Chapter 2

My Love Style, My I-Yah, My Girl

Heejin's POV

*drop some money, drop some money, drop some money!*I chanted continuously at the passing people on the street.*come on, just $20!drop it, drop it, drop it!*

I was about to turn my back and just give up until I heard a scream. Alarmed, I turned back to see a dog and slobbering all over a young man. I giggled when I saw that the man had put his wallet in his back pocket.*tsk, tsk, please fall out, dear wallet!There's no way I'm stealing!*

ASSA!The wallet fell out and I quickly ran up to snatch it while pretending to help the man up. Yes, I know it wasn't much better than stealing, but it's like taking something that someone forgot. Finder's keepers, right?

Now, to explain why I'm taking other people's belongings, I shall describe my state in three words: I am homeless.

Yes, I know, why is a pretty girl like me doing all alone in the big world, homeless? Well, three reasons: my parents are dead and can't support me, I'm too old to be going to an orphanage (not that I could trust a help program anyways), and I can't find a job. Every job that I looked for either rejected me for my lack of experience or my lack of cleaniness. Excuse me, I'd like to see you try taking a shower with no water or soap.

I looked inside the wallet and found at least $50! It was great to use for eating purposes, but why can't anyone just leave $1000 in their wallet so I can get an apartment or something?*Whatever, time to go settle down!* I walked back to where I usually sat, slept, and kept a look out for loose money. It was made of a few cardboard boxes and newspapers. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing. I kept it in a dark alley so I wouldn't be noticable.*ah, sweet dreams, Heejin!* I always find myself talking to myself, hehe. I guess it was a habit i picked up after living alone for over seven months.

I was closing my eyes when I felt this icky, cold substance touch my head and a heavy body sitting on me. My eyes flew open and I was about to scream, but I felt a warm hand cover my mouth.*WHAT THE FRICK?*


A/N waah my second chappie!isn't much but I'm getting there!yayyyy...!

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