First Date

With A Smile

     Taeyeon went to her locker to get something and she saw Jaejong there but he is not alone. He's with a girl and she seems to be asking something from him.

     "Just one night." The girl said.

     "I.." Jaejoong started but doesn't seem to know what to say. "My girlfriend will kill me if she found out."

     "I won't tell!" The girl insisted. "Oppa, just spend one night with me."

     "I don't want to upset her." Jaejoong said. "I cannot do it. Mianhae."

     "Oppa..." The girl begged.

     "I...—" Jaejoong wanted to say something but was interrupted by the girl.

     "What did you see on that girl?!!!?" The girl told him. "Oppa, she's tiny, she looks like a middle schooler, she's flat-chested, she doesn't have a car, she is a poker-faced , I am way prettier that her!"

     "Ehem." Taeyeon said. The two of them turned around and were both shocked to see her standing behind them.

     "Taeyeon!!!" Both of them exclaimed.

     "Move." Taeyeon said, resisting the urge to punch the girl on the face. "I need to get something from my locker and you are blocking my way."

     "I... Taeyeon ah.." Jaejoong said. "You didn't hear anything, right?"

     "I heard." Taeyeon told him. She then threw a look at the girl. She's indeed prettier than I am, Taeyeon thought. When did I ever care about my appearance anyway?????

     "I was just asking him to—" The girl started.

     "I also heard your insult." Taeyeon snapped at her. "You were insulting me and asking my boyfriend out."

     "Let's just leave, baby." Jaejoong told her.

     "What did you call me??!?!" Taeyeon demanded, glaring at Jaejoong.

     "My baby," Jaejoong repeated, grinning at her. The girl who's asking Jaejoong out wanted to sneak away but Taeyeon caught her sleeves.

     "Yah!" Taeyeon yelled. "You can always insult me but you can never ask him out!" Jaejoong caught her and embraced her tight so she won't run after the girl. "Let me go!!! That brat have just insulted me!!! I'll beat the living daylights out of her!!!!"

     "I thought you said it is okay for her to insult you for as long as she won't as me out???" Jaejoong teased.

     "Did I say that?!!" Taeyeon yelled. "I meant the opposite!! Let me go!!"

     "Stop it, baby." Jaejoong told her and hugged her tighter.

     "What baby????" Taeyeon demanded. "D-don't call me that."

     "Shall I call her baby then," Jaejoong said referring to the other girl.

     "Do you want to die?" Taeyeon snapped at him.

      "Hey.. Where are we going?" Taeyeon asked Jaejoong. He was holding his hand and leading her somewhere. He just grinned at her and squeezed her hand. "Why aren't you answering?"

      "We're having our first date." Jaejoong said. He then pushed a bar door open and pulled a chair for Taeyeon. "Sit, baby."

      "Date? Here?" Taeyeon asked. 

      "Yep, my baby." Jaejoong said pinching her cheeks.

      "Are you really serious?"

      "The date?" Jaejoong asked. "Yes, I prepared something for you."

      "Aniyo." Taeyeon said sheepishly. "Us." She looked down to avoid Jaejoong's gaze.

      "Yes." Jaejoong said confidently. "I never wanted anyone before, but I want you."

      "How can you say that... you  just met me." Taeyeon said while playing with the strap of her bag. "Stop playing with me."

      "Will you look at me when you talk, please?" Jaejoong told her. She did but not with her poker face but with a wearisome face. "I know I just met you.. but I am in a hurry. You suddenly appeared in my life, I am afraid you might suddenly disappear as well. I usually go for what I see, but I now I'll go for what I feel." He then squeezed her hand. "Hell no. I am not playing."

       "Hmmpf." Taeyeon said as if telling Jaejoong that she is not convinced yet.

       "Have you ever had a boyfriend before me?" Jaejoong asked.

       "I told you.. No one think I am interesting enough. Besides, I am very preoccupied with other things." Taeyeon replied, she made face at him. "You're the first one who ever insist on being my boyfriend."

       "Stop saying you are not interesting," Jaejoong said, he then suddenly notice that a band is preparing their equipment on the stage. "Oh.. They are here."

       "Who?" Taeyeon asked then looked at the people on stage. "Is that Yunho ssi?"

       "Ahh ye." Jaejoong said grinning. "Sawdust."

       "That's a weird name for a band," Taeyeon commented.

       Yunho took the microphone and they started testing their instruments. He glanced at the audience and winked at Taeyeon and Jaejoong when he spotted them. The bar is getting filled which means they will start soon. He then said, "Hi everyone! This is Lee Yunho on vocals, that's Lee Jonghyun on guitar! Lee Jaejin on bass! and Kang Minhyuk on drums. We'll be singing the first song now." The crowd cheered. "This one is not my usual style but.. a very dear friend of mine who have haunted my entire childhood... and who played and broke thousand of girls' hearts... claims he is in love for the first time.. He want me to sing something cheesy for him tonight. And here it goes!"

Baby I, I wanna know what you think when you're alone
Is it me yeah? Are you thinking of me yeah? Oh
We've been friends now for a while
Wanna know that when you smile
Is it me yeah? Are you thinking of me yeah? Oh oh

Girl what would you do?
Would you wanna stay if I were to say

I wanna be last yeah
Baby let me be your, let me be your last first kiss
I wanna be first yeah
Wanna be the first to take it all the way like this
And if you only knew I wanna be last yeah
Baby let me be your last, your last first kiss

Baby tell me what to change
I'm afraid you'll run away if I tell you
What I wanted to tell you yeah
Maybe I just gotta wait
Maybe this is a mistake
I'm a fool yeah, baby I'm just a fool yeah

Girl what would you do?
Would you wanna stay if I were to say

I wanna be last yeah
Baby let me be your, let me be your last first kiss
I wanna be first yeah
Wanna be the first to take it all the way like this
And if you only knew I wanna be last yeah
Baby let me be your last, your last first kiss

      "That's Last First Kiss. It's my first time to sing such... So Taeyeon ah.. You better say yes properly tonight. Have a great date!!" Yunho said after he finished the song and after the cheers have died down. He sent another wink to Taeyeon and proceeded to their next song. Jaejoong grinned at Taeyeon and pulled her out of the bar.

      "What was that?" Taeyeon asked sheepishly. Jaejoong smiled. "Stop smiling.. What that all about!??"

      "Well.. You don't consider our relationship official.. So I've asked Yunho to sing that song for me. I want to propose to you properly this time. I want you to answer yes not because we have tricked you to do so but because you want me too." Jaejoong said. Taeng just stared at him and made face.

      "Here on the streets??!????" She demanded. "Why can't you think of a more appropriate place!"

      "Ahh.. It's so noisy inside so I thought I should do it here." Jaejoong explained. "And you should look over there!" Jaejoong pointed at something. It's a billboard with Taeyeon's face and something written on it.



      "I have always seen you as Eri, the girl who wouldn't smile. But this past week you have shown me Kim Taeyeon.. And I fell for her." Jaejoong started. "Taeyeon ah.. Would you be mine?"

      "B-but nobody will ever want me. " Taeyeon said. "I'm poor. I don't have anything to offer you." What is this strange feeling? Why is he making me feel this way? Why on earth did he see in me that make him seem to want me? Why did he have to ask his bestfrined to sing him a proposal song? Why did he put my ugly face in that damn billboard? Why is he doing this? Is he just playing like I believed all this time? Or is he really.. serious?

      "I don't care." Jaejoong said holding her hand. "I just need you and your love by my side." Taeyeon stared at him, her heart beating fast like she have run a thousand miles. She doesn't know what to say or what to think. But suddenly she began to speak—like has a mind of its own.

      "If... If you leave me I'll kill you, r-remember that!" Taeyeon punched him on his shoulder.

      "Is that a yes???" Jaejoong asked. She just nodded. "Chinja???!! Chinja??!?!"

      "Ye!" Taeyeon yelled at him then made face. "Now, take my face out of that billboard!" But Jaejoong is so happy he is just hugging her tight. "You're always hugging me.. Aren't you getting tired of doing that?"

       "Ani." Jaejoong replied happily. "It's my only way to tell if you are real or just one of hallucinations. I daydream of you often, you see." He then let go of her and gaze intently into her eyes. "October 4. I'll remember that you said yes to me today, October 4. Today you are officially my baby."    

       "Don't call me that." Taeyeon made face at him.

       "You're showing me your derp face again." Jaejoong said. "Should I call her baby then." Taeyeon knows that he is referring to the girl who have asked Jaejoong out that morning.

       "Do you want to die?" Taeyeon snapped at him.

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SujuExoTaengLover #1
update. ..... T^T
ametista #2
Please update
lyknessesjae #3
please update..=)
Chapter 32: Huhu, dont be disappointed taeyeon, at least he remembered how you two first met!!! <3 Jaejoong's daddy, dont disturb TaeJae pls ;P I love love love TaeJae moments!!! <3 Update soon~
Chapter 32: lololol if this was a movie, i'd be laughing my off at the last part hahaha
professor jang you silly ><
sweet chapter, please update soon~
amalingoo #6
Chapter 32: sooooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeee :p
sea0horse #7
Chapter 32: I'm going crazy for them!!!
OhMy~ I don't trust Jaejae, he must looked all the time hahaha
They are so freaking cute together!! Aigoo Prof. Jang don't interrupt their sweet time~~!!
Chapter 32: Aigoo...TaeJae is one crazy couple...fights then goes all gooey and cheesy,ah my head!
Chapter 31: i'm curious at one thing, Who is Tiffany's parent??
Chapter 31: Ermagerd. The last part. It was too adorable~ Jaejoong got his memories back and Taeyeon hugged him tightly. /screams/
KYAAA~ so sooo freakin cute! I'm super glad~ And I also agree to @aurorabelle's comment, "WHO CHANGED TAEYEON'S CLOTHES?"
Anyways, thanks for the update~
Be sure to update soon! ^^