
The Chronicles of a Dreamer


Between the bookshelves, Suho diligently worked to put the books back from the pile that seemed endless. It would take him all night. According to Ye Jin, suho would be finished by sunrise , given that smirk of hers. Of course it was just exaggeration.


Suho grunted, sliding the book between two others. This must’ve been his hundredth book already and he had grown sick and most of all, tired. It was no closing hours and he still had a long way to go.


Yejin went around the library only to find Suho on the ground, sitting against the bookshelves, asleep. His head against the books. She shook her head from left to right, unappeased as she looked at the sleeping boy. Not because Suho wasn’t doing his job, no. It was for the reason that, this boy does so much. He deserves better. She thought.


Suddenly, she snapped out of it and decided to wake him up with the loud clearing of .


Suho jumped upon hearing it. His eyes opened and he was now looking up at Yejin, who stood before him with her arms crossed. He gulped, and presented a guilty smile.


“If you don’t think you can finish by tonight-” Yejin began, feeling pity.


“I’ll finish by tonight.” Suho cut her off and stood up immediately, scurrying to the cart of books.


“Are you sure?” She asked.


“Mhm.” He nodded.


“Alright then” Yejin tossed him a key, which he barely caught. “You’re closing up tonight. Don’t forget to lock the doors.”




Naeun arrived home by the time the moon was visible. The first thing she did was take a warm shower and slide into her old pajamas. It felt good, nonetheless.


Her room was dim lit but not dark. She could still see perfectly. Not a chill nor drop of sweat, a comforting temperature surrounded her. Naeun then saw the pants that she had just worn earlier, on the floor and she grabbed it, in search of the paper.


She took the folded paper and taped it onto the wall, leaving it to look at later. That is, if she decides to pursue it. As of right now, it was just a silly thought. She felt stupid for even having considered the scholarship. What was she thinking?


I was just bored, she told herself then crawled into bed. She laid upon the sheets, though,not going to sleep. She stared up at the ceiling and let her thoughts wander, thinking about today’s events. Specifically, the ones with Suho.


Naeun thought up excuses as to why she had told him her whole life story. I was in the moment, that’s all. or I think I was possessed. Yeah... totally the second one. She wasn’t fooling anyone. Naeun couldn’t even admit to herself that indeed, it felt good to get it off her chest. He made great company.


He sure knew how to act like he actually cared.


Something she kept to herself for 3 years? Of all people, she told a guy that she had just met of the haunting memory she’d never let go.


Suho... of all people. Him. Before she knew it, Naeun drifted into sleep.


The next day, Naeun had work. Same old, same old. Wake up, ramen, work, home, sleep. Nothing but the usual routine.


Naeun did what she had to.


It was just a regular day at work. Slow in the morning, busy at noon. There was a particular face Naeun was expecting. Of course she would deny it if asked. She’d simply say just keeping a lookout.


She kept an eye on the clock, seeing that it was past 2 in the afternoon. There was no way he’d come. He never came.


And in some funny way, she felt a slight sadness, a inconsiderable drop in mood. A one percent drop...


Maybe five, the most. But that’s it.


Maybe I scared him off... Does he think I’m weird? Since when had Naeun cared about what other’s thought?


Yesterday was nothing. He isn’t even a friend. He can’t be. Naeun felt as if she were wasting her time, thinking of that fellow, it was unlike her. So she ‘tried’ to brush it off her shoulder and continue with the day as she did so the other days.





Suho on the other hand, he was awake, alright. He had been awake since Yejin had woken him up in the comic book section last night. In fact, by the time Yejin came back in the morning, the doors were already unlocked. Suho spent the night at the library.


She easily opened the doors and walked in finding Suho already sitting behind counter. Startled by upon seeing Suho first thing, she jumped and had a mini heart attack.


“Omo! Joonmyun-ah, you’re still here.” She said.


He stared back at her with tired eyes without a word.


“Hello! Earth to Joonmyun-” Yejin said waving her hands in front of him. Suho snapped out of it and rubbed his eyes.


“Huh? Oh, Boss. Yeah.” He smiled weakly.


“Well, you go home now, you must be tired.” She told him.


“No, no.” He refused, stubbornly. “I’ll stay.”


And that’s what he did. It was already 3 in the afternoon as he struggled to keep even an eye open. Yejin found him passed out in the storage room an hour later. Okay, this was her fault for making him finish the work. But not entirely. Suho was just one damn stubborn boy.


Her motherly side kicked in and she could no longer act as his boss at the point. “Joonmyun-ah, wake up.” She said, shaking him. He flinched and got up immediately. “That’s it, you’re going home. And don’t you dare think of saying no, Joonmyun. ”


Suho was a bit taken back by Yejin’s rage. He didn’t dare.


“Okay, okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said.


“No, you can take tomorrow off.” Yejin decided.


“But-” Before he could even continue, she shot him the scariest stare that he had never dreamed of seeing. “Okay.”

Even on the road, it was a struggle. It was dangerous for him to drive like this. Come on, just 10 more minutes, stay awake! He told himself.


Then he thought of something. Coffee! He looked at the time and it was almost 6. He frowned a bit, she’s probably off.


Even in this state, he took his chances. The shop was just around the corner. Suho made a little detour and found himself parked in front of the small Cafe.


Just as he reached for the door handle without thought, the door spontaneously opened before he could even grab hold of the handle. He stepped back but what woke him up was not the fact that he almost got hit by a door, but the one who opened it.


"I'm so sorr-" He heard the voice say.

“Oh. Hi” Suho greeted her.

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k_nana #1
Chapter 32: Hello authornim. I've read a few of ur works so far n loved them n reading this one , i can't help but think that u might discontinue?? I hope not, but if that was the case, then good luck to ur other fictions:)
AUTHORNIM HI I love you <3333
Chapter 32: wow,, it has been a long time, right?

will minjun be her shelter?
I love this fic!! Please update soon <3 Fighting!!
Chapter 31: OMG!!!!!! thats all i can say after reading this
please update soon!!!!
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful.... i love it.
Does Naeun have any disease due to the constant headache n nosebleed???
Update again soon~!
Chapter 30: I hope naeun is okay.....
Chapter 29: wahhh is he gonna make a move. wooo I love this story so much. I almost forgot what it was until I re read the foreword but this is seriously awesome. thank you. ☆
Chapter 29: YAY!!!!! so happy to hear from you!!! I'm so glad that I didn't unsubscribe this story cuz I really wanna read the progress between Suho and Naeun :)