Oh my...

My baby boo


Chapter 4

~No pov~


Sunwoo was unpacking his belongings, just as Howon told him to. He grabbed pile after pile that was packed by his mother with outfits that she deemed “suitable” for someone becoming a celebrity. Thinking about his mother made him think about what Howon had just told them about Miyeon.

“She’s so vulnerable. Will Howon hyung be able to take care of her all the time? I know that he asked us to take care of her but I want to take care of her because I want to, not because someone told me to. But then again, I don’t know what she’s been through exactly. I guess I’ll take care of her. Since we made her cry…” Sunwoo thought to himself, “That way, no one will ever dare disturb her. Because she’s protected by me~”

Soon enough, he had unpacked everything out of his suitcase and had placed everything into sorted piles, one of which being his mighty collection of hats. He couldn’t live without them. They were like an extension to his head!

He then surveyed the room, sighing in relief that he had his own room. Sunwoo didn’t like sharing rooms with others. Not because he was selfish but because he was too embarrassed to share with him being so messy. He’d never tell anyone that anyway. With everything still lying around the room, he pulled out the covers and went to sleep without changing his clothes.


He unpacked everything quickly, everything already organised in his suitcases. Since he had time, he started to fix everything and put it in its place.

As he was doing this, he began talking to himself as he usually did.

“Myungie ah, you must take care of the noona and the hyungs. Wait. Am I allowed to call them that? I’ll ask them tomorrow. I will take care of them. Just because I want to. And even if they refuse! HMPH! And I hope they’ll take care of me too! Then we’ll be like a family! Yay! But I want to be spoiled too.. I mean I’m the maknae right? Keke. I’ll be cuter than Chanshik hyung. I’ll try.”

“I hope school won’t be scary and they’ll be nice to us. I hope the teachers are nice too and that manager hyung will not be mean and scary. And I hope there are no thunder storms. They’re scary and can kill people right? Bad.”

He pouted as he realised that there was nothing left to put in his cupboard and everything was fixed. He went to the toilet to brush his teeth and got ready for bed, emerging in cute pororo pyjamas and got ready for his sleep.



The next day~~~~


Chanshik, being used to waking up early, woke up the first and washed up before going to the kitchen. Howon was the next followed by Sunwoo and Myungsoo. Miyeon, who was the first to sleep was the last to wake. As Howon would always call her, she was such a piggy!

Breakfast was ready and all they had to do was wait for Miyeon to wake so they could at least have the first breakfast together for the first time. Howon then told Chanshik to wake her up, since they had to get to know each other anyway, and Chanshik seemed like the nicest among the three boys before him.


~Chanshik pov~

What? me? I need to wake her up? Erm... okay, but what if she screams? What if she gets scared of me and stuff? I didn't want a repeat of the van incident. 

I made my way slowly into the room that she slept in and knocked softly before opening the door slightly and peeking in. She looked so cute when she was asleep!

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Updated the character profiles~ (6/3/13)


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I just joined too! hwaiting! ;) Most importantly,Update soon...:)
yasha-kyeopta #3
Chapter 1: nice :D :D hoya (howon) is my second favorite singer in infinite .. thats why i wanted to read this :D uptade soon~