Chapter I



[A/N] First chapter is up~ ^^



           The cold light of the moon shone through the leafless forest, mocking my figure as I fled, running around trees, jumping over rocks, and dodging stray branches in my path. My breath was coming out as little white puffs in the frigid night air, and already I could feel myself getting winded at the nonstop sprinting. However, a low, threatening snarl from behind me spurred me on, adrenaline pounding through my veins.



            I fell forward, the seatbelt that encircled my torso snapping tightly as I did so. It was only a dream. I sighed in relief before realizing that the car had stopped. Reaching my hand up to retie my ponytail that had messed up in my sleep, I gave a tired smile to my dad who announced cheerfully what I had already realized. We were here.

            As you might have already guessed, I’m a regular seventeen-year-old girl.

           I have medium-length dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and an uneven skin tone. Completely average in every  possible way, I don’t stand out much anywhere.

           Then came the decision that changed my life more entirely than I could have ever thought.

           My parents had decided last minute, to move halfway across the country in the middle of my high-school life.

           Like any person who was tugged away from the city they had grown up and lived most of their life in, I disagreed entirely with my parent’s decision. But, nothing I said could have changed it, my dad already having found a new job there.

           And so, soon, my brother younger than me by five years and I, found ourselves standing on a small, shady lawn of dying, yellow grass, in front of a two-story house surrounded by trees and bushes, smack in the middle of absolutely nowhere, while our parents unloaded the family car they had shipped a week before.


            I walked up the unfamiliar stairs, to a bedroom on the second floor, which my parents had informed me to be mine. The little sunlight that was let in made the dust seem like little specks of confetti drifting through the air, mocking me by implying that this was a cause for celebration.

            It was medium-sized, but smaller than my old room. Leaving the two suitcases that I had brought of my old life near the bedroom door, I walked to the window and used all my strength to try and push it open. Giving up on opening it all the way, I left it half open, and let the chilly autumn air in, blowing the musty old smell away. Wiping my hands that were now covered with a layer of dust on my jeans, I surveyed the room with my hands on my hips. It had obviously once been a girl’s room, the light lavender colored walls being a dead giveaway. The only pieces of furniture left in it by the previous owners were a white desk and a matching bed with a thin mattress on it.


            A few hours later, the sun was setting outside the window, casting shadows across our front yard.

            I dragged my now empty suitcase across the creaky floor and into the corner of the built in closet and closed it. After spending an hour unpacking my stuff, while ignoring my mom’s calls to come downstairs, the room looked more like me. My coat was hanging on the back of the swivel chair, my laptop was charging on the desk, my blankets and pillows placed on the bed, along with my only teddy bear. My clothes were hanging on hangers in the closet, and my toiletries were in the small bathroom attached to my room.

             My mom, finally frustrated from my lack of response, knocked on my door and entered with a plate of my favorite chocolate chip cookies. She sat down next to me on the bed, and sighed, intertwining my hands with hers. Giving me a positive smile, she squeezed my hand gently in a comforting manner,

             “Don’t be too mad at us, alright? We never expected to be moving, and I know you’re mad about leaving all of your friends behind, okay?” I nodded, my ‘whatever-works-don’t-bother-me’ face still on. She sighed, and getting up placed the plate of cookies on the desk,

             “Tomorrow’s the first day of school, if you want, you can sleep early,” she offered, and then left, shutting the door behind her softly.

             I sighed, falling back onto my bed, and hugged my teddy bear. School. I had forgotten about school entirely, and was suddenly reminded of the fact that I would have to face an entire school of people already into their second week of school, tomorrow. Suddenly, sleeping early felt like an excellent idea.


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Chapter 2: I like it so far~ xD your description is written really well c:
Chapter 2: it's a good chapter! ^^~
Chapter 1: you know, i like this chapter ^^ hehe gonna wait for the next update.