
The Chronicles of a Dreamer

Naeun had just entered the institute ,  just barely five steps in, when she was already nearly tackled by an overly excited Seri. Of course, she would be taken by surprise and boy did she wish she’d have dodged this pixie-haired friend, because there was no escaping her now.


Putting aside the greetings, this friend went straight to her exciting news. “Naeunie! We’re going to have so much fun next saturday!” exclaimed Seri. Naeun stood there confused more than she should have been excited, because she could not recall making plans with anyone for any date; even with Suho.


"What is going on next Saturday?" Naeun asked "...What?” She asked in response to Seri’s raised brow. Instead of directly answering Naeun’s question, she pointed to the poster behind her that she had just put up a little less than twenty minutes ago.


“You’re going.” Seri told Naeun, and it was not a question; simply a demand.


“I never said that.” Naeun responded so surely and suddenly the bell for their first class rang.


“Okay okay.” The shorter one backed off for a second, “We’ll talk about this later.” She said, and then she pulled Naeun along to their art class.




The lecture on modern art was pretty much a bore that morning, so instead of falling asleep Naeun let her thoughts linger. Call it day dreaming if you will.


She remembered the previous day's encounter with Suho's older sister; about how close the siblings seemed to be and and yet they were still holding some strange resistance.


But why? Why hold back? She questioned silently. And then she wondered what could possibly be hiding.


Naeun remembered her own family and oh how she wished that she hadn't taken them for granted. Suho shouldn't either. He's a darn lucky dude to be surrounded by people who love him, whether he knew it or not. 


She then tried to place herself among the people in Suho's life ; thinking about where she belonged. 


However, she'd have to answer this question before she could determine where she stood, and that is , Who was she to Suho? A friend? Roommate? Maybe... and then she stopped herself before her feelings came before her.


As she fell deeper into thought, the pencil that was once positioned between her fingers fell onto the ground. The clanking sound that the hollow, wooden item made when it hit the ground awoke Naeun. Luckily, the lecture was over and everyone was doing their own thing. Seri , who was sitting next to Naeun, was totally distracted by the phone on her lap and she didn't notice a thing.


Naeun looked under her desk for her pencil and saw it roll forward and forward...and more down the room until it got caught at the leg of somebody's seat.


And though the pencil was a couple feet away, Minjun stood up to retrieve the item for Naeun. Are. You. Serious. Minjun? Of all people, it had to land by his chair. Naeun mentally complained and wished that she could avoid this fellow as well.


“I believe, this is yours?” He said, holding the item out to Naeun. But she was quite caught off guard by his strange action, it was totally out of character for his jerk self.


Seri then looked up from her phone only to see Minjun standing before Naeun with a semi smile on his face and her pencil in his hand. "Wait, what did I miss again?" She asked but she was ignored as Naeun answered to the guy.


“Yeah.” And just when Naeun thought he would be nice. Minjun returned to his usual evil bastard self and held the pencil away. “Give it.” Naeun demanded.


“Please?” Minjun provoked. 




“Then go to the dance with me and I’ll give it back.” He held the pencil up higher as Nauen reached for it again.


"Grow up, will you?" She said as she sat back down and crossed her arms in frustration. 


"You're cute when you're mad, Naeun." Minjun flirted; but, Naeun took it as a tease , which annoyed her further.


“Just keep the pencil and leave me alone.” She said.


"Yeah, get lost bimbo!" Seri defended. Minjun ignored Seri's comment and kept his eyes fixed on Naeun. 


“You’re going to regret turning me down. Like I’ve said before, girls are lining up just to date me. Consider yourself lucky that I even asked you.” He warned and tossed the pencil back at Naeun before he walked back to his seat.


“No, thank you. I’d rather not.” She said only loud enough for her and Seri to hear.


“Geez, what’s the deal with him?” Seri asked as she turned to face Naeun entirely.


“Nothing.” Naeun shrugged, all the fuss with Minjun was giving her a headache.


“Well, maybe you should go with Minjun, you know, it could be fun!” 


“Are you crazy?” Naeun snapped.


“Unless… you’re going with Joonmyun.” Seri  toned it down and backed off a bit. 


“No. Not him either, besides, I don’t do dances.” Naeun assured her.


“Is he even going?” Seri asked.


“I don’t know. I’m not sure if he is even aware that there is going to be a dance.” Naeun said with a shrug, but she too did indeed wonder if Suho would attend the dance as well.


“Well, he should go. I’m sure it will be so much fun." Seri suggested, and they left it at that. At that point, Seri felt that Naeun was hopeless. Maybe she was and maybe she wasn't. There could be one other person who could change her mind whether she liked it or not.



Suho took his lunch break an hour before his shift was over. Having in mind that Naeun had class, he decided that he'd head to the staff lounge to relax a bit. Having had pre-prepared his sandwich, Suho skipped buying lunch at the cafeteria this time. 


The institute halls were vacant besides a few of those who on some hidden agenda, Suho didn't really care. He took advantage of this time to actually look around; and what he noticed were banners on every other wall and locker. They were bright and most of the larger ones were handmade whereas the smaller ones were printed. 


Out of curiosity, Suho walked up to the nearest wall to read the piece of paper.


Ah, a dance. He thought. How exciting. And on the bottom, it read that staff was welcome. It was appropriate  all, this was longer high school.  Besides, being the youngest worker at the institute, everyone else was in their late forties; they all had children and better things to do. There was no doubt that the rest of the staff would be attending.


Naeun....would she go?  He wondered. If anything, he wanted to go together...have fun together...and maybe then would he be able to see where they stand. 


But as of right now, Suho needed to sort his feeling out. What he needed the most was assurance. That is, assurance from Naeun.


Suho was too mature for a highschool type romance, he really was ; however, he was being too cautious for a more grown up relationship. And that was because Naeun was different and way more fragile than most. He was being smart about their situation. 




Naeun went about her day like any other; walking the halls without a care, and not looking people in the eye ; however, Naeun couldn't avoid hearing about the dance everywhere she went.


As she turned the corner, there was someone already waiting for her at her locker. 


Suho turned his cheek only to be greeted by Naeun.


"Hey" she greeted.


"Hi. Are you ready to go home?" He asked and Naeun nodded before they both headed out.


In truth, they both loved the idea of going home with somebody. Not just anybody;  but, each other. It wouldn't be the same if it were anybody else. As much as Naeun wanted to stay, she knew that she couldn't stay forever. 


“So, I hear there is a dance?” Suho said as they were on their way home. 


“Yeah. What about it?” Naeun replied.


“I’ll go if you go.” He vouched and Naeun felt the slightest tingles inside.


“Are you …perhaps, asking me to go with you?” She asked.


“If you say it like that...then yes.” Suho was then smiling like he usually did; for no apparent reason. What's funny is that,  the smile that she used to hate the most became one of the things she grew to enjoy about Suho.


“Well then it’s too bad. I’m not going.” Naeun said.


"Way to hurt my pride." He teased as he looked over at her, making eye contact.


"It's just that, I...nevermind." Naeum grew shy and looked out her side of the window.


"What? You can't dance? That's totally fine! Neither can I." He said. 


"No, not that. You already know that there is no point in me going if I won't socialize.."


"Yeah, says the one who worked at the busiest coffee shop in town.I just think you should go...keep me company? It could be fun. ” Suho suggested. 


Darn him for never taking no for an answer.Naeun just wanted to come up with any excuse not to go , Suho was just too persuasive. "Ha, that's what Seri said. But don't you think that if we go together as friends that people will talk?" 


"Since when did you care about what people think? And since when were we ever just friends?" He asked.


"Mm?" Naeun responded,  completely confused. 


"You're more special than that."

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k_nana #1
Chapter 32: Hello authornim. I've read a few of ur works so far n loved them n reading this one , i can't help but think that u might discontinue?? I hope not, but if that was the case, then good luck to ur other fictions:)
AUTHORNIM HI I love you <3333
Chapter 32: wow,, it has been a long time, right?

will minjun be her shelter?
I love this fic!! Please update soon <3 Fighting!!
Chapter 31: OMG!!!!!! thats all i can say after reading this
please update soon!!!!
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful.... i love it.
Does Naeun have any disease due to the constant headache n nosebleed???
Update again soon~!
Chapter 30: I hope naeun is okay.....
Chapter 29: wahhh is he gonna make a move. wooo I love this story so much. I almost forgot what it was until I re read the foreword but this is seriously awesome. thank you. ☆
Chapter 29: YAY!!!!! so happy to hear from you!!! I'm so glad that I didn't unsubscribe this story cuz I really wanna read the progress between Suho and Naeun :)