School, How Lovely

My Sweet

"Panda!" Alana exclaimed, pointing straight at Sandra's face. She rolled her eyes and moved past her surprised friend.

"What happened? No offense, but you look like the epitome of death right now." Alana states, walking through the front gates.

"It's nothing important. Just a little fight with Zelo." The shorter says, waving the problem off. Her best friend eyes her carefully.

"It is  important. You're totally into him, don't try to hide it."

"Into who?" A soft voice asks behind them, making the two turn around. Luhan smiles at the two sliding his hand into Sandra's and ruffling Alana's hair.

"YAH I just got my bangs cut! You marshmallow!" She yelled, jabbing the boy in the ribs.

He chuckles a bit and raises a brow, "Marshmallow?" Alana crosses her arms and mumbles under her breath, "It'swhatSandracalledyouwhenyouleft."

Barely catching what she said, he feels a lump rise in his throat. The two words that he was certain he heard "you" and "left".

Alana notices the deep frown lining Luhan's features, "Hey I was only messing around, don't be sad!" She says a bit worried.

Sandra slips out of his hand, "What matters now is that you're here, right?" She says, patting his back.

"Yeah! We can hang like in the old days!" Alana adds, also joining in on the patting of his back.

"Thanks... I'm really glad you still accept me." Luhan says smiling throwing his arms around their shoulders.


Zelo walks up to the front gate, Daehyun approaching from the other side.

"Well you don't look your best." The older states walking next to his friend.

"I could say the same for you. What did you do? Stay up and read all night?" Zelo snaps back staring straight ahead.

Daehyun holds up his hands, " Jeeze. I was just stating the obvious."

Zelo stays silent and stops moving, glaring at the three in front of him.

"Hello?" Daehyun questions, waving a hand in front of his face. When he doesn't get a response, he follows the youngers gaze.

"JUST WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS?!" Daehyun suddenly shouts, making Zelo turn his head.

"DOES SHE HAVE A PERFUME THAT ATTRACTS CHINESE BOYS?" He yells grinding his teeth after.

He doesn't like the fact that Luhan has his arms around both Alana and Sandra.

"I've decided he's not as innocent as he looks. That guy is a player." Daehyun states calmly.

Zelo shakes his head, "I don't think that's it. They've been friends longer than we've known them. So it's not really fair to judge their friendship."

Daehyun whines a bit, addmitting that Zelo is right, "But it's unfaiiiiiiirrrrr.... "

Zelo rubs his back, "I know buddy. You probably have it worse than me right now. What with all the Chinese boys tailing her... it doesn't seem you have much of a chance.. Oh and you know Kyungsoo?"

Daehyun nods and grimaces, "Yeah. We're in the same vocal class. He's always trying to show the others that he's better than me."

Zelo frowns and shook his head, "I heard after he heard Alana sing... He fell in love. And apparently Alana loves singers."

Daehyun nods and clenches his fists. "Then I'll show her who the better singer is."

Zelo nods and smiles, "Now that's the Daehyun I know."

"What about you? What are you going to do with that soft, Chinese, flower boy? "

"I don't know. It's my fault anyway. I shrugged her off while she was trying to explain something."


Apologize? Does he even know how to? He's never done anything wrong, so he's never needed to.

But this is important. He must do it today. Zelo nods to himself and stomps off to class.


Zelo smiles as he's welcomed with the familiar smell of sweat and armpits. Ah, the dance room, his favorite place to be in the morning.

"Hey Zelo." A few people chorus around the room, stretching themselves.

Zelo sits next to Jongup and Daehyun sighing. "What's up with you lately, Loverboy?" Jongup asks, a bit concerned.

"Nothing." He responds dryly, going into a lunge. He looks up and is met with Luhan's glare.

"So what are you doing here, Daehyun? You never come to dance." He asks dipping lower into the lunge as Luhan does the same, challenging the younger to stretch farther.

"I have to make sure the Chinese boys stay off Alana." Daehyun says with a nod.

Zelo goes into a full side split and grins, knowing he can't be beat. "I'm glad you're choosing to fight for her."

The smile soon fades after Luhan goes into a center split. Hell. Isn't this lovely? 

"Yeah, me to-"

Alana's jaw drops, "Wow Luhan, daebbak!" She says, clapping. He laughs and closes his legs.

Daehyun grimaces and gives up on the sentence he was going to say.

"Alright class! Today we are learning bachata!" The teacher interrupts, clapping her hands.

Sandra raises her hand, "What's that?" The teacher looks at Alana and waves her over.

"We already have someone who knows of it and dances well. Would you care to explain for us, Alana?" 

She clears , "Uh, well it's a style of partner dancing that originated in the Dominican Republic. There's a lot of hip movement involved so this dance can be very sensual if you want it to. There's also a club form but I suggest staying with the pretty version."

The teacher nods and motions for her to stay up there. "Lay. Demonstrate with Alana. I'm sure you know how to lead."

Lay nods and comes up to the front. Luhan raises his hand, "I can actually demonstrate too. Sandra and I, actually."

"Perfect, come up front."

Luhan grins, dragging Sandra up front. They took a Bachata class together once. But that doesn't mean they've forgotten it.

Back then they were the perfect partners, he was still tall but there was something about the way their bodies moved in sync.

The teacher starts the music and Lay starts leading right away, perfectly on beat. Alana's expression changes to a confident one, not one she shows often when dancing.

Their bodies move in sync, exactly on time with each other, simply freestyling. Luhan and Sandra began to move as well too.

Zelo watches in awe as Sandra's hips shake on certain beats of the song, making him want to be the one leading her.

He looks over to Daehyun who is almost at the point of crying. "I will never... be able to dance like that.." He says taking off his glasses and wiping his eyes.

Zelo pats him and whispers in his ear, "She likes singers... shh..." He coos and pets his hair.

The music stops and the four bow and sit again, Alana making her way towards us. Daehyun rests his head on his knees, his glasses resting next to him. 

She picks up the glasses and puts them on, "Wow, Dae is blind." She says blinking and looking around.

The boy looks up to the the direction of the voice. "I.. *sniff* can't see." She pouts and wipes the underneath of his eye. 

"Here." She says, putting his glasses on him. "Were you upset about something?"

Daehyun mumbles something along the lines of "Damn Chinese flowerboys" and Alana sits there listening.

Zelo wishes things can be that easy between him and Sandra. He just wants to make up as quickly as possible so he can snatch her away from the slimy flowerboy.

Yes, slimy. He feels something off about that guy, and he doesn't know what it is. What he does know is that he doesn't like him.

That's enough for him.

"Okay! Pick your partners!" The teacher shouts pulling everyone out of their side conversations.

Daehyun clings to Alana's arm as a flock of boys surround her.

"Taken." She says, clinging back. Lay, seeing that Alana is taken, quickly grabs Sandra by her wrist.

She looks at him questioningly until he gives her his puppy eyes. The eyes she can't resist.

Her inner fangirl threatening to spill out pushes her to gush out a yes. And the smile afterwards. She just about dies when he shows off his dimple.

She wants to fold him up and keep him in her pocket. Luhan looks at her and puffs his cheeks.

Zelo balls his fists. "Damn Chinese flowerboys..."

"Alright, who doesn't have a partner?" The teacher asks, looking around the room.

Zelo looks around too, locking gazes with Luhan.

"Okay looks like one of you is going to be the girl."



Hi. Im tired cuz i stayed up all night to write this. SOWWIE FO DA ERROR.


p.s. its 5:45 am right now,







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Here's something interesting... I thought I completed this story.


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Chapter 13: I already am in love with this story. I can't wait for the future chapter.
aestaetics #2
Chapter 11: w0w.
november 2013.
I forgot about this story tbh aha but gay lay really makes me excited omf
thanks for updating after 10000000 years but ily ok
also still dont understand why nobody knows this story LOL.
dont be too pressured to update bc we all know life comes first haha
I feel your pain, ap classes are just-
aestaetics #3
Chapter 10: I just noticed you only have like 20 subscribers. Like, how. Luhan annoys me btw and omg, gay lay.

I think its my first time commenting. Idk why
Chapter 4: Ugh . Like tbh, I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY THERE AREN'T A LOT OF SUBSCRIBERS TO THIS STORY. It's AMAZINGGG. The storyline is different and entertaining! I'm so tempted to advertise your story author-nim! x)


Second, yes please post a picture of you, I'm curious ^^~
Chapter 4: woah this is really good~
But I think the storyline is going too fast! Maybe you can slow it down a little? :)
Chapter 3: ERMAHGEEEERD. LOVED THE CHAPPIE. IT WAS WONDERFUL❤❤❤ but he's coming clean already? Unless there might be some interruptions when he tries to :o cause it'd be nice if he stays "gay" a little longer so it'd be more fun :3 Anywhooie, keep up the extraordinary work and update real soon. HWAITING!!!
Chapter 2: ASDFGHJKL;; OMG. I'm loving this! Finally, something different, out of the ordinary! Not one of those typical romance fics and stuff. THIS IS AMAZING❤❤❤but I'm not saying I don't like the other romance fics, I just love these ones more cause they're different and exciting :D
LOL WOW WHAT A COINCIDENCE. I actually want a gay best friend too xD