Our get to know thingamajig

My baby boo


Chapter 2

Updated: 20/3/13 7.38pm

~Miyeon pov~

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Oppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!” I screamed as I was pulled into a van.

Who are they and what do they want? Haven’t they done enough? I knew I wouldn’t be able to do anything so I stopped shouting, curling up into a ball as I kept murmuring “Please don’t take Wonnie oppa away from me”  like a mantra. Wet droplets fell onto the seat in the van and I realised I was crying.

Wonnie oppa, please be okay…




-Howon pov-

I heard Mimi’s frantic screaming and ran to the site of origin of the sound, the van, only to be greeted by the sight of four flustered guys(probably my band mates and manager?) and a curled up Mimi.

Gosh. They shouldn’t have done that… They’re really getting it when I have the time to talk to them, without Mimi around of course. They’ll be sorry for making my Mimi baby cry.

“Hyungs! Hyungs! What do we do? We made a girl cry. What do we do?!?!?” the guy with big eyes and black hair said, while two of them stoned, not knowing what to do and the final one pretended not to care though panic was clearly showing in his eyes.

“Mimi yah!” I shouted and everything around me seemed to slow down as I wrapped my arms tightly around her, letting her know that everything would be alright. I continued, saying “Wonnie oppa is here. Don’t cry…”

Upon hearing my voice, she stopped her chanting and relaxed into the hug, even though her breathing was erratic. She was breathing so quickly… This is what the psychologist meant… Hugging her, I reminded her that I won’t leave her.

“We can go now,” I said to the rest who just nodded their heads at what I said, despite the look of panic in their eyes.

I patted Mimi’s head gently as I shot daggers at the four es that made my baby girl cry. Halfway through the ride, she fell asleep, probably tired from her crying.

Looking at the three boys, I said in a stern, cold tone, “Meet me in my room after putting your bags in your rooms.”

The boys nodded, afraid of what I would do to them. After hearing.. I mean seeing their replies, I brought my attention back to Mimi, who was sound asleep. Soon enough, I joined her in dreamland.

In what seemed like a few minutes to me, we arrived at our destination, aka our dorm. Along with the fuel that was used up with the journey, my anger seemed to have dissipated. I guess I won’t be so harsh on them.. I mean they were worried too right? And they don’t know what she went through so I’ll just give them the benefit of the doubt.

Mimi was still sound asleep, like an angel and I cradled her in my arms, motioning for the guys to get our belongings, and placed her in the room nearest to the bathroom, at the end of the hallway. I took our belongings from the guys and placed it in her room for the time being and gathered the boys in the room furthest away from the bathroom, near the living room. Anyway there was enough rooms for all of us and even some extra rooms. The company must really be pampering us since we’re their first group ever.



~Sunwoo pov~

“Sit.” The scary dude said as he pointed on the floor, motioning us to make a circle so we can see each other.

And of course we obliged. He’s scary! Even the bad boy in me got scared when he shouted at us in the van just now. At least now he seems more calm..

“I’m sorry we had to start our companionship with screaming just now. Since we’re gonna be band mates, let’s introduce ourselves. I’m Lee Howon and I’m 22 and the girl with me is my sister, Mi Yeon. She’s 20 years old. I’ll explain why she’s with me later okay?”

Aaaah, so he has a nice side to him. Wait. BAD. CHA SUN WOO. BAD. Don’t judge people so quickly.

While I mentally scolded myself, all eyes were on me. Oh I was hitting myself? Oops. Okay.. Intro time!

“Hey guys, I’m Cha Sun Woo, 21 this year. Take care of me please~” I ended with a small smile on my face as I turned to face the small eyed yet handsome boy beside me.

“Annyounghasehyo, my name is Kim Myungsoo! I’m 19 this year. Please take care of me too!” he said with a smile playing on his lips, betraying the evident coldness his eyes seemed to exude.

“YAY! I’m not the maknae! Kekeke! I’m Gong Chanshik and I’m 20! Take care of me okay?” He said as he eye smiled.

Cuteness seemed to radiate from his core. Wow. Anyone would think that he, not Myungsoo, was the maknae! I think things are gonna be interesti…

“OH yeah! Hyung! You said you wanted to explain something just now?” Chanshik questioned, cutting my train of thoughts.

Ah, this is probably gonna be some long story…

Hello~ Author time again!

I hope you like this LONGER chapter! :) I'm still working on the story and this is nearing what I have prepared so OMG. I have to get more in my brain to type out and give to whoever is reading! >< K, so we'll find out about Mi Yeon soon~ Is this going too slow? :( I'd like to hear from you :) Hehe.

Til next update! 


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Updated the character profiles~ (6/3/13)


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I just joined too! hwaiting! ;) Most importantly,Update soon...:)
yasha-kyeopta #3
Chapter 1: nice :D :D hoya (howon) is my second favorite singer in infinite .. thats why i wanted to read this :D uptade soon~