Candid (part 1)

HoMinHo Drabble Collection


Yunho slips on the beige cardigan with a sigh, Coordi-noona flittering around like him like a hummingbird, making things lay flat, making adjustments as she see’s fit. He lets her work is peace, his own mind blank as he registers the staffs suggestion, mindful of their excited, gleeful expressions, in the back the director is rubbing his hands together like he’s contemplating world domination. 


The suggestion is so sudden and unprecedented in the midst of their warm, happy-go-lucky, boy-next-door promotion concept, Yunho’s first thought is ‘No, I can’t do that to Changmin’, but then the crew continues to pressure the idea and Yunho finally says he’ll do it with a grin, attempting to show some halfhearted enthusiasm at staging a hidden camera on Changmin. 


Amongst the writers victorious smiles, and clamoring for the camera men to make sure they capture all of Changmin’s reactions carefully, Yunho has backed away to a corner of the room. 


He fiddles with his IPad, sighing as he scrolls through some old pics he has saved of himself and Changmin from their pre-debut days. He hasn’t done a hidden camera prank on Changmin since the kid’s birthday so long ago, pretending he was angry with the young boy for essentially stealing the spotlight of the interview. The reason for his supposed irritation had been so silly, he’d never been jealous of Minnie, he loved the members equally...okay so maybe he’d been a little biased, but, thinking back, he never forgot Min’s panicked glances, the tugging at his arm, and the repeated hushed but urgent whispers masked by the other member’s backs.  


“Hyung you’re not mad right?” 


“Please don’t be angry Hyung...”


Yunho sips a bottle of water absently, letting the writer’s words soak in. It’s essentially the same concept as the prank from back then, though a little escalated. The female MC will slowly let her bias for Changmin show, only asking for his opinions and reacting to his responses, putting Yunho to the side. He’s 100% sure Changmin will figure out its a hidden camera within the first five minutes of the interview, but he doesn’t say anything to the staff, a part of him interested and excited to see Changmin’s reactions to the sudden appearance of his vexed Hyung. 


Changmin comes back from the makeup room then. Hair coifed and wearing his own cardigan and cotton pants, looking handsome and relaxed and all kinds of perfection it makes Yunho’s heart beat a little faster, a smile blooming on his lips at the obvious coordination between their outfits. 


The second the younger arrives there is a conspicuous silence amongst the staff, who shuffle awkwardly around the small area before the interviewing set, giving fake coughs and indulging in whispered conversations and shady looks. 


Changmin is quick though, quicker then they must have thought, and he immediately moves to open his mouth, a dubious look shading his eyes--




Changmin’s head whips around to face Yunho, who has leaped over to the taller man, and is now hanging off the other’s arm, a giant grin on place, hoping the shine from his dewy eyes will distract the younger one as it usually does. 


“Don’t call me that.”


In public. He reads the unspoken words in Changmin’s fond gaze, shielded by a layer of fake annoyance.


Yunho runs a hand down Changmin's shoulder, feeling the softness of the fabric and coping a feel of his biceps at the same time. He give the taller man a cheeky smile, glad to have caught his attention in time. 


“You look good Changmin-ah, we look good together.”


Changmin laughs lightly, pressing one of his hands on top of Yunho’s, which still have a loose grip on his arm. 


“They’ve gotten really good at coordinating our outfits to play off each other,” he says with a grin, Like a couple. Says reads his teasing glance. 


He eyses Yunho’s own clothing, “Of course, my clothes are better.”


Yunho lets out his bark of laughter, pushing Changmin away from himself, and nods at the producer who reminds them the filming will start in a few minutes. 


The staffs awkward acting is all but forgotten and Yunho breathes a sigh of relief, giving the staff a thumbs up when Changmin turns his back. 


Seriously though, if they were going to be this obvious why ask him to do the hidden camera in the first place?


Reading through the script handed to him for one last review, he can’t help but feel a little exited at the idea of pulling the wool over Changmin’s eyes. 


He adjusts his clothing, practicing somber expressions and angry frowns in the mirror.


If he’s going play a role, he’s going to do it convincingly. 

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Chapter 9: it's not just me right??
I always think yunho will be bottom lol
Chapter 1: supercuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute omg omg omg xD
jungshim #3
Chapter 15: this is GOOOOD LOL
i remember that one trip where Min has this stupid smile all the way
and Yunho is just one grumpy bear
you did good!
jungshim #4
Chapter 13: i want to be at the window watching these two love birds make out tooooo
so cute..
purewhite1981 #5
Chapter 11: so sweet..
i love it
jungshim #6
Chapter 10: so cute, is changmin being emo morning-after
hehe, cute yunho is his prescription