Mee-Aen Noona Neomu Yeppeo?


I was left alone with John Lee in my mom's office. I don't know why. My mom is acting weird..wait-Is she up to something? THAT MOTHER! I cleared my throat loudly enough to get John Lee's attention. Not that way. I mean..AISHH! WHATEVER. He turned my way and had a confused look on his face. CONFUSED? YOU, CONFUSED?! I'm supposed to be the one confused here! Who knows maybe this guy is a murderer just like in movies.

"N-neo(you). Why are you here?"

He looked the other way, ignoring me. POLITE JERK, HE IS!


I was ready to have a boxing match with this guy when a voice interrupted me.

"Hello? Is TOP's fiance here?" I looked towards the door of my mom's office and saw Kibum.

"HEY-" He was cut off when he saw that polite jerk. What's going on here? Does he know him?

"Hyunkyu?" Kibum said while John Lee's eyes grew bigger. Hyunkyu?

"Oh..H-hyung..What are you doing here? ahaha" He said with an awkward laugh. Hyung? So that means I'm older than him! This rude kid!

"You know each other?" I said with my head moving back and forth waiting for someone to respond. I look like an idiot doing so.

"He's-" Kibum was about to say when he was cut off.

"We're friends..ahahaha" Now he's laughing? What happened to expressionless John Lee?

"Ya. Kid. Just how old are you that you're speaking banmal(informal) to me?" The kid just put his head down, trying hard not to meet my eyes.

"Ya you're just in time. Save me, eung?" I said to Kibum with my hands clasped together.

"A-arrasso. Kaja! Hyunkyu, I'll see you later" Kibum waved at the kid.

"Oh. Keure(okay)..Ya rude kid, I'm going!"

Aishh. He is rude. He waved at Kibum but not to me!!! I stood up and started walking away. I was almost out of the house when my mom caught me.

"Son Mee-Aen! Where are you going?! Kibum, stay right there!"

"Saranghae omma!"

I grabbed Kibum's hand and ran towards his car.

We were finally in his car and he started driving...well of course AFTER we put on our seatbelts. Safety first, people!

"Good job Kibum. You were just on time to save me."

"Tchh.. You talk like I'm your maid."

"But you are. Aren't you?"

I looked at him with puppy eyes while he gave me an evil stare until I finally gave in-to avoid accidents because I'm telling you, he'll never look away until I do give in-and said,

"I'm kidding!"

"By the way, what's up with what you're wearing? I'm sure that it's not the latest fashion because if it is I would be the first one to know."

He said eye-ing the coffee stains on my shirt.

"It's a long and annoying story. Anyways, you don't have any schedules for today?"

"I'm a very busy person you know! I'm Shinee's Key!"

Yup. You read it right. Shinee. I'm best friends with Kibum since.. I don't even know but I do know that it was way before I knew what was going on with the world. It's mainly because our parents are friends. I know this is kid is supposed to be calling me noona, well, he's just one of those rude kids living in this world.

"Well if you are busy, then why are you here?"

"You don't want me to be here? Keure(ok), then I'll just drop you off your house." He was about to turn the car around when I said,

"ANI(no) ANI ANI!  AISSSH! I was just asking!"

"Ahahaha. The look on your face! Well, I just finished my schedule, and I'm free for the next 4 hours. I thought it would be nice to donate my time on you since I'm a very kind, loving human being"

"Donate? Tchh. Whatever. You did good."

"So, how's brother-in-law?"

We're practically siblings. He calls my parents just like how he would call his parents and I do that same way with his parents. But what? brother-in-law? WHO?!

"Shut up! It'll never happen. I'm telling you! Anyways, OMAIGAT! I SAW G-DRAGON!! YOUR SUNBAE! It was like meeting a god. I didn't know that a god could be that hot and y. AAAHHHHHH!"

I screamed just like how a fan girl would do. Well, I am a fan girl.

"THE HELL! Keep it down! You're going to get us into an accident! Tch.. I'm ier than Jiyong sunbae. Have you seen my girl dances? It's like you don't even know me!"


"Did you even hear what I just said? Calm down Son Mee-Aen"

"Every man ON EARTH should be like him so that this world would be a beautiful place!"

I clasped my hand together while I put a huge smile across my face.

"You should really get yourself a girl best friend you know."



"Uh.. uh..Hyori unni! That's right! I'm bestfriends with a superstar!"

"Tch..You're full of Son Mee-Aen. Speaking of s, how come I don't hear you swearing? Did you turn yourself into a nun? You're really different from how you were the last time I saw you! Is it because of brother-in-law, huh?"

"AYEE! MOLLA(I don't know)! MOLLA!Stop annoying me! Just focus on driving!"

I temporarily dodged his question. Kibum will keep on asking me until he gets the answer and eventually I will tell him.

He parked the car in front of the mall and we got out.

"I'll buy you an outfit for doing such a good job as a best friend today~~"

I tapped his lightly.

"Stop doing that! We're in public! People might think you're my girlfriend."

"What's wrong with having me as a girlfriend, huh? You're gonna have a moneyful future, I'm pretty..oh and smart! Plus I'm a noona to you. Your song was meant for me anyways, right? Noona neomu yeppeo~"

I said teasing him. I'm only boastful in front of few people I'm close with but I'm a complete different person with other people.

"AISHH! Disgusting! You're not a noona but an ajhumma. Ajhumma."

"AJHUMMA?! Fine. When you're desperate for a marriage, don't ever ask me!"

I said jokingly but with a serious face. Me and Kibum will never happen. Our parents think that we look good for each other but that's like sending off your daughter to marry your son. . That's disgusting and we both know that.

"Excuse me. Kibum will never be desperate for a marriage. Marriage will be desperate for Kibum."

He smiled proudly and winked before putting on his sunglasses and a beanie. He grabbed something from his bag and took out a big specs and scarf. He wrapped the scarf around my neck and put on the specs on me.

"You're pretty popular nowadays, you need to cover up. These days, people don't even know Shinee. They only know CJ Entertainment's Son Mee-Aen"

"Tchh. I wish I could hang out with Shinee. I miss those kids"

"Next time. I'll bring the guys over your villa. They've been wanting to meet up with you too. Especially, Taemin."

"I wish I could marry that kid."

"Are you crazy? To do that you have to be a qualified Pedobear! You're like a halmoni to him! Don't even think about it!"

"Ahahahaha! Relax! I was kidding. I'll move on to Jinki then."

"Hyung will never marry you. He'll rather marry a chicken!"


Speaking of chicken, I saw a Mexicana restaurant and quickly ran up to it while Kibum went in a clothing store. I bought a bucketful of spicy chicken with Onew's face on the bucket hehehe.

"A bride for Jinki" I said to Key and he just laughed.

We passed by some few clothing stores-I lied. It's not few. We practically went to every stores-which made me hungry.

"Let's go eat pasta"

Kibum said.

"Aniya. I want Kogi(meat)"




When I saw about to say 'kogi', He covered his ears and kept on saying 'pasta'. Its really annoying! To defeat the annoyingness, I have to be more annoying than that. I dropped the shopping bags I was holding and sat on my floor and started to fake cry. If anyone would see us right now, they'll think we just escaped from the mental hospital. Kibum gave up when people started whispering at us which made me wanna laugh but I'm going to continue on acting this way until he admits his defeat.

"FINE! Whatever."

I stood up with a huge smile on my face.

"You were going overboard! It's unfair!"

"What's unfair? AHAHAHAHAHA! I wish someone could have recorded us. It was too funny."


After we ate dinner at a kogi place near my house, Kibum drove to my place. He stopped the car in front of my villa as we noticed someone weird gazing over my house. Who is this creeper?

"Who's that?"

Kibum asked.

"Does it look like I know?"

I grabbed the umbrella in the car and got out of the car. I walked slowly to the creeper and held out the umbrella as if it was a sword.

"NUGUNYA(who are you)?!"

When the creeper slowly turned around, I saw the face of the pyeontae which made my eyes widen



I forgot where I left of with the comments but I wanna take this time to really thank you guys. You guys are amazing. Even though I don't update that often anymore and don't reply anymore, you guys still keep on supporting this fanfic^^


Bahahaha. Thank you! x'D


You just might be my most dedicated subscriber. ahaha. I love ILoveChorong!~ x'D


I haven't commented for a while too D; I'm glad you're liking it. hehe


Waaa thank you~ ^^


Thank you!! I just wanna ask.. Is myra your name? cuz its my first name, which I don't really use because I go by my second name ahaha.


I'm sorry I don't update that often but I'll do my best!~^^


hehehe Thank you so much! <3


I'm actually flattered. haha. Usually people don't take the time to read the forewords that's why I also posted it on the 1st chapter. Thank you berrrii mucheee!!~


Thank you for the hwaitings and fightings!!!^^

I don't know if I already mentioned this but I <3 you guys!! ahaha

Also, thanks for the new subscribers.

I'll thank you each personally some time. I'm sorry that I haven't taken the time to do so^^

With much love,


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Thank you!
K.Kyu here! Nae's been really busy with stuff so I might be updating after discussing things with her~ Hope you like whatever comes!


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purpleswaggGlam #1
Chapter 28: Oh no. I hope she's ok.
Onepenny #2
Chapter 28: Oh no! At least her caregiver will be damn hot!! Sponge bath anyone?
Chapter 28: Ooooohhhh hospital time! XD I wonder what seunghyun's reaction will be by then... Update soon please xP
Chapter 28: uh oh~ not good
mrsmlegver #5
Chapter 27: It's totally hilarious how he called the other kibum when he was suppossed to called another kibum, hahaha
Chapter 27: he called the wrong Kibum and heck his rant when he's the one on the wrong~ he's cute ^^
Chapter 27: hahaha omg I crack up on the part where Seunghyun called the wrong Kibum xD
Awesome fic!!!! Update soon please <3 :)
you're updated ^^ and LoL she left Joon..