Bowling with Youngjae

When my poster turns real

“Ah, so full.” You said relaxing on the chair after eating so much. “I’m still hungry.” Daehyun said smiling. “Everyone knows you love food oppa. Do you ever get fat?"You asked Daehyun shrugged and continues eating.

When everyone finished eating Jongup and Youngjae volunteered to do the dishes. You went to do your homework and study for a maths test for tomorrow. Then you went to sleep.

The next morning you woke up and got changed quickly. B.A.P weren’t awake yet so you left a note on the fridge.

You went to the school library to continue studying there for your maths test that was in your first session.


“How did you go Sunhee?” Hana asked as she closed her locker door. “Good, what about you?” You asked feeling curious. “Me? I did alright I guess… I didn’t study because I forgot. But I hope I did well.” Hana said.  The two of you sat at a bench in the school garden and talked until the bell rang.

12:00 at home-

One by one each person woke up slowly. They all brushed their teeth and washed their faces then went downstairs to sit on the couch sleepily. “What’s the time?” Zelo asked then yawned. “12:00, we need to take Dubu for a walk. Come on people! Get active! Don’t be lazy!” Jongup said smiling happily. “We need energy.” Youngjae said. I’ll make breakfast for everyone then we’ll go for a walk. Himchan said. “Where’s Sunhee?” Yongguk asked. “Sunhee went school!” Himchan shouted from the kitchen after he read the note you left on the fridge.

When B.A.P and Dubu finished eating their “breakfast” they put on their shoes and went on a walk.

By 3:30 you arrive home and heard lots of noise coming from inside your house. “Hi everyone!” You greeted cheerfully. “Hi!” “Did you have fun at school today? Yongguk asked. “How did you do on the test?” Himchan asked. “Yes I did have fun at school today and I did really good on my test.” You said smiling.


You changed out of your school uniform and went downstairs to join everyone else on the couch. “Sunhee, come sit here!” Zelo said patting the spot next to him. You nodded and went to sit next to him. “Sunhee, are you bored?” Daehyun asked. You nodded. “Why don’t we go to the bowling alley?” Youngjae suggested. “Bowling? I’ve never been bowling before. And since its Friday I would love to go!” You said happily. “To be honest Sunhee, I am the best at bowling.” Youngjae said. “Really? You can teach me then.” You said. 


“I don’t want to go bowling.” Jongup said. “Same here.” Yongguk and Daehyun said. “I don’t like bowling.” Himchan said. “I want to stay home.” Zelo said. “Fine with me, I can spend some time with Sunhee then.” Youngjae said.


The two of you took the taxi to the bowling alley. You’ve never been to one and you were very excited to play. 


You and Youngjae got your bowling shoes and went to the lane you were going to play in. “Need help wearing your shoes?” Youngjae asked. “Nah, I’m ok I can do it myself.” You said bending down to tie your shoe laces, but Youngjae stopped you and tied your shoe laces for you. “T-thank you Youngjae oppa.” You stuttered. “No problem.” Youngjae said then ruffled your hair.

“Pick a ball.” Youngjae said pointing to the row of balls on the side. You picked up a purple ball. “Ah… it’s heavy.” You said. Youngjae laughed at you. “Put your fingers in it and aim directly at the pins.” Youngjae said and demonstrated for you to see. The ball rolled straight down the lane and hit all the bowling pins down. “Woah! Oppa! You’re the best!” You said happily putting your thumb up. “Sunhee, you try it.” Youngjae said. You did what Youngjae taught you before but it went down the gutter.“Good try Sunhee.” Youngjae said clapping.

For two hours you kept trying but never got strike like Youngjae. “Oppa, I give up.” You said and sat down on one of the chairs. “Never give up~” Youngjae sang. “Cheer up, towards your dream~” You sang and stood back up to have another try. “Never give up.” You mumbled to yourself. “Go Sunhee! You can do it!” Youngjae cheered. You smiled and rolled the ball. The ball slowly rolled down the lane. The pins started falling one by one. “Sunhee! You got a strike!” Youngjae congratulated you and gave you a hug.

For the next hour the two of you versed each other. “Oppa, it’s not fair you keep winning.” You said. “That’s because I’m more experienced than you.” Youngjae said. “Are we going home now?” You asked. “Yeah, come on we can come back here another day.” Youngjae said changing back into his shoes. “Next time I want to win.” You said and Youngjae nodded. The two of you went out of the bowling alley and waited for the bus. “Are you hungry Sunhee?” Youngjae asked. You shook your head. “You sure? You haven’t eaten anything since you came back from school. I know you’re hungry.” Youngjae said. “I’m not hungry.” You said. Youngjae chuckled to himself and dragged you to the nearest spicy rice cake store.

“Do you like spicy rice cake?” Youngjae asked. You slightly nodded. “It’s a bit spicy for me.” “If it gets to spicy then you can drink milk.” Youngjae said. “I like strawberry milk.” You said like a kid. “Then we can order strawberry milk for you.” Youngjae said

When the two of you finished eating, you and Youngjae took the bus back home.

“Oppa, I forgot my key.” You said after searching your pockets. “Ring the doorbell.” Youngjae said and pressed the button. You heard the doorbell ring and Zelo shout “I’ll get it!” The door opened and Zelo stood there smiling happily. “How was it? Fun?” Zelo asked. “Yes! It was the best! Oppas should of all came with us.” You said as you took of your shoes. “We will next time.” Yongguk said.  “You promised Yongguk oppa. I’m going to have a shower now.” You said and went upstairs. “You guys know what?” Youngjae asked. “What?” “I heard Sunhee sing.” Youngjae said. “Really? Was she good?” Jongup asked. “Only one line. She’s pretty good I guess.” Youngjae said.  “We will pass this mission!” Himchan said. “Fighting!”

You finished having your shower and went downstairs with wet dripping hair. “Sunhee, dry your hair or you’ll get sick.” Daehyun said. “I always leave my hair like this.” You said pointing to your head. “Go get a towel I’ll dry it for you Sunhee.” Zelo said. You smiled and went to your room to get your towel.

You sat on the floor while Zelo sat on the couch drying your hair. It felt like heaven having someone like him dry your hair for you. The 7 of you watch a horror movie together and soon fell asleep all over the place. 


Youngjae gif spam!






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Chapter 25: Awww so cute!
syayuuri #2
Chapter 25: I love the ending haha
ForeverThinkinOfFood #3
Chapter 1: Hahah i have that poster too. I wish they would come to live too. That would be so awesome ^^
Chapter 24: Nice ending
Chapter 16: I'm so sad for Zeloo....
Goldie #6
yay!! happy ending!! nice story authornim!! I just finished reading.. ^^
Chapter 2: Lol zelo dancing secret magic x)
zldhwyjh_98 #9
Chapter 6: in the chapter "time with daehyun" where is the first and the last gif from??? i'm literally dyingggggggg
Chapter 25: Oh, grown up Dubu, K-Pop Idol! ^^