Chapter 15

Second (First) Chance

Chapter 15

“Youngjae and I broke up…”

You looked serious and determined, as the cameras filmed and flashed on you. All your other band mates looked at you in surprise. And your manager starred at you with his eyes widely as you kept a straight and firm expression. Questions kept being bombarded towards you.

“What lead you to break up?” “What were the causes?” “How long ago did you break up?”

“Did you regret having a relationship with him?” “Is there any possibility that in the future you’d get back with him?”

You took a deep breath, you ignored a couple of questions, but you knew there were some that needed to be answered.

“As a celebrity I have feelings just as any other person, and I believe that there are certain things that should remain part of Youngjae’s and my private life. Now, I should clear some things out. I do not regret the relationship I shared with him, and if there is any possibility that in the future we would get back together… Only time will tell. As for now we would like if you’d respect our position and personal lives. STAR’s and B.A.P’s relations shall not be damaged by this, and we will keep working hard as we already were, and please anticipate a lot from us. We appreciate the support we’ve received from everyone, and we will not disappoint you. Kamsahamnida!”

With those words the press remained quiet, and the signal that it was over was given. You felt the glares and stares from everyone in the group, fans, and even the manager as he spoke on the phone desperately. You were completely aware that things weren’t going to be easy now…

But you felt alright despite it all… He promised me…



You walked to the office once again, the one who brought you back to when all this started. Once you’re in front of the door, Youngjae walks over to you stomping his feet. He grabs your wrist to take your attention and he says:

“______! Why did you say that? Did you really take what I said to you lightly? Why do you keep doing this to me? Just when I think I have you for me, you just break things unexpectedly!”

“Youngjae calm down… Just listen to me…” –You got cut off when the door opened and a very stern voice said:

“Youngjae, ______.... You may come in now.”

Youngjae released you and glared at you as you entered the office. You sat in the same chairs you were when the “confession” happened. But this time you were hoping you’d just let go of this lie for good.

The CEO sat starring furiously at you guys, but his tone remained calm. He had his arms crossed and he began to speak.

“I need an explanation, because I really don’t get what went wrong between you guys. One day you’re dating perfectly, the next I have to take an emergency flight because of a scandal regarding a break up… Why didn’t you tell me if there was something wrong before taking such a drastic decision? Youngjae, you have been longer in this industry… Why didn’t you think this through?”

Youngjae was about to answer, but you politely cut him off.

“Excuse me sir… He didn’t have anything to do with what I said. It was all me.”

“But why did you do this _______? Weren’t you happy that you didn’t have to hide your relationship?”

You took a deep breath.

“I wasn’t happy sir… not when I was lying to everyone. Truth is that I haven’t been happy with this whole public relationship since day one. I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately, and I realized that though you claim this whole thing was based on love. It never was! It was just a way to promote us! The attention we were getting wasn’t because we were recognized as a group, but more because I was recognized as a B.A.P’s member’s girlfriend…”

“_____... You should’ve said something about it first, instead of causing this whole mess… You didn’t have to break up like this…”

“I have another reason… And it’s the one I’m feeling most guilty about… I was never in a relationship with Youngjae…”

“You weren’t? Then why did you two…”

“I pretended that I was in a relationship with Youngjae to protect Zelo… Because we were dating…”

“You were dating Zelo? Are you crazy ______?” –The CEO snapped at you putting his hand on his head.

“I broke up with him… I…”

“It doesn’t matter! The rumors were true and you lied to everyone! You knew it was an inappropriate relationship and you should’ve just ended it as it started. And you Youngjae! I’m disappointed with you… Were you covering for your band mate? Do you…”

You interrupted to defend Youngjae…

“He didn’t know sir! I never told him…”

Youngjae looked down and the CEO starred at him seeing guilt written all over his face…

“Youngjae… I need the truth… now.

You looked at Youngjae who now looked up at the CEO and then at you, he said:

“I can’t lie anymore _____... I already knew about it.”

“What? You knew? Then why’d you…”

“I was the one who started the rumor… And I’m so…” –He said now looking again down in disappointment.

“How did you find out?” –You ask sternly, interrupting him.

“I saw you once at the dance studio with Zelo kissing… And I just got so angry and jealous, that I started the rumor that you were dating someone younger… I just didn’t think it was going to get far enough to get to the CEO…”

The CEO was going to speak but you just raised your tone at Youngjae.

“So what did you think would happen?” –You ask sarcastically.

“I thought if you’d heard a rumor like that, you’d back off from Zelo and eventually break up…”

“So you just wanted to break my relationship? And I thought that you were actually worth giving a real chance…” –You stood up furious.

The CEO signaled you with his index finger and said rising his tone: “_______ please sit down! And now listen to me you both! None of this is right, and you two have put in great risk this company’s reputation. And Youngjae I’m really disappointed in you… I never thought you were capable of doing such a thing…”

“As for you ______... You don’t know how furious I am with you having dated a minor, and then lying to everyone about it. And I won’t let it slide. You are banned from any group activity until further notice, and I advise you to keep away from any form of communication until this whole thing cools down… We don’t need you to cause any more trouble. And you may want to pack your things and stay somewhere else besides the dorms until we contact you… You may now leave…”

You avoided Youngjae’s eye contact and just starred at the CEO and bowed at him…

“Sorry for causing so much trouble sir…” –You said respectfully.

Youngjae was about to get up, but the CEO quickly stopped him.

“As for you… Youngjae. I’m not going to let your little lie slide either, but your group is in the middle of promotions so you can’t stop any group activities. So I will speak to your manager about what to do with you about it. And I advise you the same… Avoid any reporters, and please don’t ever dare do anything like this ever again… You may now leave.”


To be continued... This is not over yet...


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OMG I didn't expect to have these many subbies! Ahh! I'll work extra hard to make this story better! :D


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Chapter 25: cute story. liked it
Chapter 22: It's a good story, I like it. Accept the YG thing.. HAHAHA.(hehe).uhh,, um,, kind of good As always this story is good, as always.
Chapter 25: Woahh nice story
Chapter 25: 짱!!! The best!!!
Jt_strawberry #5
Chapter 25: The feels... The fanfic is so good, so good. <3
Jt_strawberry #6
Chapter 4: Aww poor Zelo... TT.TT
I love all your fanfics. They're soo good. Please continue writing~
Cherrycheesecake #7
Chapter 25: I feel sad and happy both... thanks authornim!!!!....
Chapter 25: U made the ending just PERFECT!! And It made me burst into tears!! So sweet!!! :''''''''''D
Chapter 15: Wait wait!! One time they said they love each other and the next thing 'I'(LOL) broke up with him?? LOL