One-shot 2

First Friends, Then Love; In Between


YulMin awakened by sudden nauseas feeling and hurried to the bathroom. Her action awakened the sleeping JaeJoong, who had been sleeping beside her. He sat up in the bed and looked after his wife.

“YulMin?” No response at first and he only heard the toilet flush and the running water of the tap. “Are you okay?” He asked worried. YulMin came back out again, a little pale, and gave him a little smile.

“I’m fine, just a little sickness… I’ll be fine.”

“If you say so, but why don’t you stay at home today and get some more sleep, so you can get well again?” YulMin sighed but smiled. She was happy to have found such a loving husband who cared so much about her.

Knowing it would ease his mind if she stayed home as he wished she agreed and went back to bed. JaeJoong kissed her on the forehead and smiled.

“Take care and look after yourself.” YulMin smiled and nodded before she slowly went back to sleep as he went to work.



The next two days YulMin woke up with the same feeling of being sick. She was beginning to be a little suspicious and decided to do a little research on the laptop.

She had heard that some pregnant woman would deal with morning sickness. Could she be pregnant? Of course her and JaeJoong had had ual as they had been married for almost two years now, it was normal, but could she really be pregnant?

Deciding to find out, and since she had to go grocery shopping anyway, she decided to buy a pregnancy test, or two to be exact; you never know if one was correct.

As soon as she returned she unpacked one and read the instructions, following it word for word, and anxiously waited for the answer. She waited a couple of minutes before she looked at it.

“Black line verifies that the test is valid and if there appears a light purple line it signifies that one is pregnant.” She read aloud from the paper and looked at the little device. True enough there was a little light purple line beside the black line.

“Maybe I should just try the other one to be sure.” She said to herself not trusting the credibility of the test. She quickly unpacked the other one and did the same procedure again, waiting even more anxiously than the first time for the answer. Again it was positive.

“It can’t be true…” She stated to herself. Could she really be pregnant? No… No she couldn’t, right? She grabbed her bag and decided then and there to go to the doctor to find out about the truth.



“The test results were right, you are pregnant.” The doctor said. YulMin started wide-eyed at her.

“I am?” The doctor nodded and smiled.

“You’re still early in the pregnancy, about 6 weeks in, and the pregnancy also explains why you have been feeling nauseas in the mornings.” It took a moment to sink in. She really was pregnant.

She left the doctors office not long after in a messed up state. Even though she looked collected her mental state was one big mess.



She didn’t say anything to JaeJoong when he came home in the evening and tried to act as normal as she could. She needed time to think about it.

She instead chose to go take a long walk to clear her head. She knew JaeJoong would be an excellent father as she had seen how he interacted with children. But… How would she be as a mother? She had never really thought much about it. Sure she would love to have kids but was she ready for it now? Was she able to take care of a little baby?

All these questions kept running through her mind and she didn’t know what to make of it.

The next following days she went out for more walks to clear her head, though it didn’t really seem to help. Her behaviour was starting to worry JaeJoong and he really wanted to ask what was wrong ‘cause maybe he could help, but at the same time he really wanted her to come to him by herself and he knew she would if she needed his help. But maybe he could help it a little along?

“Why don’t we go out to have dinner on Saturday?” He asked as they ate dinner. “It’s been a long time since we last did that.” He smiled.

“Sure. That sounds nice.” YulMin smiled back to him.



It was Wednesday and YulMin was preparing a late supper since JaeJoong would be home a little later than usual. Suddenly the phone rang.

“Kim residence, YulMin speaking,” YulMin didn’t have to wait for long before the person in the other end answered.

“Hello, can I speak to my boyfriend?” YulMin took the phone from her ear and looked at it strangely as it was the phone that talked.

“I’m sorry, but I think you’ve got the wrong number since it’s only me and my husband who lives here.”

“Oh, sorry, I was sure I had gotten the right number, sorry to disturb.” She said with a little surprise at first. YulMin and the woman then ended the conversation and she went back to making supper as nothing had happened.



The Saturday arrived and JaeJoong and YulMin made themselves ready to go to the restaurant, where JaeJoong had reserved a table for them.

“Kim JaeJoong, I’ve reserved a table.” JaeJoong said as they entered the restaurant and a waiter came over to them.

“This way please.” They got a nice table for two in a quiet corner of the place. As the gentleman her were he helped YulMin get seated before he sat down himself. They were looking through the menus as a female voice suddenly rung through the place.

“Honey!” A young woman, around YulMin’s age, with bleached hair came running towards their table and slung her arms around JaeJoong’s neck. YulMin froze. She recognized the voice.

“HaBin?” JaeJoong asked with both surprise and a little discomfort.

“Omg! Why haven’t you called me!?” The next moment YulMin stood up from her seat, tears in her eyes, and looked at JaeJoong for a quick moment before she stormed out of the place.

“YulMin!” JaeJoong called after her but she didn’t stop.

It was raining heavily as YulMin came out of the restaurant and it didn’t take long before she was completely drenched wet, as she hadn’t take the time to take her jacket with her.

It felt like her heart was broken. So he was having an affair with that woman!? She had been calling to the right number! How could he and especially now that she was pregnant!? Sure he didn’t know but she had finally decided to tell him the news but what should she do now?

YulMin had been running a few blocs in the icy cold rain and her breathing was beginning to get heavier. She could hear JaeJoong call her name behind her, or was it all in her head? Maybe he didn’t love her and was still in the restaurant with that other woman…

YulMin couldn’t run anymore and just as she stopped a hand grabbed her arm just to catch her as she fainted.

“YulMin!” A terrified JaeJoong gasped and in panic picked her up and hurried to the nearest hospital to get her checked.



“What happened? Where am I?” YulMin whispered as she slowly came to herself. She felt the hand holding hers and knew whom it belonged to. At once her eyes flew open and her head snapped to the left where JaeJoong was sitting. Before she could say anything JaeJoong started.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” She looked questioning at him. He sighed. “About the pregnancy.” He eyes widened. “The doctor told me after he checked up on you.” YulMin looked down at the blanket that covered her. “Is that why you have been so distant the last two weeks? Why didn’t you come to me?” She looked up at him but hurried to look away again.

“What does it matter now? Don’t you have that other woman now?” Though she really didn’t want to know she couldn’t help but say it. To her surprise JaeJoong laughed.

“You mean the girl from the restaurant?” She nodded. “It’s an old classmate and she calls everyone honey and sweetheart and whatever she can think of.”

“She called and said you were his boyfriend.”

“I admit that she has always shown a particular interest in me but trust me, I’ve never been in a relationship with that crazy woman! YulMin you must believe me, you’re the one I love and the only one I’ll ever love!” YulMin looked at him for a while seeing the truth and genuine affection in his eyes, a smile then brightened her face.

JaeJoong hugged her. “I would never cheat on you. I don’t know why I would since you’re all that I want.” YulMin’s heart fluttered. It might have sounded a little cheesy but who’s heart wouldn’t skip a beat if they were told that by the one they love?

“Now, please tell me why you didn’t say anything?” YulMin sighed and took a deep breath before she answered.

“Well… I wasn’t really sure if I would be a good mother or if I would be able to take care of a little baby? What if I can’t! What if I’ll be the worst mom ever! I can’t bring a baby to the world if I can’t take care of it! That wouldn’t be fair!-“ JaeJoong had to stop her waterfall of a speech.

“YulMin, you will be a great mother. It will all come naturally. You have been worrying yourself too much, besides you have me and together we can do it.” He smiled. Something about JaeJoong just calmed YulMin down and she felt stupid for not telling him it all the moment she had found out…



Around seven months later YulMin’s water broke and after eight hours of labour their little son was born.

“Congratulations, it’s a healthy little boy.” The nurse said as she handed the little baby over to his father. JaeJoong carefully held his little son in his arms. He smiled and looked over at his wife.

“He has the same big beautiful eyes as yours.” He said as he sat down on the chair beside her bed. YulMin smiled.

“And he has your nose and mouth.” The two of them were silent for a while both looking at their newborn little son.

It had been three years since that night where the thunderstorm had helped them getting them together and realised their feelings and they had now welcomed a new member to their family.

Of course there had been that bump just a few months before but wasn’t there supposed to be ups and downs in a marriage? It defiantly brought JaeJoong and YulMin closer. In sickness and in health, in ups and downs, the two of them would make sure to make it together or the three of them would make it together not to forget their little baby.          

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Chapter 1: A nice sequel :)
Good Job Amaliya! Such a sweet yet simple oneshot!
Is so lovely to see the couple have some misunderstanding moment but care for each other! :)

Thank you~