said, “Hyung, will you kindly get some more for all of us?”

                Sung-gyu glanced at the two who were eating with them on the lunch table. Then back to his boyfriend and said, “fine, I’ll be back,” before leaving another kiss on his cheeks. When Sung-gyu was far from their group, Dong-woo spoke, “it all makes sense… so that is why you always spend time with him, and why your mother didn’t know that you let him stay…. You’re in a forbidden love with your cousin!”

                “Ani!” Myung-soo said, “mother knows that I liked him.”

                “But does she already know that he’s already your boyfriend?” Sung-jong sharply said. Myung-soo wasn’t able to answer back. “Apparently not,” Sung-jong added. Sung-gyu returned and the whole conversation was stopped. Sung-jong and Dong-woo were back to being muted. Sung-gyu on the other hand had all of his attention to Myung-soo.

                Lunchtime was over, and Sung-gyu went back to his classes, same with Myung-soo, Sung-jong and Dong-woo. Myung-soo kept on glancing to his friends after the interrupted conversation, and he was certain that his best friend had problems with his new relationship. Of course, being a person who values friendship, Myung-soo just couldn’t let the day end with a conflict between him and his best friend.

                It was already afternoon when Myung-soo managed to gain enough strength to approach Sung-jong. “Sung-jong ah, can we please talk?” Myung-soo said as they went out of the classroom.

                “Talk?” Sung-jong said, “I don’t think we can talk.” Sung-jong looked beyond Myung-soo so he looked back to find Sung-gyu leaning on their classroom wall and eying them. “It looks like your boyfriend doesn’t like it.”

                Sung-jong turned around and started walking away. Dong-woo saw the exchange between the two and told Myung-soo, “He’s just worried about you,” before following Sung-jong. Myung-soo was about to follow the two when he felt a hand grab his wrist and pulled him back.

                “Hyung, I have to talk to Sung-jong,” Myung-soo tried prying off his hyung’s grip, but it only became tighter. “Sung-gyu, I have to talk to my best friend so go home,” Myung-soo took back his hand before he continued, “I’ll meet you there.”

                Myung-soo ran to where he saw his friends went to. We was able to catch up before the two went out of the school campus.

                “Sung-jong, I’m sorry if I didn’t tell you anything about my relationship with Angel hyung,” Myung-soo said.

                 “When did this started?” Sung-jong said.

                “Right after our visit to the elders,” Myung-soo muttered.

                “Almost a week passed and you didn’t even tell us about it,” Sung-jong said, “What else are you hiding from us? That you’re not a anymore?”

                “What,” Myung-soo almost shouted at his best friend’s face, “Sung-jong ah! You already said that it has been only a week! You should be the first one to know that I wouldn’t let that happen.”

                “How would I know? You’re the first one who drifted away,” Sung-jong said.

                “Guys, chill!” Dong-woo stepped between his friends and held a slightly protective stance in front of Sung-jong. “Myung-soo, I think it will be best if you tell your mother about this relationship of yours.”

                “I told you, she already knew!” Myung-soo said.

              “But did she already know that your boyfriend kisses you for like an average of four kisses an hour?” Sung-jong said, “Seriously, doesn’t your boyfriend know that public display of affection is inappropriate?”

                “Stop talking about him like that!” Myung-soo said. Sung-jong just looked blankly at him after that, and Myung-soo just couldn’t do anything but to sigh. “Sung-jong ah, hyung just missed me, that’s all,” Myung-soo said.

                “Apparently you really liked hyung, but Myung-soo,” Sung-jong said, “You’ve just known him for less than a month. How can you decide in a snap? I know that he’s all nice and that before, but seeing his actions earlier just made me more certain about him. I don’t know him and now, I don’t know you either.”

                Sung-jong bolted away after that. Dong-woo looked at Myung-soo, then to the direction of Sung-jong, then back to Myung-soo before following Sung-jong. Myung-soo could tell that Dong-woo had an internal conflict earlier – should he comfort him or Sung-jong? It was between best friends, but Myung-soo thought Dong-woo made the right choice. If he cannot be with Sung-jong, at least his angel should be.

                Myung-soo headed home with more than a heavy heart. Not only did he had a quarrel with his best friend, now he was doubting his own self. Am I really in love? Or am I just blinded by what I believe to be love?

                He walked to the bus stop where Sung-jong and Dong-woo had boarded a bus home earlier. Myung-soo sat on a bench and waited for the next bus’ arrival. As he waited, his thoughts just kept on going back to his friends words. “He’s all nice and that before, but seeing his actions earlier just made me more certain about him. I don’t know him…” Did Sung-jong mean that his hyung changed?

                Myung-soo looked back during the first week Sung-gyu was with him, when he was still his Angel Hyung. Angel would always be with him, but then he would always tell Myung-soo to go and socialize with others, especially his friends. “You’re not my ownership, why would I not allow you?” Myung-soo remembered his hyung tell him one time when he had to stay longer at school for their class practice. But then earlier? Myung-soo wasn’t sure whether his hyung’s actions were as bad as what others see it.

                After a few minutes of waiting, the bus arrived.  Myung-soo just got board the bus when he caught a glimpse of the being outside the bus, looking at him with his dark eyes. This day couldn’t get worse, could it? Myung-soo thought to himself.



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Chapter 27: I like the story. :-)
Chapter 27: Really i love this story author-nim ^_^
It was really interesting. I almost cried at some parts. Good job! :)
afiercesong #4
I liked this a lot!!
Chapter 24: this is just adorbs T.T my myunggyu feels ~ it's overwhelming.. i would just like to thank you for writing this! good job authornim!
Chapter 26: You should really publish this!!! It's so good
Chapter 18: such amazing turn of events!! O.O
shedding-dream #8
Chapter 25: This is a really great story. And I wish you a good luck to make this into a real novel. :3
mixedflavour14 #9
Chapter 25: Is this the end?
Chapter 25: What was this? I thought I would get an epilogue in this chapter instead. But whatever..would you really going to publish this? I mean that would be lovely. To be frank, I like the story (firstly and partially) because Infinite was in it and I kind of disliking it when you rush things at some parts, but I grew to love the story itself afterwards and the fact that you plan on developing this into an actual novel would make things clearer I'm sure (The way you pampered us with multiple updates was counted too). All in all, I love you. Fighting for your work!! <3
(sorry for eating up the comments space *bow*)