Goodbye Sanducky family ):

My baby boo


Chapter 1: Goodbye Sanducky family ):

update: 14/3/2013, 7.37pm

-Miyeon pov-

“Oppa! Can we go to our secret place? I need to say goodbye to the Sanducky family,” I said as I desperately tugged on Wonnie oppa’s sleeve, mustering up the best puppy eyes I could.

I simply wouldn’t be able to leave without telling Sanducky and his family. They’re like my family as well and I didn’t want to leave without a proper goodbye. No one deserves that at all.

I stared at Wonnie oppa as I saw his facial expression change from one of wanting to reject me softly to one of defeat. I knew he would never be able to resist me. Keke! He softly nodded as he picked me up like an American football player and made a mad dash to the secret place near our old apartment that we claimed as ours.

My dear Sanducky family was waiting for me already! How was I supposed to break the news to them?

-Howon pov-

Sigh… This dongsaeng of mine… She has been through so much at this age. A least now we can start anew. I hope she’ll be able to handle this change though. I don’t want to lose her. Like ever. My gaze laid softly on her. If only I could take away the pain she feels and all her fears. I know I can’t so I will protect her with my life.

She was now saying goodbye to them. She wouldn’t be able to come back here as compared to before because we’ll be going to Seoul. Mimi told Sanducky to take care of his family and not to tell anyone her secrets… W-wait.. Secrets?! She must’ve been really lonely to be sharing her secrets with the ducks. I hope she’ll be able to find better friends in Seoul. Not like the ones she found here..

Just then, I heard a voice calling me. The voice was so sweet and… Wait. Who’s that? A figure was jumping frantically in front of me, trying to desperately grab me out of my lalaland. Omo! It was Mimi. As I recovered from my dazed state, I asked her what she wanted sweetly.

In reply, she said, “Wonnie oppa, we need to go NOWNOWNOW! The van thingy is waiting for us right? Last one there is a stinkypoo!” After saying that, she stuck her tongue out at me and sprinted to where our bags were.

Of course, being the considerate person I was, I waited five WHOLE seconds before bounding after her, only to see her being dragged into a van along with our belongings. It was followed by a loud wail..

Author time! Hello everyone! :) Carmel here and this is the first chapter :) Thanks for reading so far! :) Oh and I'll try updating faster if it helps. *cough* purplepaedo *cough* Anywayyyyy, I hope you'll look forward to the next chapter that I will post soon! YAY!

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Updated the character profiles~ (6/3/13)


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I just joined too! hwaiting! ;) Most importantly,Update soon...:)
yasha-kyeopta #3
Chapter 1: nice :D :D hoya (howon) is my second favorite singer in infinite .. thats why i wanted to read this :D uptade soon~