Onew & Youngmi

H o l i d a y P a r a d i s e


Onew could not believe that the girl he had asked out in the beginning wasn’t rejecting Junhyung like he had been!

Was he not as good as Junhyung?!

He was last.

The first time he had been last.

Onew isn’t as competitive as Minho is, but regardless, he didn’t like the fact that he had just lost to a dongsaeng, and a hoobae.

He walked up to the last girl and said, politely though he was gritting his teeth.

“May I sit?” He’s eyes were clouded with anger that he could not see the reaction of the girl. If he had paid any amount of attention, he would’ve noticed the necklace she wore with his name on it with flowers. He would’ve also noticed that her dark eyes, that was a second ago filled with hatred, was now filled with pure love and care.

“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Jang Youngmi!” Onew looked at the girl but wasn’t really looking.

He could hear the voice of that girl giggling and talking to Junhyung in a way that made him clench his fist.

“I’m Onew.” He tried his best to forget that he had just been rejected but the whole feeling would not leave him even after the plane finally took off.

He looked straight forward and with real determination, tried to ignore the couple next to him but he did not succeed. The corner of his eyes kept drifting back to them and he hated what he saw every single time!

How could he, leader of SHINee, be rejected by a girl like her?! He was going to do everything in his power to gain her!

This was just a show. But that didn’t mean he could steal her away!

His eyes were glued to the couple however, another pair of eyes, just as strong as his, was glued on to him…


Youngmi was so angry that a girl like her just rejected her soul mate!

She probably would’ve been angry regardless even if she had said yes but still, rejected Onew?!

How could she do that?! Did she not know who Onew is?!

She wasn’t about to let something like that go any time soon. She was going to get back at her, one way or another. No one, no one disses her idol like that. No. One.

However, she was still glad that Onew was sitting next to her!

When he had sat down, he saw that he was holding onto her picture that the PD of this show had asked them to take of themselves and she was glad that Onew had initially chosen her but had probably gotten side-tracked.

She watched Onew sit down with his hand clenched into such a tight fist she cringed. She saw the sheer determination in his eyes and smiled.

Youngmi loved Onew and was glad that he wasn’t the idol he shows everyone to be; a kind, caring and helpful idol who had so many skills that two hands weren’t enough to count. Youngmi saw that Onew was still human, still had emotions like jealousy, determination and that’s exactly what made her fall so madly in love with him.

Suddenly, from the corner of her eyes, she saw that the girl sitting in front of the girl who rejected Onew get up from her seat and turned to the girl sitting by Junhyung.

“Hyejae-ssi! You like Junhyung huh?”

Youngmi saw the girl blush lightly and nod.

“Wait, Hyejae-ssi, are you my eonni? Or dongsaeng?”

“How old are you?” She replied with a small smile and Youngmi was dying to know how old this ‘Hyejae’ was also.

“I’m 18!”

Hyejae laughed and said,

“And I’m 19. So I guess I’m older than you.”

“Then I can call you eonni?” Hyejae laughed again and from the corner of her eye, she saw Onew’s fist clench even tighter if that was possible.

“No problemo. Minhee right?” The girl sitting next to Nichkhun nodded

“But Minnie’s fine too.” Hyejae smiled.

Minhee/Minnie then sat back down, seemingly satisfied.

Youngmi leaned past Onew and with a smile as big as she could manage (since she didn’t like Hyejae what so ever) she said, introducing herself,

“Annyeonghaseyo Hyejae-ssi! I’m Jang Youngmi!” She could tell that she had taken Youngmi by surprise.

She smirked inside but she was smiling inside.

“Ah! Ne! Annyeonghaseyo!” Youngmi gave Hyejae an over friendly smile and then sat back in her seat, Onew was still looking forward.

Her smile began to disappear as she saw Onew getting more and more distressed over Hyejae. She decided that it was time to have Onew’s eyes on someone else’s besides Hyejae.

“Onew-ssi!” She said, putting both hands on his midsection of his lower arm.

He turned around, his eyes slightly unfocused as if he was thinking.

Youngmi knew who he was thinking about and unconsciously, she tightened her hand around Onew’s lower arm but then he felt Onew squirm under her hands and let him go with a smile.

A genuine one.

“Want to play truth or dare?” He gave her a small smile and Youngmi’s heart had a crazy spaz attack.


you guys HAVE to forgive me for neglecting this fanfic >< >< i simply have so many fanfics going on right now that i have no time...and plus, i have finals TT if i wasn't so bored at the moment, i would definitely not be updating >< i hope you guys will understand!!! TT biaaannnnnn <3

and im so sorry for the short chapter >< im going to try my best to rite about 3 more chapters today >< 


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Please updateeeee I love ur stories :)
(y) !! <3 !!
angelica-swagirl #3
OTL i havent noticed you updated<br />
this reminds me king of idols XDDD aweeeeh poor onew rejectedd
Oh wow o.o I thought you actually deleted this to be honest x.x;<br />
Thanks for updating it though ^^<br />
It is a little short but it's better than nothing<br />
Try to update again soon.
your poster is ready for pick-up :)
HinaMomochan #6
angelica-swagirl #8
HERE!!! :3
HinaMomochan #10
Can't wait ^_^ HWAITING