
Life Changes Because of You

"Umma! Umma!" L.Joe ran through his corridor looking for his mum after helping Hyoeun packing up her ddeobbokki shop.

"Yes, Byunghun-ssi. May I help you?" One of the servant asked politely. "Where's umma?" L.Joe asked. "Mrs Lee is at the backyard, Byunghun-ssi." "Thanks." L.Joe said and ran all the way to the backyard to look for his mum.

"Umma! Umma!" L.Joe called for his mum as soon as he saw his mum sitting under the tree, sipping her tea away. "Yes? Yes?" his mum rested the cup of tea on the table and look at his son running towards her with a messy hair.

"Umma! Do you have three millions?" "What? Why?" his mum asked him with a confused look."I need those money!" "Why? For what? Why do you need so much money? What did you do? Did you did anything wrong and you need money to wash off your wrongdoings?" Mrs Lee started to bombard L.Joe with lots of question.

"Chill, umma! It's just that I have this really good friend and I love her a lot an-" "YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?!" Mrs Lee widen her eye. "Friend. Just friend, umma." L.Joe rolled his eye at his mum because she had over-reacted. "But you said you love her a lot..." "I do... but let me finish first, okay?" Mrs Lee nodded and gestured for her son to continue.

"So... her aunt borrowed some money.... and her aunt is nowhere to be found...." L.Joe looked at his mum. "Alright... go on." Mrs Lee nodded and encouraged. "Those guy came and ruined her shop. That shop was given by her parents who had passed away when she was four. So I thought that if we could helped her with the debt. Please.....umma?" L.Joe begged his mum with puppy eye.

"You care about her a lot, uh...." Mrs Lee raised her eyebrow as she used her index finger to rub her chin."Of course! I lov-" L.Joe stopped because he realised that he was confessing to his mum about his love towards Hyoeun. L.Joe blushed. "Aigoo... our son had grown up already! Look at his blushing cheek!" Mrs Lee pinched L.Joe's cheek and .

"Arraso. I'll asked your dad about that....but you do know it is not something free." Mrs Lee said as she had an idea popped into her head. "Of course! Thank you, umma! I love you!" L.Joe gave a long smooch to his mum.


After Mr Lee came back and had his dinner together with his family, Mrs Lee brought him into their room to discuss about what L.Joe asked for help this afternoon.

"Yeobo... so what do you think. Should we help?" Mrs Lee asked while Mr Lee was still frowning after listening to what L.Joe said. "3 millions...... I'm fine with that...but how is she going to return us when she already has problem with the debt?" Mr Lee asked. "Well...your wife here has a brillant idea in her head." Mrs Lee beamed.

and so... that night, Mrs Lee spend her night telling Mr Lee about what idea she has and they were planning about it. Want to know what's that? Something that you never expect. 

Not even L.Joe know about this. They were afraid that if L.Joe knows what's going on, he might not do well in it and spolit their plan....


Sorry! A short update here xD Don't forget to subscribe, comment and upvote! Thank you :)




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dhiya_arisa #1
Chapter 40: this story is amazing, i love the ending even though i'm curious to know what happen to hyeji
14 streak #2
Chapter 40: That cute ending though. I love endings like those. The only thing I'm disappointed in was what happened to hyeji at the end.
Chapter 40: Kyaa !! I managed to finish this in a day >.< i love this story ^^ .. L.joe <3
cheekylittlechubba #4
Chapter 40: I love it!!!
Hyejin should just rot in hell

I really like the cute ending ^^

Great job authornim :D
chulleh #5
Chapter 40: gosh, i finished this in one day. it's really a great story ;-; but......i feel like there's something missing here
xoxosenshine #6
Chapter 40: Ahhhhh , its so sweeet ... ljoe is super duper ohsem sweet and hot ... good jobbb ^_^
Chapter 40: aww screaming haha . beautiful story :D
alwaysdreamygirl #8
Chapter 40: Nice story :D
Chapter 16: Chinese food at zone european adventure ? XD
Chapter 40: Omg, such a nice story! Love it! ^___^