Crushed Confession

Locked Up


L Joe's POV
I let my feet drag a bit as we get closer to the cell. Is it crazy to say I wish I had more than 24 hours in Iso.?
The officer opens the cell door and guides me inside silently. I step in and everybody is already staring at me. Chunji stands but I walk past him to the relaxed CAP and pull him into my arms. I can hear CAP laughing at my odd behavior and he slaps my back reassuringly, once or twice.
I pull back and he offers me no words, just a knowing smirk and a nod. Like that we were friends again, not as if that was ever honestly in jeopardy but the confirmation helps. I let out a sigh of relief and walk to an open mattress to relax.
Chunji is, too quickly, by the bed side and I stare up at him lazily.
"Can...I sit here?" He ask too meekly. I scan the cell.
"Where's Zico?" I see him stiffen at my voice but I pay no attention at how harsh my words were.
"His, uh, ex-boyfriend came to get him out." He answers, fiddling with his thumbs.
"Really? Ex-boyfriend huh? They back together?" I asked trying to sound interested. Chunji nods slowly.
"He says I owe you an apology." I can't help the sarcastic laughter.
"Tell him I said thanks." Chunji cautiously sits on the edge of the bed but I narrow my eyes drawling his attention. "That's probably not a very good idea." He stands immediately and stares at the floor.
"I...hope you'll be able to forgive me." His voice cracks and he walks away to take a seat against the wall.
It's been so quiet lately. A bit ominous in the cell and the older men keep sitting next to Chunji. It makes me uncomfortable but they keep staring at me and haven't touched him, so I won't interfere.
That was 15 minutes ago. They're getting too noisy now, throwing their arm around him and holding him close. I grind my teeth and try to ignore that Chunji's staring at me.
"Yah! Don't touch me!" Chunji's voice suddenly cries, waking the other, already asleep, boys. I stand, seeing the three men attempting to push him to the floor and hold him down.Chunji is a mess of flying limbs under them, but it's useless and I can't ignore my instincts anymore.
I rush to his aid, pushing off the first two men, easy enough, and the third I stand up by his collar.
"You think because he's not in somebody's arms it means he's fair game?" I ask the man in a hard sarcastic voice.
"You're pissed off at him anyways, right?" The suddenly angry man replies, tearing himself from my hold and Chunji crawls to sit behind me.
"What got into you? You're all usually so well behaved." I taunt causing the angry man to glare.
"I'M ING ! So it's either him or you, Byeongari!" I scoff at his threat and push up my sleeves.
"Remember your words." I move to step forward but arms suddenly wrap around my waste, holding me back. I take a moment to look at Chunji's pleading eyes before going to remove his hands.
"Please don't fight! You just got back!" He cries and I ignore the plead.
"They're underestimating me, again, Channie. You don't expect me to let that slide do you?" I ask evenly, like I would before he stepped on my heart. Chunji regrips my waist
" No! I don't want you to leave!" He shouts, when I notice Changjo and CAP are by my side ready to make this a fair fight.
"Don't play the victim Chunji. I'm protecting you like you wanted, right?" His face is tear stained by now but I dismiss it.Till his lips land on mine, desperate and frantic.
"I LOVE YOU!" I don't let the words hit me like they, apparently, should because everyone freezes. I shove the boy away from me.
"How dare you. You think I'm a toy? If you keep acting like this I won't be held responsible for what happens to you." I say too quietly as if lecturing a child.
"You felt it right! When we made love, you felt how completely lost, in you, I was. You can't fake that, L Joe. You can hide it as long as you want but I won't anymore!" I stiffen at his words and close my eyes, as not to let them sink in.
"Stop." I beg, he moves closer to me, making me breath in the scent I'd been craving.
"I won't."
"What do you want from me!" I shout, gripping his shoulders in an attempt to keep myself together. Chunji quickly wraps his arms around me and buries his face in my shoulder. I stand unmoving, fighting the tears that want to be freed.
"Believe me." I shake my head, again, stopping myself from wanting to.
"I can't."
                                              Such a waste of a chapter, ugh.
I'm too distracted...
The ending is choppy and I'm sorry but I just couldn't think!
                                                                                            Forgive me!
Here's to hoping! ^-^


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Rereading this in 2017 bcs i miss this couple
Chapter 1: This was a nice read and I never get tired of this, no matter how many times I have read it :D

There's something that's been bothering me for a long time, ever since I first read this...

What did Ricky do to get probation? o.O
sarakara #3
Chapter 22: my first time reading this omg it was so good!!
Second time reading this fic! :)
Chapter 4: My. Feels. All. Over. The. Damn. Place. Askhskahgsjfkhsgddla. Your stories are no good for my fangirling heart I just might pass out. This is too cute dammit.
Chapter 19: Wow this was really good! It was a very original plot line, and well executed, good job, author-nim and thanks for writing a great story! :3
hinatac #7
Chapter 7: I love your author's notes, they always make me laugh
leejoonmblaq #8
Chapter 22: omgomgomgomg this is AMAZING. Though I'm a bit sad that you didn't write about how CAP and the others made Jiyeon uncomfortable because I really love to read those kind of scenes xD Nonetheless, an AWESOME story!!!!!
i love your story.. it different kind of chunjoe story..
i wish you make more chunjoe fic...
chunjiholic #10
umm. new reader here. I admit this is one of the BEST fanfic I've read, it's really organized and its super unique from other fics, and I have to say I enjoyed it a lot. I saw the one-shot? the thing with the gay bar.. yea, I fall in love with that story and u mentioned your chaptered fic there so.. I'm glad you did~^^ but there's a single thing that pisses me off to no end. Jiyeon, she's my idol. I love her even more than my biases and the fact that you use her as a makes me feel insecure(?) about her. She's quite everything I am, so it's really heart breaking to see bad comments saying bad things to her. Well except that, good job and I hope you can change Jiyeon's role. Not that I'm complaining, it's your choice. Jiyeon don't deserve this. Despite that, LOVE this story. You did a great job, hwaiting