
Light and Dark



Objects that can be pulled strongly by a magnet is called ferromagnetic






He looked at the mirror in front of him. After checking his face twice, he touched his chin lightly just to make sure things. He looked at the mirror again and then he smirked and chuckled softly. Damn, what a nice morning he thought. He took his blazer that he usually wears to go to school, and took his Louis Vuitton school bag and slightly put it on his shoulder. He put in just a few note books and an iPad.

He opened the giant door and just like any other boring morning, he was greeted by some maids who suddenly stopped what they’re doing and bowed to him. He didn’t even bother to look and just smiled lighly when his nana walked pass him and threw him a nod.

But when he was going downstairs, somebody blocked his way. And it was none other that his favorite noona.

“Noona, I’m going to school” he grinned at her noona. Tae Hee checked her watch and then gazed twice at her brother. She smirked and shooked her head while staring at her brother. “Jongin-ah, you are late by 26 minutes you know, and school starts at eight o’clock, what makes you woke up this late?”

Sulli, it’s because of her noona.

He smiled at his own thoughts. He remembered the day when he conffesed to his parents about their relationship. His mum was not please by what she saw, and his fathher just sighed in frustaration. The both of them was very un-pleasant by Sulli. And he didn’t even know why they were so not happy by his confession.  Kai shrugged it off smiled at his beloved noona.

“Nothing, I just wanted to rest a bit longer yesterday” Tae Hee just looked away and went to the kitchen to grab some snacks for his little brother. Soon, the boy followed after her and sat down at the huge sofa. He rested his  head and looked up to the ceilings of the mansion.

Tae Hee knocked her brother’s forehead. “Here, you’re going to be late, I made you a sandwich, eat it okay? No wasted food.”

“Yes noona, I will, I’m going” He waved his hand in the air while the other hand was holding the sandwich his Tae Hee had made.

She smiled at his back, her smile faded as soon as she got a call from a number she had known since forever. Her smile was back again when she answered the call. “Omma~, how’s africa?”

“It was wondeful darling. The traditions were dazzling and the people are so nice to new people, even though i have to bear the hot weather i have never been before haha”

She smiled. She paaused for awhile. “So mum, about your email this morning, I found the picture you requested, what’s with it?”

“Oh you found it! Oh goodie, they are me and your dad besties when we were still in college. We were really close at that time. Areen’t we a lovely group, haah memories do remains”

“Ofcourse mother. So? What not?” She took her lip gloss and put in lightly on her pinkish red lips.

“You know the Jung that had died in an air plane crash right? They’re them. And just like i said, memories remains, even the hurtful memories”

She heard her mother sighed. She looked at the picture closely. “So what to do with the picture?”

“I want you to regconize them, you see, So Hui said something to me before the accident happened. They told me to keep Soojung and Sooyeon. But Sooyeon is with Donghae, right? Can you help me by searching for Jung Soojung?”

“Hmm, maybe I can. I’ll ask Jessica then. She’s indeed her big sister.”

“Oh goodie honey, oh goodie”

After her mother hung up the phone, he pressed some number. She waited for 5 seconds when the person whom she had called answered her.

“This is Jessica, with who am I speaking?”

She took a peek at the picture. “Jessica, it’s me Tae Hee.”






Jung Soojung has always been the outdoor kind of girl. She had always love the morning breeze of the wind under the tree at her high school. It’s a cherry blossom tree. The tree was not to big, nor to small. And under the tree, there was a bench for two. But all this time, she had always been alone.

She inhaled the wind that gushes to her face and smiled softly. After the nice 20 minutes resting, she went to her class. She passed the crowd. Thay were whispering. She headed to her locker without caring about her surrounding. And when she finally arrived at the wide lobby of the school. She opened her locker slowly, she opened her locker and she gasped.

Her locker was filled with so many empty cans, sodas, milk, any kind of cans. The left over cans. And there was written “Can you help us throw our trashs?” . She took the paper and threw it on the ground. Some sstudents were still in the hallway, suddenly bursts into laughters when they saw her locker. Few of students inside the classes went out to see the scene.

“Hey, no littering you know!”

Somebody shouted from inside the class and brought some laughters.

The others were just staring and laughing like she was a book of jokes. And in the edge of the hallway, Sulli and Kai were walking hand in hands when they suddenly saw the unexpected scene. Sulli took a peek at Kai but Kai just keep on looking at it.

She growled and suddenly let go of his hands and walked towards the girl. She looked at the crowd and the crowd suddenly closed their mouths.

“Humiliation is not good too you know, same as littering, you are currently litterring your words.”

The crowd was silenced and all of them went inside their class, feeling shame.

Sulli turned around and looked at the her. “Hey, are you okay? Well I’m sure you are not-“

“I won’t say thank you for what you did.”

She was suddenly silenced when the cold aura gashes through her skin. Krystal just went off like that, not bothering even ssaying thank you to Sulli. But, Sulli just smiled at the back of the girl.

“It’s okay. I will still adore you” She whispered softly.

Kai just kept on looking from behind.






Kim Tae Hee walked out of her beautiful white hyundai, a gift from a friend of hers. Walking gracefully into the entrace lobby of Seoul High School. She was wearing a white plain shirt with a long tight jeans, with a Jimmy Choo heels and a broken white Hermes birkin bag. She walked inside and smiled at the teacher who was walking in front of her.

The teacher soon regconize her and greeted her.

“Tae Hee! What a coincidence meeting you here!” She hugged her favorite student. Yes, she attended Seoul High School before and she was the queenkas in the school. Or maybe her school. She was also the head of the drama club which has been performed in the states before. How lucky to be her.

She smiled and hugged back at Mrs. Oh. “How are you Mrs. Oh?”

She still looked stunning despite her old age. She still looked so fierce yet so beautiful. What can we say, Seoul High School is a place for beautiful people.

“Terrific, how about we have a little chat, shall we?” She offered her her hand.

“I’m really soryy, but i’m here because i kind of have a matter. An important matter. Will you help me, Mrs. Oh?” She asked her shyly.

“I will. So what is it?”

“Jung Soojung. Do you know her?”

She gasped then she clleared . “Of course i know her, she is one of the smartest student here.”

“Can  I meet her?”

She smiled again and walked. “Come, I’ll show you to her.”






Krystal was holding resting her head on the soft wooden table. She was writing all the notes that her teacher thaught her. She sighed in frustaration and tried to close her eyes. She was thinking about he incident this morning. It drives her crazy somehow. It was so different today. She thought about the help this morning from the girl named Sulli.

This has been the fourth time, she had helped her through her bullies. She really was confuse whether she should thank her or just let it be. She thought about it again when suddenly somebody tapped her head lightly. The teacher had found her closing her eyes.

She panicked. “Ugh, I’m so sorry-“

“No need to be. It seemed that somebody is here to see you.”

She looked at the way her teacher had pointed. She saw a beautiful, no, a gorgeous woman in the front door. The girl smiled softly at her. Everybody was shocked to see her, well indeed she was very popular. Present and in the past.

Kai was sleeping peacefully when Baekhyun suddenly nudge at him.

“Hey dude, your sister is here.”

Kai’s eyes were widely open when he sees his noona was not looking for him. Instead, to Krystal.

Damn it, what is she doing her, he thought. He rises up from his seat and waved at her gaining some squeeling from the girls.


Her sister smiled widely at him. But what happened next isn’t under his speculation.

“Um, Mr. Chu, can i have soojung?”

All of the class gasped together. Mr. Chu just smiled and ordered Krystal to go out from the class with here. “I let you Soojung, now go”. Krystal looked so confused but all she do was just walking behind Tae Hee.

Kai was looking at the scene and then he furrowed his eyebrows. He was about to speak when his sister spoke first.

“Jongin-ah, go back to your seat, okay?” then everything went silence as they left the class.






The both of them were in her car. Krystal was sitting in the passenger seat and so does Tae Hee.

“Soojung, I’m sorry if I shocked you. I am Kim Tae Hee. Kai’s older sister.”

She stared at her face so long to examine her face. She looked just like Kai. Long nose, wide eyes, puffy cheeks and beautiful jaw line. So Kai she thought.

“Yes, its okay.” She smiled at her.

“So are you Jung Ill Woo’s daughter right? You looked just like aunt So Hui and uncle Ill Woo. You inherit their features.” She explained to her softly.

“yes, but what’s happening here?” She asked her politely.

“I am a friend of your sister too you know, Sooyeon.”

“Ah yes, she had mentioned about you.”

“She did? How glamorous is that haha” She laughed gently which made Krystal smiled.

“You know the Kim right? Well, that’s us.” She whispered but Krystal can hear her perfectly.

“Soojung, have you ever thought about being a Kim?” She asked her softly. Krystal looked so shocked by her sudden question. She answered her calmly. “I’m a Jung.”

Tae Hee smiled and she hold Krystal’s hand. “I know. I asked Jessica, about things related to you this morning. Hey, i am not a stalker okay? So back to my question. Have you?”

“I have never.”

“Okay, Soojung, have you ever thought about living like your past again? But maybe, in a different way?”

She furrowed her eyebrows and rested her back at the jok of the car. She closes her eyes and inhaled the vanilla scent of her car. Now she knew her point. Thay want Krystal. She opened her eyes looked at Tae Hee’s face for awhile and she was back in her thoughts. She titled her had and showed her a soft smirk. She got her point perfectly now.

She is one of the smartest kid in her school anyway. Logically, she is also smart. So she got Tae Hee’s hint directly. Just like a drama. It’s not like she had never watched dramas. Things like this happens a lot in some dramas.

“Tell me a reason.” She titled her head.

She smiled, again. She looked at Krystal hair and gently tapped her hair. “If  I say, it’s your parents last request will you believe in me?”

Krystal’s expectation was right. “Yes. I do. But, a part of me don’t. I have live my live so peace-“ her words were stopped when she though about what had happened this morning. And her past life. “-fully” she sighed.

“I knew. About everything, Krystal” She hold both of her hands tightly.

“I will.” The words was just blurted out withour her realizing.

“Nice. I have asked you sister’s permission. And she was grateful and happy as well.” Tae Hee was so relieved, and so does Krystal.







And object that can only be pulled weakly is called paramagnetic.






"Once you enter us, you will never have the chance to run away, my dear Soojung. And it’s called being pulled by your insanity.

Aw, just like a ferromagnetic magnet with a paramagnetic attitude."













i at writing i know.......

hehe, heyo guys, a new chappy has just been posted from me myself,

i'm trully sorry if this chapter but please do comment and subscribe(D_O) after reading this....

I love you all peeps, Enchantedkai





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Chapter 2: Perfection~ yey, I'll be patiently waiting for the update like this is heaven~
I'm arcadians too author-nim :D, gonna start read this kaistal fic ^^ kaistal ftw
undermyuniverse #3
Chapter 1: OMG, CAN'T WAIT!
Chapter 1: poor jungie ~ T.T
KrystalHana #5
you had me at the description. i'm curious to see how everything will work out. haven't yet read the first chapter but i'm sure it'll be good :)
jiosne #6
Hi! I see you don't have a poster for this story, you can request for 1 here! ---> http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/395158/dream-high-p-ster-shop-open-hiring-postershop