Pre-Episode #3: Park MinHee 박민희

H o l i d a y P a r a d i s e


PD: Wow, it’s now officially the 3rd pre-episode of Holiday Paradise! I feel like this show is going to be a big hit! Let’s get straight to it shall we? Let’s welcome the third girl, Park Minhee!


PD: (laughs) You sure seem hyper!

Minhee: (laughs) Of course!

PD: Shall you describe yourself in a few sentences for us?

Minhee: Nee~! I’m a very hyper girls who is very outgoing and is easy to get along with! I like looking at the good side of things rather than the bad side. My dad describes me as “happy go lucky” and I think I’m really like that!

PD: Have you always been this high?

Minhee: YUP~!

-- Both laughs –        

PD: What about when you’re sad?

Minhee: I don’t cry often. However, when I am sad I try to not cry in front of others because I don’t want my happy image ruined (laughs). I don’t particularly know WHY I don’t like crying…it’s just never been a part of my agenda I guess…

PD: So, who did you come to this show for?

Minhee: (giggles) Nickhun oppa…

PD: Ah, 2PM Nickhun-ssi…waeyo? Why Nickhun?

Minhee: I just…really love him. (embarrassed)

PD: What about him?

Minhee: I love it how he’s so innocent. I love it how he’s so loyal to his friends and that he’s always smiling through everything. I love his patience for everyone else and his professionalism. He’s always trying his best.

PD: What about his group?

Minhee: I didn’t actually choose his group…

PD: (shock! Horror!) Why not?! What group did you choose?!

Minhee: (embarrassed) I didn’t think that I would need to choose the group Nickhun oppa is in…did I have to?

PD: Well, you didn’t, that’s the truth…what group did you choose then?

Minhee: I actually chose MBLAQ.

PD: Waeyo?

Minhee: I think most girls probably said the same thing to get into this program however, I think that all of them are saying the truth.

PD: What are you talking about?

Minhee: The other girls reason as to why they love their idol group.

PD: You mean…?

Minhee: Majayo. I love MBLAQ because of their outgoing and straightforward personality. Despite their idol status, they always seem to be like a normal person in front of the camera and isn’t ever afraid of showing their true and dorky sides in front of their fans. Their not like other idol groups who are sometimes putting up an act for their fans but then is completely a different person in front of people they know well.

PD: Do you have a personally favourite member of MBLAQ?

Minhee: Yeah, I really like MIR and Joon. It’s always been really hard for me to choose between the two members because both of them are the most natural in the group and show their real sides more, compared to the other members of their groups and that’s what makes me love them.

PD: MIR-ssi was a choice in this variety, how come you didn’t choose him but Nickhun-ssi?

Minhee: (embarrassed) I was debating really hard about out of the two who I should choose and I ended up choosing Nickhun.

PD: You sound like you’re becoming doubtful about your choice…


PD: (laughs) Arasso Minhee-ssi! So Minhee-ssi, do you travel around the world a lot?

Minhee: Ne! I really like going around the world so when I was young every time I had a break long enough my parents would take me over seas!

PD: Where have you been?

Minhee: I’ve actually been to Paris! It’s a city of love for sure! Canada. I didn’t really like it there…I guess that was because I went there during winter…too cold! I’ve also been to New York and Washington DC. New York…I want to go there again! I want to go shopping! (laughs) Lastly I’ve also been to Japan and Taiwan. Their great Asian countries!

PD: You’ve sure been to a lot of places!

-- Both laughs –

PD: Then I’m gathering that you don’t want to go anywhere else…in that case, moving on-

Minhee: Aniya! I still want to go to other places!

PD: (laughs) Where else?

Minhee: I want to go to Italy and try traditional pizza, spaghetti and gelato’s! I also want to visit Hong Kong and Florida because I really want to go to their Disney Land’s! As well as Mexico and Thailand!

PD: Wow, you want to go to all those places?

Minhee: (laughs, embarrassed) Ne~

PD: Do you want to visit Singapore too?

Minhee: (considers) Well, I’ve never heard about anything in Singapore…but that would be nice!

PD: (laughs) Moving on, what kind of people do you get along with?

Minhee: I’ve seen too many different types of girls so I have a preference. I like girls who are friendly and are themselves even when they are in front of boys. I’m not saying that they can’t flirt, it’s just that I’ve seen too many types of girls who become someone totally different in front of a boy, even if it’s a person that she will never date!

PD: Is that all?

Minhee: Of course not! I also like honest, understanding and clever people. Girls who are patient with my personality because I know a lot of people don’t like girls who act cute. I’ve never had a friend last for more than 6 months…so, I want to be able to have a friend that can understand my personality and is patient.

PD: What about types of girls you don’t like?

Minhee: Basically the opposite type of girls I can get along with. I dislike people who are two faced. I don’t like girls who over dose themselves with make up to look pretty. Every time I see a girl like that I always itch to ask them “doesn’t your face feel like it’s going to fall off?!”

-- Both laughs –

And I also dislike girls who start up false accusations even when they know themselves, that it isn’t true. It really ticks me off!

PD: Wow, I’ve never seen you get so annoyed!

Minhee: (blushes)

PD: (laughs) So, what are your hobbies?

Minhee: I really like being active a lot –

PD: I think we can tell.

-- Both laughs --

Minhee: So I enjoy things like swimming, ice skating, dancing and other sports. I also like to draw and sketch things and write stories when I have time.

PD: Do you write fanfics?

Minhee: (laughs) I do! Their really nice! I love to read them on a site I go on regularly!

PD: I see. Do you have any habits we should know about besides liking to talk a lot?

Minhee: (laughs and blushes) I have a habit of always being on time to any meeting or whatever, preferably I like being early and I’m also organised. I get kind of frustrated when things are messy. I guess that’s my good habits but my bad habits would have to be that I get really angry and pissed if I don’t get what I want.

PD: Example?

Minhee: So when I was 16, I wanted my parents to get me an iPod Touch but they wouldn’t get it for me because they said that it’s bad for my ears so in the end, I didn’t talk or communicate for them for a month and in the end, they got it for me, a month late.

PD: Wow…you’re not going to do that in the show right?

Minhee: (blushes) I’ll try my best!

PD: (laughs) Now, did you know anyone that applied for this show also? Because the previous girl, Jang Youngmi, who you will meet later when the show officially starts, had a sister called Lee Mai that also applied for her position but didn’t get in. What about you? Any friends or siblings?

Minhee: I had a friend and a sister apply. My friends name is Choi Jihye and my sister’s name is Park Jade.

PD: How did you tell them when you got in?

Minhee: Well, for starters, my friend Jihye was neutral. She said she didn’t care but I’m 100% sure that she did. My sister, well, let’s just say that we didn’t talk to each other for 2 weeks after I told her (laughs).

PD: Well, I hope she’s going to be much happier knowing that she’s still going to be a part of the show! We have a plan that we will be having all the siblings that applied to be together in a episode.

Minhee: Really?! That’s great! Because then I can feel less guilty if my sister met with Nickhun oppa too! (laughs)

PD: By the way, I forgot to ask, where are you from?

Minhee: I’m from LA actually. It’s a wonderful city! Have you ever been there?

PD: (laughs) I have once with my family. I agree, it’s a fabulous city.

Minhee: (nods)

PD: So, what kinds of things do you like and dislike?

Minhee: Firstly, I really LOVE stuffed animals. You have no idea HOW much! I also really love musical boxes because their really cute. For foods, I enjoy ice-cream whether its summer or winter. I also like Chinese style foods and Japanese foods! Sushi! (laughs) My favourite fruit has to be strawberries and my favourite drink is Bubble tea with pearls!

PD: Pearls?

Minhee: It’s a more simpler word for Tapioca.

PD: Ahh…what about things you dislike?

Minhee: I dislike spicy foods in general and chocolate cake! It’s way too sweet! I also don’t like herbal tea because their so bitter! I’m also afraid of heights…which is why I’ve been to Paris but I didn’t climb the Eiffel Tower even though that’s a highlight.

PD: No!

Minhee: (nods, embarrassed) Yeah…I didn’t go.

PD: Oh no! You should’ve!

Minhee: Maybe when I’m over my heights phobia I’ll go.

PD: (laughs) Well, it’s been lovely talking to a perky girl like you!

Minhee: (bows) Kamsahamnida!

PD: This concludes out THIRD pre-episode with the fan girls chosen for this show, Holiday Paradise. As a reminder, our first girl was Kang Hyejae with B2ST Yong Junhyung, our second girl is Jang Youngmi with SHINee leader Lee Jinki aka Onew and this is…

Minhee: Park Minhee-imnida! With 2PM Nickhun oppa!

PD: (laughs) Majayo. Shall you say some last words to the viewers?

Minhee: (bows) Please look after me!

PD: (laughs) You should be saying that to the idols and the girls!

Minhee: (blushes) Choesonghamnida…

PD: Kaenchana. Now, please wait next week for the 4th girl to come and have her own pre-episode! Good bye and good night!

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Please updateeeee I love ur stories :)
(y) !! <3 !!
angelica-swagirl #3
OTL i havent noticed you updated<br />
this reminds me king of idols XDDD aweeeeh poor onew rejectedd
Oh wow o.o I thought you actually deleted this to be honest x.x;<br />
Thanks for updating it though ^^<br />
It is a little short but it's better than nothing<br />
Try to update again soon.
your poster is ready for pick-up :)
HinaMomochan #6
angelica-swagirl #8
HERE!!! :3
HinaMomochan #10
Can't wait ^_^ HWAITING