chapter 2

We Found Love

‘Hey honey we already arrive. Lets go eat’ Nichkhun said to Tiffany with his cute smile

‘Naee oppa~’ Tiffany answer with her smiling eyes

‘Ah Oppa wait’ Fanny pull Khun’s hand. He want to open the car door.

‘That would be better if you go first and I can follow you after you  are in’ Fanny said

‘Why ? We always have dinner  here’ Nichkhun ask

‘I’m scared Oppa’ Fanny answerd with her aegyo.

‘Aigoooo, you really have so much concerns huh ?’ Nichkhun her hair gently

‘Okay if you really want it, then I’ll go first’ Nichkhun out of his car and walk inside the building. He go to the 4th floor. He wears a black hat a red hoodie he usually wear.

After a few minutes, Tiffany followed nichkhun and went into the building. She went straight to the 4th floor. The restaurant is one of the favorite restaurants among the artist and idol in korea. You could say so because the restaurant provide the floor specially for artist and Korean idol who want hangout without being bothered by the papparazi.

Tiffany up on the 4th floor and saw Nichkhun sat on the couch. Nichkhun who saw fanny, came directly and greeted her by embracing her waist and sat beside him.

‘What do you want to eat Oppa ?’ Tiffany asked

‘Anything, I’ll eat what do you want to eat’ Khun answerd and looking at Fanny who sit beside him. She was busy choosing the menu.

‘You have to eat a lot Oppa. Your body is so skinny. I don’t want to be said that I cant take care of my boyfriend well’ Fanny’s eyes can’t be separated from the food menu. She was busy ordering a lot of food for Khun. While Khun was chuckling to see his girlfriend and her hair gently.

Nichkhun really wanted to hug her and kiss her because of her behavior .

‘Oh right I have a gift for you’ said Khun while searching it on his pocket. It’s hairpin with the pink tape. He then applies in Tiffany’s hair.

‘Aahh tnak you Oppa, it’s very cute’ Tiffany smiled with her eye smile. Well, the eye smile who always hypnotize Nichkhun.

‘Where did you get it Oppa ?’ Tiffany put her head on the table while facing towards Khun’.

‘I get it when walking around in Japan with other members. I immediately thought of your face when I saw it’ Khun was laying his head too on the table while dealing with Tiffany’s face. Their face were really close. Khun fanny’s hair. And suddenly Fanny felt really sleepy because of Khun’s treatment.

‘You must be so tired. See, you’re really sleepy. Should we just go home after the dinner ?’ khun’s hand now moved and rubbed fanny’s cheeks.

Fanny shook her head ‘I still miss you Oppa. Can we still go to the cinema and watch a movie ?’ She said with her aegyo.

‘But you really look tired. We can watch a dvd on your dorm. I promise I’ll be with you until you fall asleep. Okay ?’

‘Then okay’ Tiffany smiled.

They often spent time together in Tiffany’s room. Tiffany has her own room on snsd’s dorm. She completed her room with dvd player and small tv. Ussually she uses the dvd player to spend time together with Khun when they’re tired like today. And Khun will go home when fanny was asleep.

They had finished their food. Now they were on their way to the Tiffany’s dorm. Snsd’s dorm looked really quite. Maybe they had been asleep on their room. Just hyoyeon who was eating a banana in the kitchen.

‘Ah oppa annyeong’ Hyoyeon gteeted

‘Annyeong Hyoyeonnie, You still awake ?’ Nichkhun asked

‘Not yet Oppa. I want to eat a banana first. Hehehe’ Hyoyeon giggled

Snsd’s ember are familiar with Nichkhun. Maybe because it’s been a while Nichkhin is dating Tiffany. And Nichkhun is their close friend before Tiffany dating him.

They eventually enter the fanny’s room. Khun sat on the sofa which is in the corner of fanny’s room. While Fanny was selecting the movie they want to watch.

When Khun being relax and starched his legs on the sofa, he saw the red shoes he reward for Tiffany. It stored neatly in the rack of her room.he remembered the day that Tiffany was angry at him because he reward her with red shoes, not pink. Her favorite color.




‘Why you suddenly gave me a gift of red shoes Oppa ?’ Tiffany protest because Nichkhun gave her a red shoes for her birthday gift. Nichkhun like red color, but Fanny was not. She is a pink maniac.

‘So you don’t like the shoes ?’ asked Khun

‘No, it’s not I don’t like the shoes. But why red ? Did you forget what color I like the most ?’

‘Of course I remember. I don’t know why I choose the red one. It’s like red was already inside my subconscious. Hehehe’ Nichkhun showed of his silly smile. He didn’t understand either, why he always choose red items. And he know it well that his girlfriend was a pink maniac.

‘I don’t want to wear it’ Tiffany was upset with Nichkhun’s answer

‘Why ? I’ve given it to you. You can try another things besides the pink color’

‘Then  you must wear a pink shirt as well. I gave you you a pink shirt at the time but you never wear it at all’

‘But it’s pink Fanny. It’s to feminime for me. If it’s because of the job, I can make it’

‘Then I don’t  want to wear shoes from you as well' They were silent. Fanny felt annoyed with Nichkhun’s attitude. Nichkhun also confused if Fanny was being angry like that.

A few weeks later, Fanny still upset with the shoe incident. They still call each other but Fanny just replying the message and the phone shortly. Wooyoung said to Nichkhun at the time that what he must do was giving up and wearing the pink shirt from Fanny. But Nichkhun was still embarrassed by that pink shirt. Some days there was no contact at all from Fanny. Nichkhun felt guilty. And Finally, he was wearing that pink shirt  and asked Wooyoung for photographed it. Khun upload it in twitter and saying that he was a Pink Power Ranger.


I turned into a Pink Power Ranger today. Is my beautiful princess already forgive me?


Nichkhun sent a BBM to his girlfriend with a photograph of him posing a Pink Power Ranger.

Soon, Nichkhun get phone from Tiffany
‘Oppa you really do that? ' Fanny asked as soon as the phone was connected to Khun
'Em. I really can not keep silence with you. I even upload it into twitter. My fans make it a trending topic today ' Said Khun
'Daebak hahahahaha. If only they knew that you did it for me, I can not go to my dorm safely hahahahahaha 'Tiffany laugh and forget his anger over this.

A few days after that, Nichkhun was watching tv and relaxing in the living room with Junho and suddenly he laugh like crazy.
'Why are you hyung?' Junho shocked because of him
'Oh no' Khun answered happyly. He was looking at one of the news about the activities of snsd on his iPad. Not because the story was funny. But he was happy to find a photo that Tiffany was walking with Taeyeon using the red shoes he gave to her.

Since then Nichkhun and Tiffany were never concerned about the gifts they give each other. Although the gift was pink or red. Tiffany already accustomed to the red stuff because of Nichkhun. And  so Nichkhun, he already familiar with Tiffany’s pink stuff.

*end of flashback*

'Oppa we can watch this film' Fanny said and Nichkhun woke up from his daydream. Fanny sat on the couch beside Khun and hugged him.


















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ooo i love this
o_yuri #2
Chapter 2: funny I think they both so siLLy