
A matter of Life and Death



Even though the other represented something so fragile and vile as life, he wanted to believe that he was also a wonderful entity with his ridiculous perfection. He couldn't be completely bad if he could appreciate the beauty of his job and existence.
Maybe he was wrong once again, he wasn't the truth after all.
But Death himself couldn't help but to feel like a fool as he watched his ideal once again being shattered.
He was tightly griping his hand over the blonde's wrist, both--or the three of them more specifically, were on a white room. A dreadful room that could mean either. Life or Death.
Both of them were there, and ZiTao was begging, begging to the powerful entity to stop.
"Please, please YiFan stop it,"
He watched the girl trash on the hospital's bed in pain as life was transferred to her. It hurt him to see someone reaching for his hand, yet he could not grant her the promise of eternal peace.
"This girl is suffering too much with your horrible 'life'"
Once again, he faced the truth, being alive was so horrible and gruesome. Awful and painful. Why couldn't YiFan just let him embellish this creature? Letting her fade away would be the best.
But life was ugly, tormenting his eyes as the girl oozed of vitality. Vitality that only made her more hideous yet inviting.
All he had to do was to touch her hand, but Life wouldn't allow that, sadly.
Life was a cruel thing and entity, letting this little girl suffer the fate of a long, gruesome life. Filled with sorrow and shattered hope.
How could anyone describe life as something beautiful that made you bloom in happiness? This creature here was obviously in pain, oh how it made her even more desirable. ZiTao just wanted to cradle her in his arms and let the eternal sleep take over her, purifying and embellishing what life had done to her.
YiFan just looked at him with those cold eyes, the ones he should find endearing. But he found the ones that irradiated vitality more breath taking, even if they made him sick with the warmness that accompanied them.
"You know how cancer is, she can not die just yet,"
He snapped out of the compassionated entity's grip and smiled, a smile that made him want to throw up.
"So stop meddling, go and kill someone if that's what you want"
From his endless black orbs, one or two tears slipped. How could someone so majestic be so horrible and cruel? Where was the disgusting but understanding 'YiFan' he knew? The one that gave him a purpose for his existence? The one that would comprehend his job and not doubt him? 
Where was Truth?
He could only see cruel Life.
He gazed longingly one more time at the girl, if only...
"It's not about killing..."
He whispered as he turned around, feeling worse than ever. Taking in only now the disgusting scent of life that was all over the place.
"It's about sending them to a better place, an abyss of mute and astonishing tranquility"
He made his way out to seek on other rooms, he knew there had to be at least one pathetic human seeking and begging for him to make them beautiful.
Life definitely was an horrible thing.
He made deaf ears to YiFan's remark.
"You can't feel, stop idealising your duty, everyone hates you"
The greater entity smiled bitterly, once again he was hurting someone who supposedly was emotionless. Someone that he created soulless but that with his own determination and purity, managed to get one.
"You are as disgusting as me, ZiTao"
But to YiFan, no one was as despicable as himself. 

Still trying not to offend anyone or be un respectful to some uwu
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