


"Gwenchana?" he asked seriously.  I nodded.  "De(ne) kamsahamnida." 

"O, ahniyo." 


I decided to leave before it got awkward but felt it was too bad I couldn't keep talking to the guy. And so, I said the next thing that popped into my head.  "You know, my purse got stolen."  "Arayo," he chuckled.  "I saw."  "Haha right," I said awkwardly  and mentally kicked myself. This is what happens when you try to start a conversation with guys.  Remember this moment and never repeat it.  "Well thank you again," I said, this time giving a little wave.  He nodded, and I tried to walk away like nothing had really happened when I realized my foot couldn't handle any weight just then.  "Great," I muttered. 


I looked up, though, and saw that I had ended up in front of the building I'd been heading for, so I hoped the burning in my cheeks would die down by the time I limped through the doors.  I heard some footsteps behind me and tightened the grip I had on my bag.  I was surprised to see the good looking stranger in front of me again, holding open the door for me.  "Komawoyo."  I felt a little excited.  Did he follow me just to help?  But then I instantly squashed that thought.  He probably just works here...


I stepped inside the building and felt a little happier hearing him come in behind me.  The lady at the receptionist counter looked up and beamed.  "O, Kim Hyun Joong ssi! Welcome back!"  I saw him nod and smile out of the corner of my eye.  So he's well liked, at least by her, I noted.  I limped forward towards the counter and smiled at the lady.  "Excuse me, what office does Kim Kyu Jong ssi work in?"  I was taken aback when the lady narrowed her eyes at me.  "We don't give out that kind of information to fans," she said sharply.  "If you want to see him, you can wait in front for him to come out."  Fans?  "Oh ahniyo. I'm not a fan," I clarified.  "I'm Kyu Jong's friend, and I just wanted to know where he works so I can surprise him instead of ruining it and just calling him," I finished, hoping she would believe me.  But her eyes remained slits.  I sighed.  "What would you like me to do to prove it to you?"  She shook her head firmly.  "I know all the types of fans who come through here. Unless Kyu Jong says he knows you, I can't let you go any further."  I threw up my hands and sighed in frustration.  "Fine, I guess you'll just have to call him."  She picked up the phone, still glaring at me, when someone said, "Ahniyo. She's with me," in a slightly amused voice.  I turned at that and was surprised to see the stranger standing behind me.  The receptionist lady looked as shocked as I felt, but she merely nodded.  "Ne, Kim Hyun Joong ssi."  


He came up beside me and held out his arm.  "Cha." 

"Komawoyo," I said again as I took it.  It felt very sturdy walking with him, and he set a slow pace for the elevators.  Once inside, I hobbled to the corner while he pushed one of the buttons. He gazed up at the elevator display, watching the progress we were making, while I got a chance to study him.  He wore a black beanie and had a pair of headphones dangling from one of his back pockets. He also had on a nice tan colored leather jacket over a black shirt and comfortable looking jeans.  Everything just looked so comfortable and natural on him, I thought. But who was he anyway? 


"Chogi-yo, uh, Kim Hyun Joong ssi.  But, why did you decide to help me?"  He looked at me quizzically.  "Weren't you telling the truth?"  

"Well yes, I was, but how did you know?" 

"Kyu Jong-ah is my friend," he said simply.  "He said he was expecting someone this week."  


He resumed looking at the display until the doors pinged open.  The hallway I found myself in was spacious and business-like, with a row of doors on either side.  I got excited about seeing Kyu Jong again and almost started to head off on my own when I remembered I didn't know where he worked.  I turned to Kim Hyun Joong.  "Where does Kyu Jong work?"  He pointed a couple of doors down.  "Do you still need help?" he asked.  "Oh, uh ne."  I took a hold of his arm again, and we started off.  


On reaching the door, he put his finger to his lips and signaled for me to wait outside.  I nodded, and he went in.  "Yah, where did you go?" I heard someone say.  

"We have to decide on a couple more things, and then we can all go,"  another voice said.  Was that Kyu Jong's voice?  I strained to here, but it had been so long since I'd heard him that I couldn't be very sure.  

"Yah, Kyu Jong-ah. I got a present for you."  That was Kim Hyun Joong's voice for sure. 

"Chincha?"  There it was.  That soft voice.  He certainly hadn't changed, and I  smiled at how unaffected he sounded at the mention of this present.  

"It's not another one of your poster boards is it? Yah, don't tell me it's a present from a fan. Did they hand it to you in the street?" another voice said.  

"Ahni. It's actually a fan. She was crying so much I brought her up and promised she could meet you." 

"O yah, Hyung," Kyu Jong protested.  The room had gone quiet before several voices broke the silence.  "Chincha?" they all asked.  And then, "You can come in now!" Kim Hyun Joong called out.  


I took a deep breath and smiled before opening the door slowly.  I looked in the direction I'd heard Kyu Jong's voice coming from and saw him.  "Surprise!"  







Thanks for reading.  Hope you liked it so far.  Please leave a lot of comments.  I'm really excited for input.  ^ ^  I also haven't thought of a poster or any chapter pictures, so if anyone would like to suggest some or brainstorm w/me, please let me know!  Kamsahamnida!

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awesome_501 #1
aww the letters are so sweet!^^ update soon^^
awesome_501 #2
ur story is really good so far^^ can't wait for the rest of ur story^^ update soon xD