A Truce With the Dark Angel

Angel Lock


Chapter Sixteen: A Truce With The Dark Angel

                “I knew you’d come,” Myung-soo said. “Lee Ho-won.”

                “Myung-soo! Drop the bottle!” Jung-won said while holding her gun and pointed it to Myung-soo. Myung-soo’s left hand that was holding the bottle slowly moved away from Sung-jong. Then he smirked while still staring at the space in front of him. “Did you really think I will hurt my best friend?”

                “Just drop the bottle!” Jung-won repeated and Myung-soo complied shortly, but his gaze was still at the space in front of him.

                “I think he’s not with us,” Sung-jong said as he looked at the spot where Myung-soo was looking. Suddenly Myung-soo spoke, “I need your help. You’re the only one who can find him.”

                “Who are you talking to?!” Sung-yeol quickly grabbed Sung-jong’s hand and pulled him aside. “I said who are you talking to!” Sung-jong said.

                Myung-soo’s left hand was still out, as if someone was holding it and didn’t want to let go. “Lee Ho-won sshi, please. I’m asking you as your brother’s best friend and as your best friend’s brother. Please help me.” Sung-jong’s jaw dropped. What he was hearing was something so impossible. “Wait, are you really talking to my brother?”

                For the first time after he broke the bottle, Myung-soo tore his gaze from space and averted his eyes to Sung-jong. He didn’t say anything, but he smiled before he held out his other hand, beckoning Sung-jong to come.

                “Sung-jongie, don’t!” Sung-yeol stopped Sung-jong, but he gently took off his cousin’s hold. “I’ll be fine,” he said. Sung-jong went over to Myung-soo and took his right hand. “Believe it or not, he’s been dying to speak with you,” Myung-soo said. Myung-soo’s left hand suddenly dropped, which surprised Myung-soo before he took it back slowly.

                “If you can really see my brother, tell me how he looked right now?” Sung-jong said.

                “He looks scary…” Myung-soo said. “Oh, but the mole on the lower left of his chin looks good on him!” Sung-jong chuckled after that, “yes, that’s where his appeal comes from…”

                “Oh, and he’s wearing the royal army suit, like that of what soldiers in front of the Buckingham palace wore…

                “Yes, only all black, with golden chains running from the left shoulder… That’s his favorite dance costume,” Sung-jong said, which sent another wave of confusion to Myung-soo. What could this mean? Myung-soo looked at the angel in front of him with a puzzled expression. Apparently he understood what Myung-soo was thinking as he revealed, for the first time, his wings.

                Myung-soo tried to remember the time when he first saw Ho-won, the night when he warned them about the group of drunk men who were coming close to their group. He saw Ho-won holding a sword, but he couldn’t remember what color it was.

                Then he looked back at the feeling he would always have when Ho-won shows himself. Sometimes, there would be a heavy atmosphere around him, but sometimes, he would just see him and feel… nothing. When he came to think of it, it wasn’t Ho-won that causes the uneasiness he felt. He felt uneasy because something dangerous would happen, and Ho-won was there because he was guiding them. He was guiding his brother. So that means… from the very first time that I saw him, he wasn’t a dark angel, but an Angel of Light.

                “Yes, apparently angels can wear whatever they want,” Myung-soo said.

                “Where is he now?” Sung-jong asked.

                “He’s behind you,” Myung-soo said, “he’s covering you with his wings now.”

                “Wings?” Sung-jong suddenly lit up, “How does it look?”

                “Big. Golden. Beautiful,” Myung-soo said. Sung-jong was smiling, but tears suddenly escaped from his eyes. Myung-soo saw the angel say ‘I love you’ before giving his brother a peck on the cheek, but Myung-soo chose not to tell. He’s sure Sung-jong already felt it. “I love you hyung,” Sung-jong muttered.

                “So Myung-soo can see spirits?” Dong-woo said.

                “Not really,” Myung-soo said, “But I can see angels… more like summon them to come and show themselves.”

                “Freaky,” Dong-woo said with an expressionless face. Myung-soo just couldn’t stop wondering what would be his reaction when he learns that he’s an angel too.

                “Oh, and he wants to thank Sung-yeol hyung for taking care of Sung-jong,” Myung-soo added.

                “First, I saw a man with huge black wings, now I see a boy talking to spirits,” Jung-won said. Everyone almost forgot that she was still there. “I must be going crazy,” she said before turning around. Just when she’s about to go out of the room, a hand grabbed her arm and stopped her.

                “You can’t leave,” Myung-soo said, “You’re the only one who can help us.”

                “How can I help?” Jung-won said after letting out a sigh. “To tell you the truth, I already asked them for evidences that Angel was dead but they didn’t provide me anything. They even told me that he wasn’t my problem anymore.”

                “Jung-won sshi, if there’s anyone in this room who knows the most about the various branches and conspiracies connected to our government, it’s you,” Myung-soo said. “You know the places and the people whom we can turn to if ever we need… military training and ammunitions.”

                Everyone exchanged glances, except Myung-soo who was seriously looking in Jung-won’s eyes. Myung-soo could see how difficult it was for Jung-won to decide. Suddenly, she spoke, “Fine, you already convinced me, but how could you be so selfish?” her statement gained everyone’s attention. “Look at your friends. Yes, Angel killed nobody in their family, but did you really thought it would be okay for them to find him and bring him back here? Especially that we’re already talking about guns and ammunitions? This is not a joke Myung-soo. What you’re wanting to do is dangerous.”

                Myung-soo looked back to his friends. Jung-won was right, he haven’t asked his friends if they had forgiven Angel of all the horrors he brought.

                “You can’t go alone though,” Dong-woo said, “my mom and dad wanted me to join the military. They might not like it if I told them right away, but when I’m already a soldier, and they knew that I saved someone’s life and made an arrest way before I entered the academe, they’ll be proud.”

                “Thank you Dong-woo,” Myung-soo muttered.

                “I’m with my brother,” Sung-jong said, “if he’s alright with it, then it’s alright with me.” Myung-soo looked at the angel beside his best friend. His face showed that he was worried about his brother.

                “I don’t think he’d let you,” Myung-soo said, “he told me he would help us, only if I promise that you’ll be safe.”

                “But Hyung!” Sung-jong said. He wasn’t talking to Sung-yeol, nor to Dong-woo. “I will be alright, okay? I’m always careful and I plan before I act!”

                Whoa… Sung-jong is really stubborn. Myung-soo looked at the angel, and although worry was still in his eyes, a hint of smile was there. Then he looked at Myung-soo. “That was fast…He just told me that you may go,” Myung-soo said.

                “Wait! If you’re going, then I should too!” Sung-yeol said, “whatever happens, you’re still my responsibility!” Myung-soo looked back to Jung-won and waited for her decision.

                “Fine, but I’m telling you, if ever we bring him back here,” Jung-won said, “He would have to face all charges and suffer the sentence that the court would give him.”

                “I’m sure he would accept that,” Myung-soo said, though part of him was guilty about it. And I will take half of his sentence and spend my time in jail with him.

                “So how are we going to start?” Sung-yeol said.

                “We already knew that we’re battling with people from high society connected with the government. Now we have to know the exact person to talk to,” Jung-won said.

                “Would I be easier if we know the exact place where Angel is?” Myung-soo said, which gained him puzzled looks from everyone.


                “Wow, I never thought I’d be able to help by sleeping,” Dong-woo said as he positioned a thick pillow in front of him while sitting on a cushioned seat in front of a table, “I suddenly became proud of being a heavy sleeper!” he said. They were inside another room, located at the farthest side of the right wing of the station, where very few offices were located. It had a small window on the side, a long table and plenty of cushioned seats. Most of all, it was sound proofed.

                 “Would you tell me the plan again?” Jung-won said, she herself was already holding a fluffy pillow on her hand. Myung-soo who finished giving out pillows to others and looked at her and explained, “You see, Sung-jong, Dong-woo, Sung-yeol hyung and I have talked to Ho-won once in our dreams. On the case of the Dong-woo…” Myung-soo paused to find the right words to use, “Ho-won was able to bring him with him and show him events that were happening in real time.”

                “Being an angel, it will be easy for him to locate Angel,” Myung-soo sat down on one of the seats after starting the metronome, “and we have to come with him so that we’ll see the place.”

                “Should I… sleep too?” Jung-won said while pointing to Dong-woo who was already snoring away.

                “Yes,” Myung-soo said, “you’re the one who can tell us which place we’re into.”

                “I don’t think I can do this,” Jung-won said after a long moment of silence. “Look, you are four there, surely one of you would know the place. I’ll just stay awake, prepare clean sheets of paper for you to draw on and make sure no one disturbs your sleep, okay?” Myung-soo nodded before resting his head on the pillow he had.

                “Take care,” Jung-won said.

                “No, you’re our protector while we’re in the dream world, so you take care,” Myung-soo said before drifting off to sleep.

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Chapter 27: I like the story. :-)
Chapter 27: Really i love this story author-nim ^_^
It was really interesting. I almost cried at some parts. Good job! :)
afiercesong #4
I liked this a lot!!
Chapter 24: this is just adorbs T.T my myunggyu feels ~ it's overwhelming.. i would just like to thank you for writing this! good job authornim!
Chapter 26: You should really publish this!!! It's so good
Chapter 18: such amazing turn of events!! O.O
shedding-dream #8
Chapter 25: This is a really great story. And I wish you a good luck to make this into a real novel. :3
mixedflavour14 #9
Chapter 25: Is this the end?
Chapter 25: What was this? I thought I would get an epilogue in this chapter instead. But whatever..would you really going to publish this? I mean that would be lovely. To be frank, I like the story (firstly and partially) because Infinite was in it and I kind of disliking it when you rush things at some parts, but I grew to love the story itself afterwards and the fact that you plan on developing this into an actual novel would make things clearer I'm sure (The way you pampered us with multiple updates was counted too). All in all, I love you. Fighting for your work!! <3
(sorry for eating up the comments space *bow*)