Beach House

My Sweet

The van is cramped. Alana is stuck between Daehyun and Yongguk, while Sandra is pushed up against the glass with Zelo smushing her.

The driver that Alana hired puts in one of her CD's that she and Sandra collected for the ride there.

Suddenly Sandra and Alana make eye contact when the song starts. "GULLIVER GULLIVER G-G-GULLIVER GULLIVER." They shout in unison.

They continue like that, shutting up most of the boys. Yongguk and Zelo start having a rap battle during a BigBang song at some point.

Sandra stared at them. How could someone remember all those lines? Alana was in awe too, suddenly Yongguk didn't look as scary anymore.

When the next song came on, Daehyun charmed everyone with his voice, singing one of SHINee's new songs, Symptoms.


Sandra, who is now asleep along with Alana, rests on Zelo's shoulder. He couldn't be more happy.

Then the car stopped. And Yongguk pleasantly announced that they were there. When Sandra woke up, she wiped her eyes and opened the door, stepping outside.

Alana wakes up with Daehyun sleeping on her shoulder, "Yahhh.. Wake up.." She says, groggily.

"No..." He nuzzles closer into her neck. Her face turned bright red, " YAH DAEHYUN."

He jumps as his eyes pop open, moving away from her. "I-Im sorry!"

She shakes her head and hops out of the car, reaching up and stretching her arms.

Her hand reaches to her pocket as she takes out the keys and opens the door without having to unlock it.

A familiar head of blonde hair sits on the couch, facing away from her. Sandra walks in next to her, stopping at the same spot.

Luhan turns around and gives them a smile, "I hope you don't mind, but I heard you were going. It'll be just like old times!" He grins enthusiastically.

He grabs both of the girls by their wrists, pulling them into the spacious backyard.


There are two buckets set up filled to the brim with water balloons. Three boys come out from behind the shed.

Lay, Tao, and Kris. Alana rolls her eyes at the last two, just want she didn't need. Zelo towers over Luhan, shoving his hands in his pockets. 

"Who invited the flower?" He asks, shooting him a glare. Sandra and Alana look at eachother while Luhan shrugs.

"I invited myself." He answers. "I came last time, why not come again, right Sandra?"

Sandra frowns a bit, "I guess it's okay.. " She  looks at the buckets, "Are we... going to have a war? "

Luhan nods, smirking. "Zelo and I are team captains." Hearing his name, Zelo looks up.

"Then I pick Sandra first." He says, pulling her to his side. Luhan shakes his head, smiling. 

"Alana, my team." Luhan says, grabbing her wrist and pulling her to his side.

"Daehyun." Zelo says, waving him over. He stares at Alana from the other side, frowning. She smiles at him and shakes her head.

"Tao and Kris." Luhan motions towards them. Zelo glares then waves the rest of his friends over. "You can have the last flower boy."


The sheds and boogie-board shields are set up in the center. all of the ammo are also located in the center. It reminded Sandra of the Hunger Games.

Luhan smiled at his team. He had picked well, choosing Alana. He knew from their last fight that she was the secret weapon.

After all, she had played softball for nine years. Her arm is extremely accurate and consistant.

Kris nugdes her arm, "So why did he pick you? You're just a feisty girl from what we know."

She glares at him, turning away and facing tao. "Ugh, you guys need to leave. Like now." Tao smirks and nudges her from the other side.

"What? You don't like us being so close?"

"God! You guys are freaking twins, just leave me alone!" She moves further away and picks up a waterballoon threatening them with it.

"If you know better, you'll step back!" She warns, cocking her arm back. Luhan turns around, hearing all the yelling.

"You guys better be careful and not under estimate her. She has an arm." He warns as well, chuckling a bit.

Tao scoffs, "Yeah right, like she could hit anythi-" His sentence abruptly stops when a water balloon his his face, exploding on impact.


The culprit laughs, "Didn't we warn you?"

Both Tao and Kris' eyes widen as they move closer. "Did you just... laugh?" Kris asks, bewildered. Her smile fades, "Yeah, I was laughing at Tao's soaked face."


Sandra sighs and refills more balloons with water. She got put on filling duty so that she could be guarded by Yongguk.

He gives her a "shark-toothed smile" as Alana would call it. "Don't worry boss, I got you." She laughs a bit, "Isn't boss a bit too much?"

Yongguk shakes his head, "Nope. I think it works. I mean, I'm pretty much your human sheild."

She nods and shrugs, filling up more balloons.


A sharp blowing of the whistle sounds and interrupts their conversations, signaling for the match to start. Alana rushes to the center, grabbing a sheild and another pack of water balloons. 

"Balloon!" She shouts, holding out her hand. Tao snaps out of his trance and hands her one, watching as she launches it at Jongup's face.

He falls to the ground, faking a tragic death. "One down! Let's go!" She yells, holding her hand out again. She throws another one at Zelo's chest, having him dodge it.


Luhan watches in amusement, leaning back on the shed. He doesn't have to do anything. Alana will power through it. He made the right decision. 

Soon enough, she takes out the majority of the team, leaving Yongguk and Sandra. She throws one at Yongguk, having it smack against the side of his head.

She grabs another balloon and pulls her arm back, aiming at Sandra. Suddenly, Daehyun comes out of no where and stands in front of her.

She curses under her breath, unable to throw it. "Where have you been hiding all this time, Dae?"

He points to the shed and swallows, afraid of getting hit. Alana rolls her eyes and moves over to him, popping the balloon over his head.

She does the same to Sandra, earning a glare from her friend.

She turns and yells, "Guys, we won!"


With everyone dried off, the challenge of picking rooms is now at task.

"Since this is my house... I'd like to get the master bedroom with the kingsize bed."

Luhan nods, "Fair enough, you can pick two people to sleep with you then."

She nods, "Sandra of course." Her friend nods and makes her way over.

Alana nods at the group of people, "You can pick the last one, Sandra."

Zelo looks at her hopefully, smiling. She continues to look over the group until she see's Lay in the back.

He wouldn't try anything.. right? He's too innocent. She nods and points at him, "Lay. "

He looks up and smiles a little, showing off his dimple. "Okay.. "


Zelo ended up bunking with Daehyun and Yongguk. Luhan, Tao, and Kris slept in the same room. Youngjae, Himchan and Jongup ended up on the couch.

With everyone changed in their nightclothes, Alana, Lay and Sandra try to figure out their sleeping position.

"Hmmm.." Sandra thinks and snaps, "Lay can sleep in the middle." Alana shrugs, "Sure, why not?"

Before Lay moves over to the bed, he grips onto the legs of his pants, "I-I want to tell you guys something.... it might make you feel more comfortable.."

Sandra and Alana look at him, "What is it?" Sandra asks.

Lay swallows nervously, "Well.. you don't have to worry because.. I-I like guys." He answers with flushed cheeks.

It was the cutest thing Sandra had ever seen.


Meanwhile, in Zelo's room, two of them are freaking out. Daehyun looks down at Zelo's bed beneath him, "Do you think Lay will do anything? He may seem innocent.. I just don't know.."

Zelo grinds his teeth, "Don't talk about that."


"No. I'm sleeping."


"So? Who is it then, Lay?" Sandra asks in excitement, smiling at him.

"Well.. you two know S-Suho our class president.."

"Suho?!" Alana shreiks with a grin. "He totally stares at you. All the time Lay! He comes to all of our dance shows and stares at you only!"

His face flushes, "R-Really?" He frowns, "But.. I thought he was straight.."

"Psh, no." Sandra shakes her head, "He oogles over you. Like a school girl over a kpop idol."


They stay up talking about Lay, and get to know about his hobbies. Sandra should've just made Lay her best friend.

When they stop talking, she stays up, thinking about Zelo. What am I going to do?..  She thinks to herself.

He can be so hot tempered sometimes... and yet no one can make her feel like he does.

She closes her eyes and tries to sleep, not finding much rest throughout the night.



Yay...done ;u; sorry this chapter took so long.

Happy Thanksgiving!






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Here's something interesting... I thought I completed this story.


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Chapter 13: I already am in love with this story. I can't wait for the future chapter.
aestaetics #2
Chapter 11: w0w.
november 2013.
I forgot about this story tbh aha but gay lay really makes me excited omf
thanks for updating after 10000000 years but ily ok
also still dont understand why nobody knows this story LOL.
dont be too pressured to update bc we all know life comes first haha
I feel your pain, ap classes are just-
aestaetics #3
Chapter 10: I just noticed you only have like 20 subscribers. Like, how. Luhan annoys me btw and omg, gay lay.

I think its my first time commenting. Idk why
Chapter 4: Ugh . Like tbh, I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY THERE AREN'T A LOT OF SUBSCRIBERS TO THIS STORY. It's AMAZINGGG. The storyline is different and entertaining! I'm so tempted to advertise your story author-nim! x)


Second, yes please post a picture of you, I'm curious ^^~
Chapter 4: woah this is really good~
But I think the storyline is going too fast! Maybe you can slow it down a little? :)
Chapter 3: ERMAHGEEEERD. LOVED THE CHAPPIE. IT WAS WONDERFUL❤❤❤ but he's coming clean already? Unless there might be some interruptions when he tries to :o cause it'd be nice if he stays "gay" a little longer so it'd be more fun :3 Anywhooie, keep up the extraordinary work and update real soon. HWAITING!!!
Chapter 2: ASDFGHJKL;; OMG. I'm loving this! Finally, something different, out of the ordinary! Not one of those typical romance fics and stuff. THIS IS AMAZING❤❤❤but I'm not saying I don't like the other romance fics, I just love these ones more cause they're different and exciting :D
LOL WOW WHAT A COINCIDENCE. I actually want a gay best friend too xD