Inside the frozen heart, there is a burning love.


The world is harsh.

and my world is even worse.

I didn't get a choice

and I don't need it anymore.

Friends, boys, they just bring tiring feelings with them.

They're just a burden.

The only thing I need and have is my mafia family.

My life is about loyalty.

My life is about orders.

My life is one dark place.

My heart froze when his stopped beating.

The only thing left in this world for me is to protect them.

That's what I thought....

But then he appeared.



Yes another fanfic idea. Other fanfic i won't update for a while.

Even if I won't update the subscribe button still works... You can try it out ;P

^-^ just saying



warning: contains spoilers



Lee Ra Na : You

  • 16 years old.
  • You became more closed towards people after your brother died and your first love replaced a big part of him in your heart. After he got killed too, you totally locked your feelings from the world.
  • Layla and the twins are the only ones who get to see your kind side. And you show them almost all feelings.
  • You live in the main house. It used to be a place for the whole family but after your first love died, you took in the twins and Layla and your parents suddenly got too busy to ever come home. Even now they keep finding reasons to stay away.
  • You are very protective of the people around you and care for them even though you see them as a burden.
  • Even if you want to be with the twins, most of the time you have to send them to secret places to keep them save.
  • You have green eyes but for some reason you wear brown lenses to hide it.
  • Your whole life gets more complicated when 12 boys mess with your feelings.
  • You hate the mafia world and hate every gangmember on the world because that's why your brother and first love are dead. But you also are a true mafia girl and follow the rules of a real member of the mafia.




Lee Ra Ni and Lee Shin.

  • 2 years old. Turning 3 soon.
  • Learned talking and walking fast.
  • You try to hide them from both worlds you live in. The normal one and the mafia one. You also try to hide these worlds from them.
  • You care a lot about them and protect them with your life.
  • The children of your first love and his girlfriend: Shin Hye.
  • They think you are their mom.






Your first love (no name YET)

  • should have been 22 years old right now.
  • He got killed more than a year ago.
  • Your brother's best friend when your brother was still alive.
  • The dad of the twins. He was 19 when they were born.
  • People thought that he was your brother because he was with you all the time. When he was 15 years old he got adopted by your parents and people started mistaking him for your real brother.








Your real brother: Lee JiHoon ( this is how he looked like when he was 14/15 years old)

  • He and you were very close.
  • He should have been 21 years old by now but got killed together with his best friend's parents when he was 14.
  • After his dead you changed and the cheerful you, became more cold and would only trust the people after a while. His dead made you become closer to your first love.





  • 37 years old
  • half English/Korean
  • Her family got killed by a small gang.
  • Your first love took revenge for her after she asked him, she stayed loyal to him and your family for that.
  • After he died, she helped you take care of the twins.
  • she's the only one yoou trust with the twins.


Kim Sa Rang and Kim Mi Young.

  • Almost 16 years old.
  • You know them for almost 10 years.
  • Your friends but you don't see them as friends anymore.
  • They knew the cheerful you and saw you change with time.
  • They always try to protect you by keeping people away from you because they know that you don't want to be bothered.






  • 6 members
  • Your new own gang.
  • Follow you around all the time even if you don't want it. You can't get rid of them because it were your parents orders.
  • They slowly learn more about you and the twins. And slowly get closer to the twins even though you want them to stay away.
  • You slowly open up to them as they risk their lives to protect the 2 little children.






  • 6 members
  • The sons of the school principal and your dad's friend.
  • They are the kinka's of the school and they unconsciencely keep making girls fall for them.
  • They get interested in you and your friends when the 3 of you are stronger than any other girl they've ever met.











More characters added later.


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