Chapter 1: First Meeting

The Gate To Heaven (Part 1)

It’s my first day of school at Woonam High School. They call it the “gate to heaven”. I have no idea why its called this but now I know why, and it is true. It's the gate to heaven... Here was how my first day of school went:

--April 2007--

“Omg!!! There they are!! Get your cameras girls!!”
*Flash flash flash* girls fainting, screaming, jumping around in excitement. One girl even pushed me down to the ground! Great! How embarrassing!! My first day of school and I’m on the dirty floor!

As I glanced up to the crazy girls, they seem to be gazing up in awe, apparently not taking notice of me! What are they looking at? I asked myself, as soon as I knew it, a hand is on my right shoulder, I turned quickly to see a handsome boy with spiky black hair staring down at me. I looked at his nametag and it said, “Himchan”. He had a cute frown on his face and when he talked, he blew me away, not literally but his voice was really deep, it didn’t seem to match his handsome face. But still it was really charming. 
“Are you ok?” He asked me as he raised his hand towards me.
I took his hand and he lightly brought me up to my feet. I didn’t reply back because I couldn’t take his beauty so I just shook my head. He smiled and walked away. There were five other guys with him, but the light was so bright that I couldn’t see their face, or maybe they were too beautiful. But I did see another person, he winked at me and walked away. His nametag said “Jongup”. What a weird kid I thought. As the beautiful human beings walked away, I was back on planet earth.

I looked at my surrounding and every girl was staring at me like I was some kind of rare meat they wanted to eat. They all walked away and some even bump me on the shoulder so hard that I about to fall on the floor, again. I guess they were jealous of me or something. I can understand why. I would be jealous of myself too.


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my god that was great ^_^ i loved it
Chapter 5: Wahhhh!!! DAEBAK it was jjang!!!~~
Chapter 5: That was really GOOD XD please update soon :D
Jongup needs some love too!!! and I wish I was Daehyun.. if only I could eat cake in gym class :C
Coniii #5
Chapter 5: wow cool!! Min is such a fangirl! ... mmm can Min be with Yongguk? xd because I ship them . they are my bias =). Great story,looking forward for the second part =).