
Locked Up

Chunji's POV 


"Kyung!" Zico grins from ear to ear, reaching through the cell's door.


"Hey Zico." The boy replies quietly. 


"You came!" Zico looks like he's about to cry out of excitement and I take a spot beside him, curious. 


"Well...you're innocent...and I missed you." Kyung finishes staring at his feet. Zico, again, reaches through the bars to run his hand against the boys face. 


"I love you." Zico's words are soft and romantic and I suddenly feel out of place. 


"I know." 


"Then why'd you leave me?" Zico begs, gripping the cell bars with both hands. 


"I-You know I've never been entirely comfortable with this...boyfriend thing." Zico's face is disheartened but he nods. 


"So you're just here to get me out?" Zico's voice is dry and heart wrenching. 


"NO! Zico I...feel things I've never felt. I want us to be together...every way we can. You're my best friend. I never thought you'd try to be more...but I like it." Kyung says, letting his eyes lock with Zico's and I suppose he is appeased by the words, smiling at the boy. 


"So you're really falling for me?" Zico ask with the same cocky grin he came in with on the first day. Kyung just blushes and turns to the guard. 


"Would you get him out of there, please? He looks like a criminal." Kyung complains and Zico doesn't let his face fall. The guard tells me to step back and I do. 


"Zico." I call, making a last goodbye. "Sorry for anything I put you through." Zico's lips quirk up in half a smile. 


"It's all okay now, Kyungie is back!" He stares at me for a second, a blank expression on his face and I my head. "I think...L Joe deserves that apology more than me." He says lowering his eyes, embarrassed. I smile a sad smile at him and nod. 


"I thought you liked me?" I say, finally requesting an explanation for his words and actions. He rubs the back of his neck and stares at his feet.


"I do, but I love Kyung." I stare, blank faced, understanding but not comprehending. "I probably understand better than anyone what L Joe is going through." My breath catches and I bite my lip in embarrassment. "Be careful." He finishes and the cell opens.




L Joe's POV 


I needed some time in Iso. I'm sure everyone could see that. 


It isn't the easiest to forget your feelings for an adorable, heartless, boy when he's sitting in front of you. I hit the wall, making my bandaged knuckles bleed again and I lower my head. 




I felt horrible. I've never them like that but I couldn't hit Niel, who was the real person my anger was directed at. CAP would, without a doubt, have preferred my actions the way they were but CAP is my friend. He'd never hurt someone he cared about. 


What if Niel didn't like him? What if Niel's feelings were fake. Would he snap like I had? I tug at my hair in frustration. 


Absolutely not. 


CAP is a stronger person than me. He would have handled himself with amazing grace. While I let myself run wild for a boy. 


It's shameful. 


Chunji's POV 


I sit fiddling with my fingers in the corner while the three odd inmates can't seem to stop looking between CAP, Changjo, and myself.


I was nervous. Everyone wasn't entirely happy with me at the moment, maybe they'd figure I deserved it... I swallow too loudly, getting a wide near toothless grin from the oldest man in the cell. Nobody moves as he steps toward me and I stand, figuring if it's convenient for the boys, maybe they'd help. 


The older man grips my upper arm, stopping my passing and I stare at his hand in surprise. 


A slight cough drawls our attention and we see CAP staring at the man, uninterested in all honesty, but still staring. Apparently that's enough because the man, reluctantly, drops his grip and I quickly shuffle to Ricky's side after giving a nod toward CAP.


Everyone is quiet for a long minute, till Ricky speaks up.


"Do you like him or not Chunji?" I let my eyes snap up to meet his. My mind is running rampant and all eyes are on me. I whimper at the question but eventually I nod.


"I have to." I reply quietly.


Changjo's fist hits the bunk, making a metallic sound, that drawls everyone's attention.


"Don't treat us like we're the bad guy! If you don't like him it's your loss." Changjo growls and Ricky rest his small hand on the man's bicep to calm him.


"You're all very protective of him." I whisper


"You know why." Niel's voice cuts and I nod.


"What exactly do you think of him?" Changjo insist, getting a frantic look from Ricky who tugs at his arm with a pout. Changjo looks at the boy and pats his back reassuringly. 


"I-I think a lot of things." I breath the words.


"Like?" He continues with narrowed eyes.


"Please don't make me say it." I beg biting my lip and staring at the spot I last saw L Joe.


"What are you afraid of?" CAP's voice breaks the sudden silence, voice concerned and comforting.


"A lot of things. You aren't supposed to fall in-" I stop, getting anxious stares. "That isn't supposed to happen in prison. You're supposed to meet at a street corner and go for coffee. Then insist you see each other again. This is too influence! How can anybody know it's real!" Ricky begins to chuckle and everyone turns to the cute noise.


"You've really never been in love. Have you Chunji?" I blush at his question and bury my face in my hands. "It's not meant to be questioned. You just let it happen...at some point, there will be no denying it." Ricky finishes, sounding too mature. 


"Guys...I think I'm in love."


This is just a 'filler' chapter...I had to get the boring stuff done.

Chunji realized the obvious!


Hahaha L Joe will come back a little different and the cell mates will come back a bit more persistant, I think.


Don't get too excited now.

Hahah I got a little writer's block, so sorry for this chapter being so short! There might be some other short chapters, but I'll try to fix it fast!

             <--You look like this?

Did I tell you lately that I love you?


Should I dance for you?


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<--*munch* *munch* *munch*


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Rereading this in 2017 bcs i miss this couple
Chapter 1: This was a nice read and I never get tired of this, no matter how many times I have read it :D

There's something that's been bothering me for a long time, ever since I first read this...

What did Ricky do to get probation? o.O
sarakara #3
Chapter 22: my first time reading this omg it was so good!!
Second time reading this fic! :)
Chapter 4: My. Feels. All. Over. The. Damn. Place. Askhskahgsjfkhsgddla. Your stories are no good for my fangirling heart I just might pass out. This is too cute dammit.
Chapter 19: Wow this was really good! It was a very original plot line, and well executed, good job, author-nim and thanks for writing a great story! :3
hinatac #7
Chapter 7: I love your author's notes, they always make me laugh
leejoonmblaq #8
Chapter 22: omgomgomgomg this is AMAZING. Though I'm a bit sad that you didn't write about how CAP and the others made Jiyeon uncomfortable because I really love to read those kind of scenes xD Nonetheless, an AWESOME story!!!!!
i love your story.. it different kind of chunjoe story..
i wish you make more chunjoe fic...
chunjiholic #10
umm. new reader here. I admit this is one of the BEST fanfic I've read, it's really organized and its super unique from other fics, and I have to say I enjoyed it a lot. I saw the one-shot? the thing with the gay bar.. yea, I fall in love with that story and u mentioned your chaptered fic there so.. I'm glad you did~^^ but there's a single thing that pisses me off to no end. Jiyeon, she's my idol. I love her even more than my biases and the fact that you use her as a makes me feel insecure(?) about her. She's quite everything I am, so it's really heart breaking to see bad comments saying bad things to her. Well except that, good job and I hope you can change Jiyeon's role. Not that I'm complaining, it's your choice. Jiyeon don't deserve this. Despite that, LOVE this story. You did a great job, hwaiting