Twenty4: Scandal

A Change Of Heart


Friday came and TOP had to leave for Japan at seven in the morning. Bom stayed at his place the night before since TOP insisted on her staying for the night.  She had already informed TOP that she will accompany her to somewhere over the weekend so he has nothing to worry about. TOP asked where they're going, and Bom told him the truth. He asked if Jiyong already knows about it, but Bom shook her head and told him that he should let Dara tell it to him herself, making TOP nod. Bom did not send TOP to the Gimpo Airport anymore since she still has class and she's also busy in preparation for the festival. So before heading to the airport, TOP insisted to give her a ride to the university.



"You sure you'll be okay?" TOP asked again after they got out of the car. Clearly, he doesn't want to leave.



Bom sighed. "Tabi, for the nth time, I'll be fine." she answered as TOP encircled his arms around Bom to hug her to which Bom returned. They stayed like that for a few minutes before he pulled away a bit but still kept his arms around her.



TOP pouted like a little boy, making Bom roll her eyes. "Babe, you should go. Appa will blame me again for keeping you late if you arrive even a millisecond later than your check in." she said.



"Tch. I know he's on your side." TOP said but sighed nonetheless. "Babe, stop me please?" he whined. "I really don't wanna go." he pouted.



"Tabi, I'll see you on Monday. Don't be a kid." She said and tried to pull herself from TOP's arms but he won't budge.



"I need a compensation if you want me to go." TOP said.



Bom sighed, knowing that he won't really go if she won't agree. "Fine, what is it?" she asked as she leaned her chin to TOP's chest and look up to him.



"That's a promise?" TOP asked childishly. Bom nodded. "I'll tell you when I get back." He said and leaned down to kiss her passionately. After a few seconds of lip locking, TOP pulled away and gave her a peck one last time before releasing her.



"Take care. I love you." Bom said and smiled sweetly at him.



"I love you too babe. See you on Monday." he said and walked around to get inside his car. He opened the window on the passenger seat. "I'll call you." he said and Bom nodded. Bom blew a kiss on him and he smiled in return and with that, he sped away.










Seungri and Daesung were sitting inside theit classroom, waiting for their other friends. Seungri is talking about the blonde girl who is looking very suspicious at the Gizibe club and also about her looking for Dara and Chaerin. Daesung asked what did he answer, and sighed in relief when Seungri told him that he told her that he doesn't know them.



"How suspicious did she looked?" Daesung asked.



"She's in all blue, wearing blue fitted jeans and a hanging blue long sleeved dress. And a belt with a little bag is on her waist"



"Yah, what's so suspicious about that?" Daesung asked.



"She has a katana." He informed her.



"Dude, in case you don't know, a katana is like a samurai sword. How did she manage to bring it inside?" Daesung asked.



"I know what a katana is." Seungri retorted. "I don’t know how she managed, but I just saw the logo of Samurai Society on the handle." he said.



"Samurai Society?" Daesung asked in confusion. It is his first time to hear it and he can't believe that Seungri knows something about those things.



"It is a society of people who are practicing on how to wield a sword. They are also making and selling the best quality when it comes to swords." Seungri answered. Daesung was about to say something but Seungri interrupted him before he could say anything. "And I can't be mistaken about the logo since my father has one at home." he informed him.



"Why don't we asked noona and Chaerin then?" Daesung asked.



"Okay." Seungri answered and roamed his eyes around just in time when the door opened revealing Jiyong and Dara.



Daesung and Seungri's brows raised in amusement  after seeing the two entered the room together. They eyed each other and then gazed back to their two friends who sat on their own chairs now. Daesung cocked his head to the side, trying to command Seungri to asked their hyung. Seungri leaned his head backwards and shook his head, totally not agreeing about it. He pouted his lips to Daesung and widened his eyes for a bit to him to tell him that he should do it instead. Daesung glared at him, and Seungri glared back.



"I heard you came together?" they heard Youngbae ask. Both their heads turn only to find him already sitting beside Jiyong.



"Who?" Jiyong asked, not looking at him.



"Dara." Youngbae answered. Jiyong nodded, making Daesung and Seungri gasp exaggeratedly like a girl.



"He did not deny it." Daesung whispered to Seungri as both their heads leaned closer together.



"I saw it too." Seungri said.



"What's happening?" Daesung asked again.



"Hyung is already comfortable around noona." Seungri answered.



Youngbae turned his head to the direction of Daesung and Seungri, and when he saw them whispering to each other, he just rolled his eyes and shook his head.










Bom sighed after hearing what the other officers suggested. She's tired and hungry but she chose not to go out until their meeting is over. They're currently revising some plans for the festival and almost all the plans were signed. They just needed some more suggestions and if everyone agreed to it, then they'll be done with it. So far, they'll be having different booths, food stalls, and other things. A boy band will be playing at the last day of the festival after the University's Goddesses'.



After finally finishing everything, Bom slipped away from the SC room and walked down the corridor. She exited the building and headed to the next building for her class. On her way, her phone suddenly rang and she took it out. She immediately answered, not bothering to look at the caller ID.



"Yeoboseyo?" Bom answered.



"Bom-ssi, are you free tomorrow?" the person asked on the other line.



"Why?" she asked.



"I'm afraid we'll need your help for the preparation." the person on the other line who turns out to be the SC president, answered.



"I already have an appointment…" Bom trailed but stopped after an idea popped into her mind. She stopped walking.



"Oh, I see. It's-------"



"Wait, I think I'm clear tomorrow." she interrupted the SC president and continued walking again.



"No, it's okay Bom. You can't--------"



"It's okay. I'll go." she said and hanged up.



Not long after that, her phone rang again. She rolled her eyes in annoyance and answered without looking on who the caller was.



"Yoona, I said I'll go." Bom said as she entered the building where her next class will be.



"Where?" a deep voice asked on the other line. Bom's eyes widen and pulled away her phone away from her ear  to look at the caller ID. She crunched her face after and put back the phone on her ear.



"Tabi." Bom answered. "Sorry about that." she apologized.



"Who were you talking to?" he asked.



"Yoona. It's about the preparations for the festival. She's asking if I can help them tomorrow." Bom explained. As she walk upstairs.



"What about your appointment with Dara?" he asked.



"Don't worry about that. I'll talk to her." She said. "How's Japan?" she asked.



"More prettier with you." he answered. Bom giggled in response. "Babe, I miss you already." TOP said.



Bom smiled sweetly, even though he can't see her. "I miss you too."








Dara is struggling to free her face from a few strands of her hair that keeps on coming back to block her face. She's wiggling her face left and right but her hair just won't listen to her. She's currently at the Art Room, painting something on a canvass with the other students doing the same on their own. They were told to paint using their hands, while the boys were told to paint using a watercolor. And since her hands were full of paint, she can't hold her hair using her hands. She sighed heavily and pouted, still not able to put the strands of her hair at her back.



All of a sudden, someone tucked her hair on her ear for her. She turned her head to her side and saw Jiyong, standing beside her, looking at the thing she painted.



"Jiyong." Dara called. Jiyong looked at him and raised his brow.



"Can you help me tie my hair?" she asked as she pointed the ponytail on the table beside her where the paints where placed.



Jiyong followed Dara's finger saw the ponytail. Without saying anything, he picked up the ponytail on the table and went in front of Dara, instead of going behind her. He raised both his hands at Dara's temple and scooted her hair away from her ear all the way to the back of her head. He did the same to the other strands of her hair, with his hands tying them together.



Dara just watched him tie her hair. She expected him to reject her, but he didn't. Dara found herself staring at Jiyong's face. His hair on his forehead, his strong jawline, his nose, brown orbs, and finally his lips. Again, she felt her heart beat raise a million times. Slowly, a pink tint appeared at her cheeks.



Dara woke up from her reverie when she felt that Jiyong is done tying her hair. To hide her blushing cheeks, Dara smiled brightly at him.



"Thank you." She said.



"Next time, tie your hair first." he said and Dara nodded immediately.



When Jiyong turned around to go back to where he was working, he met everyone's gaze. Some of them have their eyes wide open, and their mouths open as well. Others stayed still on their own positions while watching them. Some even dropped the paintbrush they were holding. It turns out that all of them are watching from the moment when Jiyong walked to Dara. And it shocked them, even their professor, when Jiyong did tie Dara's hair after she asked him to. Just like Dara, they expected him to reject Dara asking for his help, but he didn't. To some guys, they would feel that tying a woman's hair is kinda gay, but to Jiyong, he doesn't care.



Jiyong started walking  back to his work area, totally not caring about his classmates' gaping at what he just did.



Their professor cleared his throat to get his class' attention. "Focus people!" he said a bit louder for his students to hear.





Minutes later…





The students immediately rushed outside the Art Room after their classes ended. Some of them literally run at the computer laboratory, while others went to their group of friends.  Within a matter of seconds, all the student body already know about Jiyong tying Dara's hair. Rumors about Jiyong and Dara's relationship spread all throughout the campus, now with different versions. Even the workers at the school and the professors were talking about it.



Some girls who were jealous of Dara called her different names like , , and other terms. While some guys who are fascinated to Dara were also envious of Jiyong. They were calling Jiyong lucky because he's not only rich, famous and goo-looking, but he also has a beautiful and very kind girlfriend.









Jiyong walked inside the cafeteria and immediately, the loud talks turn into whispers. All heads would constantly look to their friends then to Jiyong who is walking like there is no problem and then back to their friends. They would whisper incoherent words to one another like they know the whole story about Jiyong and Dara.



"I saw the video. Gosh, that girl is a ." one of them said.



"I know right?" another agreed to her friend as she watch Jiyong nonchalantly took the seat in front of Dara.



"Though I can't believe Jiyong-oppa would really tie her hair." the first one said.



"Yeah, I'm jealous." The other one said.



While they were busy talking to each other, they didn't notice Sulli walking towards the direction of Jiyong and his friends' table. She stopped at Dara's side and opened the lid of the juice she's drinking. Without waiting any second, she poured the contents to Dara's head, making Dara gasped and stop from eating. Her friends, Seungri, Daesung and Youngbae also gasp. Jiyong's eyes widen in disbelief about what Sulli did.



Everyone at the canteen gasped as well after seeing what Sulli did. Some of Jiyong's fan girls smirked, totally happy with the scene, while others pitied Dara.



"YAH! WHAT THE ?" Seungri shouted to Sulli as he stood up and was about to grab Sulli's hand when he stop. He saw Dara standing up and slowly grab her plate.



Dara turned around to face Sulli with a serious expression. After a few seconds, she then smirked, and without saying anything, pushed her plate still full of food to Sulli's face. She did it but not in a very forceful way that would hurt Sulli's face. Her purpose is to just put the food to Sulli's face, just like what she deserves. Just like earlier, a mouthful of gasps were heard from the people inside the cafeteria. Jiyong and the other boys' mouth hanged open, shocked at what Dara just did.



Another mouthful of gasps were heard again when Bom suddenly appeared beside Sulli and poured the contents of her milkshake to Sulli's head.



"Don't think too high of yourself." Bom said and smirked. She turned her body to her right to face Dara just in time to see her sit down again.



Dara sighed and look up only to find Jiyong standing to her right and handing his hand to her. Dara's brow raised in confusion but still handed him her hand. All of a sudden, Jiyong pulled her up and dragged her outside the cafeteria all the way to his car.



"Jiyong, where are we going?" Dara asked as her face flush while looking at their hands.



"You need to change." Jiyong said and led her inside his car. He closed the passenger door and went to the driver's seat.



"I can't go home. I still have class." Dara said.



"Who said we're going home?" he asked as he turnes right and after a few minutes, pulled his car into a halt in front of a boutique. Dara read the name of the boutique and frowned. Jiyong went down from his car and Dara did the same. As they enter the boutique, a lady greeted them.



"Yes sir, ma'am. Welcome to Starly Shop." The lady greeted. "May I help you?" she asked.



"Get her some comfortable dress." Jiyong said. The lady nodded and smiled politely at them.



"This way ma'am." The lady said as she guided Dara to where the clothes are. While they were busy, a woman approached Jiyong.



"Jiyong!" she asked. Jiyong turned his head to the side and saw Han Byul walking to her.



"Noona." Jiyong greeted.



"What are you doing here?" she asked.



"I just accompanied Dara. She needs new clothes." He answered as he turned his head back to where Dara is, talking to the lady.



"Oh?. Why, what happened?" she asked. Jiyong looked back at his noona.



"Long story." he said, not wanting to tell her the story.



"Jiyong." Dara called and immediately, Jiyong looked at her.



He gave a small smile after seeing Dara wearing a simple denim pants and white blouse. Han Byul frowned, not pleased with Dara's choice of clothes.



"Dara, you should have gotten a dress." Han Byul said.



"Oh no. This will do. Besides, I'm not really comfortable in a dress." she said, making Han Byul pout, but nodded after.



After they were finished, Jiyong told Dara that he will pay for the clothes but Dara insisted on paying. Han Byul told them it's on the house, so they didn’t argue anymore. They bid goodbye to Han Byul and drove back to the university.







DARAGON CONVO so cute!! :3




Authors Note:

Dodoong! Chapter 24 updated! Hope you guys like it ^_________^ And sorry for late updates T_____T Sorry also for those who mentions me on twitter but receives no reply from me. I sometimes don't see your tweets.



Shoutout to OhItsLAI :

Saengil Chukha Hamnida / Happy Birthday / Maligayang Kaarawan / Otanjoubi Omedettou / Feliz Complanos to you LAI-ssi!! kkkkk Enjoy your day :)


- MsGeeDee

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Epilogue updated! + Gallery ^___^


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Chapter 45: I think this was my 3rd time to read this amazing story and one of the best daragon fanfic story ❤️❤️
Chapter 46: Re reading this amazing story and i included as one of my favorite daragon story ❤️
Tariki_inday #3
Chapter 46: One of the great stories i've read about DARAGON...
Chapter 46: This was another amazing story I was read specially my favorite character u featuring in your beautiful story and also with gallery I thank u for sharing with us.
MsGeeDee #5
Hi all, this is MsGeeDee.

It's been a while since I opened this account. I know lots of you are upset with me leaving this account behind :)

First of all, for those of you who are wishing to read the 2 years that was skipped on this story's ending, I'm afraid it won't get written, ever. Or to those saying that there were a lot of missing/unresolved plots on this story, please bear with me.

Kindly understand that this story was written way way back 2013, when I was a mere 19 year old lady and was at the peak of my fangirling days. Unfortunately, this was the maximum writing capability that I had 6 years ago.

Thank you, though. Thank you so much. For still checking out this story despite all the incorrect grammars, cringey names and scenes (who would've thought that Winner's fandom would be named INNER CIRCLE, right? what a coincidence XD ), missing plots, and the fast pacing.

For those who are wondering if this story will be rewritten/edited for a better version, I'm afraid no. This story will stay as is, mainly because I'm proud I got to finish it and despite its and my shortcomings, you guys still loved it :)

An update of my fangirl life: I still love Jiyong and Dara so much, I still support them. I went to BIGBANG's concert last 2015, and to Jiyong's ACT III: MOTTE concert (in Manila might I add lol I was so high that night that I got to see both of them, in person, together at the same stage <3 ). I still listen to KPOP songs, but is not much of a fangirl as I did years ago. I just mostly listen to the YG babies. I'm also up to date with all the controversies </3. Finally, you could say that as a fangirl, I have matured, but still love them nonetheless.

Again, thank you very much for all the love and support <3

Chapter 45: The strory are good... However, there were plot that remain unsolve for me... It feels like a lot of were skipped... But still i enjoyed reading this.. Good job !!????
Chapter 46: I. LOVE. THIS. STORY. Everything abt it.
But... Its just the ending felt rush..
Know what i'm saying?
Or i just want to read more abt Kwon's effort in getting dee back... Like she went thru A LOT. Literally. I need something to justify the pain she went thru even before she left. She was pregnant while chasing kwon ffs! I'm sensitive with preggy ladies who suffered.. And i know he did something for 2 years but i want to read his pov while doing so. He also dated other girls and shived it to her face ffs! He doesn't deserve to be forgiven easily. What i'm trying to say is.. I want to see him under fire for all the things he did. I mean it.
Chapter 42: I've been holding myself back but ... THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO INNER CIRCLES WHEN THERE'S NO NEWS OF WINNER'S CB. LMFAO ok continue scrolling xD
Chapter 32: Wait whut!? Bwahahahaha lol ji! After countless slow burn of chapters you hit us with i love you!? LMFAO Epic character is EPIC AF!!! HENGSHO BTXCHES!
Chapter 1: Seraph? Omo... Angelssss