
The Chronicles of a Dreamer


Naeun spent hours on her desk, flipping through the pages of her book. But it was hopeless, not an idea nor a spark came out of it. She buried her face in the stupid book all night hoping, wishing and praying that she’d get some inspiration. Just anything.




Maybe she just needed a different book. That was a possibility. Naeun didn’t sleep that night so she waited until the next morning to take another trip to the library.


However, she came too early. It wasn’t even open. She tugged on the handles on the transparent doors, it was locked. Naeun had just began to turn around with her book in her hands, until she heard the fumbling of keys. She glanced back to see an elderly woman dressed in all red and thick glasses covering her face.


The woman stood there, going through her chain of keys. There were way too many that the lady accidentally dropped them all together on the ground.


Naeun saw that and came to pick it up before the lady could even bend over.  She handed it to her. “Oh! Thank you.” The lady said to Naeun. She glanced at Naeun over her glasses feeling some sort of familiarity but she couldn’t quite put a finger on it.


Naeun smiled and bowed. “It’s no problem.”


Yejin went through her keys once more and this time, she got the right key. She successfully unlocked the thing and held it open for Naeun. “Come on in.” She said with welcome. For an old woman, she was so sure she had seen this girl before.


Or maybe she was just being plain old Yejin, age was making her crazier by the day.


Naeun headed straight for the usual part of the library. She’d take multiple books at a time and stack them on a nearby table. There were so many that she would’ve been able to hide behind them.


Naeun made herself comfortable on her seat, grabbed the nearest book and opened it. She continued to do so, going through the pile of books, not realizing that her eyes were closing and her head was dropping. Hopefully, she’d dream up an idea.





Suho hadn’t been to the coffee shop lately for he had been working endlessly all week. Spring. Worst time of the year. The time of new releases, replacements, and worst of all, spring break. High school kids and college kids LOVE the library. However, they never come just to read, they come to hang out, take books in and out, and make a mess.


“It’s your job.” Yejin would tell Suho every time he’d complain. There was no point, he’d just have to deal with it.


He entered the library expecting complete chaos but those impudent children weren’t there...




Suho passed Yejin’s office seeing that she had already gotten to work. He gave her a usual greeting and grabbed the cart of books that needed shelving. Suho strolled the aisles and shelves with his cart, moving at his own pace.


Suho then made his way to the art section. There were noticeable gaps between the books. Suho stood there in wonder, until he looked beyond the spaces and saw a table stacked high with the missing books. How did all of those end up there? He thought.


Suho approached the table with the cart by his side. Suho began to reach for a bulk when he realized that there was a person hidden behind the build up. A sleeping figure. Suho took a closer look and realized it was Naeun. This day was surely full of surprises.


He chuckled at the sight. How her cheek was flatly laid upon a page of an open book, the way she breathed heavily through , and in one hand a yellow paper. He glanced over at the books noticing the similar genres in relation to art. What was this girl up to?


Suho’s gaze shifted to the yellow paper in Naeun’s hand. He slowly moved to her side and looked over she shoulders reading the print.


He gave it some thought having had his questions answered. As he tried to walk away, his hip hit table and book fell down startling Naeun. She lifted her head immediately and saw Suho.


“Oops, sorry.” Suho’s face was apologetic. He picked up the book and placed it back on top of the pile. “That’s quite a lot of books.” He commented.


Naeun gave his a slight smile “Yeah.” She said, returning to the book in front of her. Suho went his way and continued to shelve the remaining books.

Naeun grew frustrated at her confoundment. She was stuck and she felt helpless. Naeun ruffled her hair, ill at ease and lightly banged her head against the table. Why am I doing this? She questioned.


“I give up.” Naeun said out loud and put her head down on the table. She closed her eyes, deep in thought. Things like this used to come to her so easily. I was stupid for even trying...


She stood up and started for the doors.


On her way out, she stared at the big calendar that read, May 3rd.


Oh crap! I almost forgot!  She looked startled and hurried out the doors.


Suho noticed that Naeun was gone but was just in time to see her by the door. He saw that she had forgotten the yellow paper knowing that it was crucial. He could not necessarily call out for her from where he stood, it was a library for goodness sake.


So he ran out the doors. Naeun was barely in sight, feet away. He tried to catch up but the sidewalks were busy. People were getting in his way. The distance between them was growing and there was no way she could hear his calls for her.


Naeun kept walking having one place in mind. Pretty soon, she was clearly out of sight. Suho was being pushed forward by the crowd, there was no turning back now. Suddenly. Naeun was spotted again. He saw her come out of a flower shop holding a bouquet of roses. That again, put him in wonder.


She was a mystery alright. He had to figure her out.


Naeun soon climbed into a bus. Oh boy, there is no way that I’m missing this bus. Determination grew as he pushed through the crowd however the bus doors closed and it was starting. Suho ran as fast as he could and banged of the glass doors roughly getting the driver’s attention. Before he knew it, the doors opened allowing Suho to get in. Out of breath, Suho dug through his pockets and gave the bus driver 5,000 won, way over the price. “Keep it” Suho told the man. The driver nodded and started the bus.


Once Suho turned around in search for Naeun he realized the impossibility of finding her in this overcrowded bus. He tippy-toed, looking over and around heads as he held on tightly to the metals handles. I could’ve sworn she was in here. He thought.


And he found her. He didn’t have to look through the crowd when she was right there in front of him. She sat right behind the driver. Naeun wasn’t aware of anything around her as she stared out the windows, deep in thought, full of regret, and abundant with sadness.


Suddenly, a yellow paper appeared in her view. She moved her gaze from the outside and onto the paper. She realized it was hers. Naeun looked up and again, it was Suho. “How did you...” She began to say as she took the paper from him.


Suho was sweaty and tired. Lucky for him, the bus stopped and the person sitting next to Naeun got up and left. This gave him an opportunity to occupy the seat next to her.

“You have no idea what I went to just to give you this paper. I think I need an iced latte.” He chuckled.


Naeun wanted to laugh but she didn’t. “ This.” She said, looking down at it. “It means nothing to me...not anymore.” Naeun folded it and put it in her pocket.


“Are you sure?” Suho asked.


Naeun nodded with a sigh. Lies, Suho said to himself, then she wouldn’t have put it back in her pocket. “By chance, did you happen to read what was on it?” She asked almost shyly.


Suho shook his head and sat back, “Nope.”


“Good” She said relieved. Suddenly, the bus stopped once more. Naeun stood up, “This is my stop.” She said, waiting for Suho to move out of her way.


Without a word, he moved out of the way and let Naeun get out of the bus first before too departing the bus as well. Naeun was surprised to see him out. “I’m here to solve a mystery.”


Naeun looked at him puzzlingly before continued to walk. Strange boy. Naeun soon stopped in front of a cemetery and walked right in. Suho didn’t hesitate to follow, for he was in for something good.

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k_nana #1
Chapter 32: Hello authornim. I've read a few of ur works so far n loved them n reading this one , i can't help but think that u might discontinue?? I hope not, but if that was the case, then good luck to ur other fictions:)
AUTHORNIM HI I love you <3333
Chapter 32: wow,, it has been a long time, right?

will minjun be her shelter?
I love this fic!! Please update soon <3 Fighting!!
Chapter 31: OMG!!!!!! thats all i can say after reading this
please update soon!!!!
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful.... i love it.
Does Naeun have any disease due to the constant headache n nosebleed???
Update again soon~!
Chapter 30: I hope naeun is okay.....
Chapter 29: wahhh is he gonna make a move. wooo I love this story so much. I almost forgot what it was until I re read the foreword but this is seriously awesome. thank you. ☆
Chapter 29: YAY!!!!! so happy to hear from you!!! I'm so glad that I didn't unsubscribe this story cuz I really wanna read the progress between Suho and Naeun :)