Twenty6: History

A Change Of Heart


Chaerin stopped walking when she felt that someone was tailing her. She turned around, but she saw no one. Her brows furrowed after noticing something weird on one side of the street she's walking. Turning around, she continued walking to where she was heading. From her peripheral vision, she can see a shadow following her. She quickened her pace and saw that the shadow also did the same. Spotting a dark alley, she turned right and disappeared into the darkness.



The person following Chaerin also turned right but stopped when he saw no one at the alley. He walked closer to the dark alley, looking for Chaerin. He was about to turn around when he was suddenly pushed down and fell flat on the cold and dirty floor, face down. He groaned when he felt the impact. He tried to stand up but Chaerin kept him in place since she was sitting at his back.



"Who are you?" Chaerin asked.



"It's me." he said.



Recognizing the voice, Chaerin immediately stood up and took a few steps backwards. "Seungri?" she asked, her eyes wide.



The man following her, who happens to be Seungri, slowly stood up and wiped his face using his hands. "Yes." he answered.



Chaerin did not utter a single word for a few seconds. After she regained her wits, her face darkened. "What the are you doing stalking me?" she asked.



Seungri scoffed. "Stalking? Who's stalking who?" Seungri asked.



Chaerin folded her arms on her chest. "Why are you following me?" she asked.



Seungri looked away shyly and this did not escaped Chaerin's eyes. "Well?" She asked.



"I was just making sure you can go home safe." he said without looking at her.



And there was a long silence that envelope the two. Seungri refused to look at her, feeling embarrassed about tailing her and all, while Chaerin wasn't able to say anything. Slowly, what Seungri said sinks to her mind and for a moment, her face flushed. She looked away, now feeling shy.



"Ahaha….hahahahaha" Chaerin faked a laughed to escape the awkward silence. "You're funny as always." she added.



Seungri's face fell as he heard what Chaerin said. He isn’t telling jokes or anything. He's being serious. "I'm not trying to be." he said in a serious tone.



Chaerin fell silent after hearing that Seungri isn't kidding. She cleared . "Is that so? It's funny though." she said to him.



Offended, Seungri walked closer to Chaerin, his expression is dark. Chaerin instinctively walked back, trying to keep their distance earlier. Seungri moved forward again, and Chaerin moved backwards. Taking two long strides, Seungri caught Chaerin by the waist. Chaerin gasped as she looked at him in horror. His face is still serious.



"I said, I'm not trying to be." he said and leaned forward. His lips met hers and for a moment, they just stayed like that. Chaerin's eyes widen in shocked and she held her breath. Her heart beat began to raise and parted a bit.



Seungri pulled away and released her. "Now you know." He said and turned around. He walked away from her until Chaerin can't no longer see his figure.










Minzy plopped down on her couch after arriving home from the Dome. She immediately pulled her laptop and checked her e-mails on her private account, looking for one particular email address. Spotting the email she needed to read, she stood up from her couch and walked to the entrance door of her house to check if it was properly locked. After making sure that all the possible entrance in her house are properly locked, she went back on her couch and lifted her laptop and bag and started heading to her bedroom.



Deciding to freshen up first, Minzy placed the laptop on her bed after locking it. She did her night routines faster than  she usually do because curiosity is killing her already. After she had finished freshening up, she quickly dried her hair and plopped down on her bed.



Opening up the email she looked for earlier, she started reading the contents of the email.




From: Lee Minho

Subject: History

Date: May 10, 20xx

To: Gong Minzy


Minzy, this is the History of the Dome. Make sure to delete this email after you read all the contents of it to prevent leakage.




Minzy shifted and sat down instead on her bed as she scanned the email. It was quite long, so she decided to change her position to prevent any muscle pain later. Looking back at her laptop screen, she continued reading.






The Domicile, or more known as the Dome, started its secret work at year 19xx. It was established by business tycoon Lee So Man (also known as one of the richest people who are most feared by the other businessmen) by the help of scientist Yang Hyun Suk and his friend, Park Jin Young, a fellow scientist and also Yang's close friend. Lee, despite being one of the richest person in the world, sought more power and dreamt to rule the whole world for his own desires. He commanded Yang and Park to start developing drugs that could enhance the abilities of a normal people. Though Yang and Park were against the idea, they had no choice but to obey since Lee threatened them that he'd kill their family if they won't comply.



After months of research, the two scientists was able to develop a drug that could enhance a normal person's ability. They named the drug Perfection Liquid or known for it's short term P Liquid or PL.  Lee was so delighted to Yang and Park and he immediately deposited billions on their bank account. But the two scientists are not happy with it since they know that Lee would only use the drug for his own benefit.



Their greatest fear came when he ordered them to do a human trial on the drug. They two scientist refused to comply and told him to try the drug on animals first, but Lee insisted his wants. And to top it all, Lee ordered Yang to try the drug on his own self, much to Park's horror. Lee threatened Yang that if he refuses to try the drug, he will use the drug on Yang's family instead. Park offered to do the human trial since he doesn't have a family to care about, but Lee knew better.



And so, Yang tried the drug on himself. They waited for the next 24 hours but nothing happened, much to Lee's dismay. Park did some experiments on some animals and it turns out that the drug will only respond to a female body. Lee ordered his men to capture Yang's daughter for the second human trial.




A few years ago. . .



"Hyun Suk, if you don't want to see your daughter inside a coffin in a few hours, bring her here and give her the drug." Lee So Man ordered Yang Hyun Suk."I'm not paying you for nothing." he sternly said.



"Mr. Lee, let's----------"



"I'm not asking for your opinion. Shut your ing mouth." Lee silenced Park Jin Young who was with them.



"We did not agree on anything like this!" Hyun Suk exclaimed. "You told me my family won't be involve in this ing project!" he shouted at him.



Lee So Man just smirked. "Just as I thought, a man's weakness is the person closest to his heart." he said.



"You bastard!" Hyun Suk shouted again.



"Bring her here, or you'll regret disobeying me." Lee said one last time and left.



Jin Young placed his hand on Hyun Suk's shoulder, trying to comfort him. Hyun Suk, on the other hand,  just stayed there, lost in his world, not saying anything. He closed his eyes and raked his hair in frustration. Tears started to form at the corner of his eyes. Just thinking about his daughter being experimented brought millions of needles pricking his heart. After a few minutes, he turned his head to his side to look at his friend's face, asking him on what to do.



"If you want to keep her alive, you know what to do." Jin Young answered just when a tear fell on Hyun Suk's eyes.




Yang's daughter was the very first person to take the drug, excluding Yang who showed no effect after being drugged. For a month, she showed signs of her ability being exceptionally good. Another month passed and Lee summoned Yang and Park into his office.



"What did you call us for?" Hyun Suk asked, his tone cold.



Lee chuckled."Still have a grudge on me huh?" he asked. Hyun Suk's jaw clenched and he balled his fist inside the pocket of his laboratory gown, trying to calm himself.



"I decided to train Eun Sun on how to fight." Lee informed them. Hyun Suk's face darkened after hearing what Lee said.



"Mr. Lee, don't tell me…" Jin Young trailed as his face paled.



"Wait, not fight." he said. "It should be……" he trailed."…….. kill." he finished as an evil smile started to cross his face.










Seungri shifted to his side trying to get his sleep. It was already 3:40 in the morning and still, his eyes were wide open. He sighed heavily and shifted to his other side again. He groaned and sat up on his bed. He raked his hair in frustration, trying to rationalize his thinking. His thoughts were continuously flying back when he kissed Chaerin all of a sudden.



"Why the hell did I do that?" he asked himself as he let his body dropped to his bed. But more importantly, how did she managed to tucked him down just like that? And it seems like she came from above him, not behind him.



He closed his eyes, trying to forget the that moment and their kiss but he failed. In fact, it only comes back more and clearer. He groaned in frustration as he turns around, now he is lying on his stomach.



"Let me sleep!" he exclaimed, the pillows muffling his voice.





Later that day. . .





Dara went inside the coffee shop and roamed her eyes around to look for Bom but she spotted Seungri instead. Her brows furrowed in confusion. She was about to take another seat when all off a sudden, Seungri called him. Dara went to him and greeted him.



"Seungri. What are you doing here?" she asked.



"Noona, didn't Bom noona inform you?" Seungri asked.



Dara shook her head. "About what?" she asked.



"Noona can't come with you since they need her help for the festival. So she called me instead." he explained.



Dara sighed. Why didn't she tell me?" she asked.



"She probably forgot about it." Seungri said. Dara nodded. "So, let's go?" he asked.



"You know where we're going?" she asked.



Seungri smiled at her and nodded. "Don't worry, I won't tell hyung." he promised.




Getting up from his seat, he ushered Dara out of the Coffee Shop and towards the streets of Hongdae. They roamed their eyes around to look for apartments located at a good location and are affordable.



"Noona, how will you pay the rent?" Seungri asked as they continued walking around Hongdae.



"I have a part time job." she answered.



"Oh. Does hyung know about your job?" he asked while shoving his hands inside his pocket.



Dara shook her head. "Not yet. I'll tell it to him later." She said, though she's not really sure if she'll really tell Jiyong about her work and her looking for an apartment.



"Oh. Okay." he said. "Is he home?" he asked.



"No. He told me he has work on his father's company." she answered as she roamed her eyes around the place.



Seungri stopped from walking, making Dara stop as well. Dara look up to him and saw that he is looking up ahead.



"Noona, how about here?" he asked while looking at a building. Dara followed his gaze and inspected the place.



"Let's take a look." she said.




After a few hours. . .




Dara and Seungri sat down on one of the tables inside a restaurant to take some rest and to order something for their tummies. They sighed heavily after making themselves comfortable on the chair.



"Noona, just live with hyung. I'm sure he won't mind." Seungri said as he take a gulp from the glass of water placed on their table.



"We only agreed that I'll stay at his place for two weeks." Dara said, matter--of-factly.



"Noona, I have a favor about that two weeks." Seungri said.



Dara's brow raised. "Hmmm? What is it?" she asked.



"Make it forever." Seungri answered, making Dara speechless.








Jiyong walked his way toward the elevator of their company. He is dressed in a red long sleeved polo which is buttoned up to his neck topped with black suit. He is also wearing black pants and leather shoes. As he exited the lift, his father's secretary stood up immediately after seeing him approaching. He bowed down to give respect to him and Jiyong nodded once to acknowledge him.



His father's secretary sat down and pressed the pager on his desk. "Mr. Kwon, your son has arrived." he informed him.



"Tell him to come in." Mr. Kwon said on the other line.



"Neh." his secretary answered and nodded to Jiyong.



Jiyong walked to his father's office without knocking. Not minding to look at his father, Jiyong walk over to one of the couch and sat down.



"I heard you're meeting someone." his father said from his desk, not looking up to him. Jiyong did not answer. "Mind introducing her to me and your mother?" he asked again, but still, Jiyong did not say anything.



"She's a rare beauty, don't you think?" his father said, and almost immediately, Jiyong's face darkened. His jaw clenched but still, he did not say anything. Sensing that Mr. Kwon won't get any information from his son, he decided to drop the topic. Even though Mr. Kwon is strict, he just wanted what's best for his son that is why he's always nagging him to be more responsible. And he also wants to get close to Jiyong like the time when he was still a kid. He is hoping that someday, he would hear his son tell him stories on how his day has been, if he get into a fight, whom he's dating; stuffs a normal young lad would experience at his age. But Jiyong can't seem to see his father's real self.



"Jiyong, I need you to meet some of the suppliers. Get ready in five." his father said as he toss a blue folder on the table in front of Jiyong.



Jiyong just looked at the folder, not saying anything.



"What are you still doing here?" His father asked.



Without saying anything, Jiyong stood up and grabbed the folder from the table. He turned around and left the office before his father could even say anything more. He has his own office at their company, but he rarely visits it since he rarely goes to their company.







Author's Note:

Just as most of you guys requested, I made this chapter to enlighten you guys about the Dome ^_________^ and who requested for RiRin moments? is what happened in this chapter okay? kkkkkk



After this chapter, I don't know when will I be able to update again. WHY?

1) Classes will start on Monday, and I'll be busy studying.

2) I don't have my own laptop where I can write new chapters. Actually, I have a laptop, but my parents don't want me to bring it with me since I'm staying at a dorm.

I'll TRY to update maybe once, twice ot thrice a week. It depends. T_____T I hope you'll still keep on reading this fic. I'll try to update whenever I can and finish this story. *u*




- MsGeeDee

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Epilogue updated! + Gallery ^___^


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Chapter 45: I think this was my 3rd time to read this amazing story and one of the best daragon fanfic story ❤️❤️
Chapter 46: Re reading this amazing story and i included as one of my favorite daragon story ❤️
Tariki_inday #3
Chapter 46: One of the great stories i've read about DARAGON...
Chapter 46: This was another amazing story I was read specially my favorite character u featuring in your beautiful story and also with gallery I thank u for sharing with us.
MsGeeDee #5
Hi all, this is MsGeeDee.

It's been a while since I opened this account. I know lots of you are upset with me leaving this account behind :)

First of all, for those of you who are wishing to read the 2 years that was skipped on this story's ending, I'm afraid it won't get written, ever. Or to those saying that there were a lot of missing/unresolved plots on this story, please bear with me.

Kindly understand that this story was written way way back 2013, when I was a mere 19 year old lady and was at the peak of my fangirling days. Unfortunately, this was the maximum writing capability that I had 6 years ago.

Thank you, though. Thank you so much. For still checking out this story despite all the incorrect grammars, cringey names and scenes (who would've thought that Winner's fandom would be named INNER CIRCLE, right? what a coincidence XD ), missing plots, and the fast pacing.

For those who are wondering if this story will be rewritten/edited for a better version, I'm afraid no. This story will stay as is, mainly because I'm proud I got to finish it and despite its and my shortcomings, you guys still loved it :)

An update of my fangirl life: I still love Jiyong and Dara so much, I still support them. I went to BIGBANG's concert last 2015, and to Jiyong's ACT III: MOTTE concert (in Manila might I add lol I was so high that night that I got to see both of them, in person, together at the same stage <3 ). I still listen to KPOP songs, but is not much of a fangirl as I did years ago. I just mostly listen to the YG babies. I'm also up to date with all the controversies </3. Finally, you could say that as a fangirl, I have matured, but still love them nonetheless.

Again, thank you very much for all the love and support <3

Chapter 45: The strory are good... However, there were plot that remain unsolve for me... It feels like a lot of were skipped... But still i enjoyed reading this.. Good job !!????
Chapter 46: I. LOVE. THIS. STORY. Everything abt it.
But... Its just the ending felt rush..
Know what i'm saying?
Or i just want to read more abt Kwon's effort in getting dee back... Like she went thru A LOT. Literally. I need something to justify the pain she went thru even before she left. She was pregnant while chasing kwon ffs! I'm sensitive with preggy ladies who suffered.. And i know he did something for 2 years but i want to read his pov while doing so. He also dated other girls and shived it to her face ffs! He doesn't deserve to be forgiven easily. What i'm trying to say is.. I want to see him under fire for all the things he did. I mean it.
Chapter 42: I've been holding myself back but ... THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO INNER CIRCLES WHEN THERE'S NO NEWS OF WINNER'S CB. LMFAO ok continue scrolling xD
Chapter 32: Wait whut!? Bwahahahaha lol ji! After countless slow burn of chapters you hit us with i love you!? LMFAO Epic character is EPIC AF!!! HENGSHO BTXCHES!
Chapter 1: Seraph? Omo... Angelssss