Chapter II


[A/N] Yes, yes, I'm awesome~ :3



The next morning was cloudy, the clouds so close to the ground, that you could almost reach out and touch them. I groaned, not feeling like getting up for school, yet.

Finally, when I got up, I took a quick shower, and ran a brush through my wavy, dark brown hair. I dressed warmly, finally getting the feel of the autumn chill, and grabbed my bag, heading downstairs.

I grabbed a piece of toast and spread some strawberry jam on it, not feeling like I had much appetite. Before leaving, I brushed my teeth, gave a reassuring smile to myself in the mirror, and walked out with a quick goodbye hug to my parents. My brother, being the lucky one, still didn’t need to wake up for a couple hours.



When I walked into the typical looking high school with a name that I hadn’t bothered to pay attention to, it wasn’t hard to find the office, especially since it was the first room on the right when you walked in through the main entrance of the school.

The secretary smiled a bright smile at me,

“And you must be the new student, right? I’m Mrs. Kim, I have your schedule here…”

She rummaged through a pile of messy papers on her desk.

“Aha! Here it is,” She smiled with a grin that seemed to be much too bright on a day like this. I nodded with a forced smile,

“Thank you,” I said, just as the bell rang. When I walked out of the office, my smile disappeared, and I scanned my schedule while looking at the room numbers that I walked by.

“1206, 1206…” I murmured, before finally finding the room.

When I walked into the classroom, the teacher paused in the middle of her lecture and stared along with the rest of the class.

Finally, after a few seconds of awkward silence, the teacher stopped staring,

“Ahem, Class, I want you to meet our new student, Cassia Lee,” The teacher clapped politely, and the rest of the class followed suit. I nodded, mentally surveying my classmates.

They seemed like the normal stereotypical group of high school juniors. The jocks and people who were part of the sports teams were in the very back. The girls with makeup all over their faces and clothes that were smaller than their IQ divided by ten, were near them, gossiping and flirting with each other. The nerds and programming geeks were seemingly spread out across the room, but most of them were still concentrated near the front of the room.

I bowed lightly to the class,

“Hello, my name is Cassia Lee. I hope you’ll take care of me,” I muttered. A couple of boys at the back of the classroom wolf-whistled and I rolled my eyes, my assumptions confirmed. Typical high school. Now, I was faced with a dilemma. Where should I sit in homeroom? Was I going to sit near the front where are all the nerds were and become known as the new loser in this school or was I going to pretend to be like the girls in the back? I shuddered at both options and decided to sit in the middle of the classroom. Just like my appearance, I was once again stuck in the middle.

However, as soon as I put my stuff down, the class started whispering. The teacher had left us to ‘bond’ as a homeroom and wasn’t in the room anymore. The girls at the back started making pointed glances at me while gossiping. Even the nerds and geeks exchanged nervous glances at me from where I had chosen to sit. Was there something wrong with the seat? I wondered, slightly confused. In the end, I decided to ignore their whispering and pulled out a book from my backpack.

Finally, one of the girls from the back walked over to my seat with two of her friends.


“You can’t sit here,” she stated in a snobby, high-pitched tone, while raising her plastic nose high into the air. I raised an eyebrow, looking up from my book. At this point, the whole entire class was focused on our conversation, and we were at the center of attention. I calmly put a bookmark in the book, about to retort

“Oh?” I questioned calmly, raising an eyebrow. I could tell from her irritated look that she realized that my ‘oh’, was a taunt. Points to the stupid one. I thought, slightly amused at the thought. She looked like she was about to retort something when someone spoke in a soft voice from behind me,

“What seems to be the problem here?” The girls looked up and stared at someone behind me, gasping with overly dramatic expressions of shock.

“K-kris oppa…”

I rolled my eyes and turned around to look at a male with almost god-like features. I was sure at the moment that if I were any worse at keeping my emotions in check, my jaw would have hit the ground by now. My heart skipped a beat, but I kept my expression the same while not breaking the staring contest. His golden blonde hair was tousled in a 'not-bothered-to-style-it-after-waking-up-this-morning' manner, and his face was perfectly expressionless. There were five other also good-looking males standing behind him. His large hands gripped the back of my hair, and I looked up at him with a immaculately created bored expression.

“Why are you sitting in my seat?” He questioned, making me roll my eyes. Okay, flowers stop. Golden light cut. HALT. Finally a semi-exceptionally good-looking male, and he ends up being a total arse as well.

“I don’t see your name on it.” I retort. I hear the entire classroom inhale sharply at my comment, and I glanced up to see him furrow his eyebrows.

“Excuse me?”

“Do you have hearing problems or do you just want to get insulted again?” I asked nonchalantly, flipping open my book  to continue reading. I ignored the fact that my heart was thumping like crazy at just a glance of his face. His high cheekbones, his perfectly sculpted jaw… I mentally slapped myself when I realized what I was thinking. The entire class now seemed to be in a state of shock, but I ignored it all, intent on keeping my expression calm and continued reading like nothing had happened. Who does this guy think he is?

It was only until someone sat down in the seat next to me, purposely screeching the chair against the floor did I incline my head towards the noise slightly. I recognized in shock that it was the guy who had just complained about me sitting in his chair. Kris or something? I raised an eyebrow when he didn’t say anything and instead stared straight ahead, but turned back to my reading, despite the fact that I couldn’t concentrate at all with him sitting next to me.

There was an unexplainable feeling that tingled when he was next to me. Every little movement he made, made me twitch and feel the urge to look at him. It was like having a pink elephant sit next to you and you had to try and not stare at it. Well, quite an extremely handsome pink elephant, but still. It was almost like he was inhuman, with a strange musky scent and a leader-like aura that pulsed around him.

When the bell finally rang, signaling the end of homeroom, I slipped my book into my bag and left the classroom as quickly as I could, trying to get away from him.

[A/N] So my inspiration is currently still running pretty high so rest assured readers~ ^^

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Chapter 2: I like it so far~ xD your description is written really well c:
Chapter 2: it's a good chapter! ^^~
Chapter 1: you know, i like this chapter ^^ hehe gonna wait for the next update.