The Surprise ( part 2) :D

The Guardian Angel

Sehun looked at luhan, he blinked.

" yah, arent you going to invite me in, its cold out here." Luhan chuckled.

Sehun stepped aside to make way for luhan to enter.

" how .. how did you know about my birthday." Sehun asked.

" ( chuckles) i knew you would ask! ( points to the calendar) " Luhan chuckled.

" ( looks at it then to Luhan) oh. i totally forgot it was my birthday." Sehun muttered.

" its okay. I shall remember it for you." Luhan winked.

" thanks. " Sehun said.

" aiish, its fine. come sit! i bought you 3 cakes." Luhan smiled.

Sehun looked at him,

" haha, i could not decide on what flavour to get for you so... ( opening all three boxes) i got all three." Luhan chuckled.

Sehun eyes widened. 

" strawberry  , my love. haha. Chocolate, and fruits. you can take your pick or just eat it all.! " Luhan cheered.

Sehun sat down as he stared at the cake.

" ah, yea, drink this first. ( takes the seaweed soup and handed it to him) " Luhan smiled.

Sehun looked at him.

" aiish, here, ( puts the spoon in sehun's hand) " Luhan smiled.

" drink it, its a must! " Luhan spoke as he faced him.

Sehun looked at him, Luhan's big round eyes were looking directly at him,

Luhan Smiled. Sehun blinked.

" okay. okay. i will" Sehun said.

Luhan cheered.

" cut the cake!" Luhan smiled, 

As Sehun cut the cake, luhan cheered and sang him a birthday song.

" make a wish." Luhan smiled.

" wishes dont come true." Sehun said.

" you never know, it just might , today." Luhan winked,

" how would you know." Sehun asked.

" aiish, just make a wish, its your birthday" Luhan smiled.

Sehun , under the pressure of luhan wanting him to make a wish, closed his eyes and made a wish.

Luhan looked at him as he wished,

" i hope your wish comes true." Luhan prayed.

After making the wish, sehun sighed.

" here, eat the cake, its nice." Luhan handed a slice of cake to him.

" i dont eat Strawberry." Sehun blurted.

" you dont?! why ( pouts)" Luhan sighed.

" i just. dont? " Sehun said,

" fine , i shall eat it, you take the others" Luhan grinned.

As Sehun watched luhan ate the cake, he felt like she has returned even it wasnt real, just for today he felt like she returned through him,

" sehun ah, look ( points to the left) " Luhan said,

" what? ( looks towards the left) .... theres... " Sehun said,

When he turned back, Luhan placed cream on Sehun's nose.

" HAHA!" He laughed. " YAH!" Sehun shouted, Luhan laughed so hard till his sides hurt.

Sehun looked at him, " yah, " he spoke,

" aigoo, you dont smile dont you. " Luhan said.

" how can i smile at a time like this." Sehun said. 

" ah, its okay. What did you wish for." Luhan asked.

" none of your buisness." Sehun added.

" tell me, maybe i can help it come true," Luhan smiled.

" ( shakes head) how can you, you're not even an angel." Sehun said.

" ahh. haha i can be your angel!" Luhan smiled.

Sehun turns and look at him,

" no thanks." he replied.

" aigoo," luhan sighed.

" there's too much cake left over." He said , looking at it.

" who told you to go and buy so many of it." 

" yah, i couldnt decide which you would fancy." Luhan replied.

" can you pass me the cookie in the jar" Sehun asked.

" oh, ( eyes sparkles) you ate them didnt you! isnt it nice?" Luhan grinned,

" if i didnt eat them, who did. a ghost? " Sehun replied.

"yah, haha! its tasty isnt it. you ate almost 3/4 of the jar already" Luhan smiled.

" . ( munching away) " Sehun munched.

"  i want one." Luhan snatched a cookie from sehun.

" you." Sehun said.

( Song: Taemin- Its you )

and thats how the two spend the night.~ :) 



( Morning~)

Luhan opened his eyes slowly, he looked around.

he sat up and saw the remaining cake on the table. He turned to be greeted by a sleeping sehun.

Sehun was fast asleep next to him. Luhan smiled as he looked at Sehun sleep.

" Happy Birthday uh , Sehun - ah." he whispered, touching Sehun's head. Luhan closed his eyes while doing so. 

" may you be happy.~" Luhan prayed. 

Sehun opened his eyes, his vision was blur, 


he thought he saw a pair of wings. A pair of White wings. 

He blinked.

poof! they were gone. 

He rubbed his eye. 

" morningg~~" Luhan smiled.

Sehun rubbed his eye.

" wake upppp~~~~ ( luhan shaking Sehun.) " Luhan laughed.

Sehun shaked his head.

" i thought i saw wings." he uttered.

" wings?!" Luhan exclaimed.

" were you dreaming... of MEE??!!" He joked.

" what?! no! " Sehun replied. Luhan laughed.

" go . go get dressed! we're heading to find the other guys ! They have something planned for you too! " Luhan smiled. Sehun blinked.

: we are on the way now ( as Luhan texted to Suho) 

: Alright! :) text me when you guys reached and we will get ready the surprise! :D ( suho replied) 

: okayy! :D ( luhan replied)

As suho kept his phone.

" guys guys! lets get ready!" they are on the way now." Suho smiled.

" oh! hyung! what should we do with that. (points at the pile of balloons) " Kai asked.

" who blew all those up?!" Suho asked, shocked.

" its like a. a.. mountain" Lay added in.

" it was Baekhyun and Chanyeol" Kris spoke.

" eh. lets just string them up and hang them up" Suho chuckled.

" i have flowers ready!" Baekhyun smiled , holding the string of flowers. 

" so thats going to be around his neck" Chanyeol joked.

" of cos!" Baekhyun grinned.

The two laughed.

Kris who was beside them shook his head.

" hmm, where should i place the gifts. " asked Xiumin.

" just place it on the table?" Kris answered.

" oh, okay~" Xiumin hummed.

" ah, chanyeol uh, help me with the other end, i .. i .. cant reachhhh ittttt~ (jumping for it) " spoke a panting Baekhyun.

" tsk.. thats why theres a need for tall guys like me at time." praised Chanyeol to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun shook his head.

" okay! they're here!! lets get ready!!" Suho smiled.

Everyone got into their hiding position and waited.

( walking in)

" where is everyone." Sehun asked, looking at the house which was dark.

" are they home?" Sehun asked.

" well, lets just enter and see." Luhan chuckled.

Sehun looked at him. 

As he pushed the door knob.

" HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY DEAREST MAKNAEEE SEHUNNN~~~ <33333" The whole group shouted.

Some of them threw confetti and some blew those party whistles

" FOODD COMINGGG!~~" DO spoke, coming out in an apron.

" woahhh hyung! Smells good!" Tao grinned.

" yea, totally, i could even smell it from upstaris," joked Lay who came down from the stairs.

" of cos, its DO's cooking you know." DO Replied.

" okayyy~ so we are all ready aren't we?" Chen smiled.

" yeapp. ( nodding) we just need a text from Luhan now " Suho replied.

The rest of the guys nodded.

Suho's phone vibrated.

: walking there now~ ( luhan texted)

" where are they.?" Sehun asked.

" are they even home?" Sehun asked looking at the dark house infront of them.

" well lets just enter and see for ourselves" Luhan grinned.

Sehun looked at him, As he turned the door knob.

" HAPPY BIRTHDAY OUR DEAREST MAKNAEEE~ SEHUN AH!!! <333" the whole group cheered.

Some of them threw confetti while some blew the party whistles.

Sehun was shocked. He looked at them. 

" 3...2...1!" Suho shouted.

" HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUU HAPPY BIRTHDAYY TO YOUU~~~" the whole group of them sang the song as Lay came out from the kitchen carrying the cake.

" HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SEHUN - sshi ah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUU~" the group chorused.

Luhan placed his arm around Sehun's shoulders.

" YEAHH!!! " Luhan cheered. Sehun turned to look at him. 

Luhan grinned, messing sehun's hair.

As luhan walked to the table.

" woah who prepared all this?" he asked,

" DO did" Suho smiled. 

" DO?" Luhan asked.

" oh ya. guys! listen up! we have a new member to our family! ( places arm around luhan) he's Luhan!" Suho smiled, 

" Hi! im Luhan! nice to see you all!~" Luhan grinned.

" hiiii~" both Chanyeol and Baekhyun chorused.

Kris waved cooly.~ 

" come, try my food. i woke up early just to prepare all this feast for you all~" DO laughed.

" alright~ we will " Chen replied, eating the hot dog.

" sehun ah, haha! " Baekhyun chuckled. 

"bring it out!!~~" Baekhyun chuckled. 

Chanyeol walked out of the kitchen carrying a tray full of Chocolate bubbletea.~

" OMG~!" laughed Lay and Xiumin. 

" heree! we know you love bubble tea especially chocolate so we..." Chanyeol smiled.

" ordered a total of 20 cups for you!" both Baekhyun and Chanyeol cheered.

" thats alot." Tao uttered. eyes wide open at the sight of it.

" HAHA! it sure is!" Kai laughed.

" can we start bbq-ing now?" asked Chen. " my tummy is growling~" he added.

" alright alright~" DO laughed.

" you feeling better now?" Kai asked as he handed a cup of bubble tea to Sehun.

Sehun looked down.

" take it easy alright~ time will heal everything~" he added, patting Sehun's back. 

Sehun sipped his bubble tea. 

( outside at the garden)

" yah, why is your hot dog.. brown?" Baekhyun asked Chanyeol.

" what! this is call burn. its nice you know" he grinned.

" oh really. " Baekhyun joked.

" what! your isnt any better.. its.. its.. black?" Chanyeol laughed.

" WHAT! no it isnt!" Baekhyun replied.

" mine is the perfect one ( turning the hot dogs)" DO added.

All 3 of them laughed.

" woah, this is seriously delicious man" Luhan added, stuffing a whole lot of food into his mouth.

" i agree with you. DO's cooking is super." Kris added.

" yeapp! it sure is!" Luhan laughed.

" can you pass me the drink" Lay asked to Xiumin.

" here you goo~" Xiumin smiled.~


( inside the house) 

Sehun sat by the couch as he sighed looking at the cups of bubble tea left .  there were a total of 16 left.

He opened the packet of chips and started munching.

( outside)

While luhan was munching, he turned and saw Sehun inside through the sliding door by the sofa munching on chips.

He got up, took a plate of bbq-ed food and walked in.

" here! have one, its seriously daebak~!" Luhan offered.

" no thanks~" Sehun replied.

Luhan turned to him. 

" not hungry?" Luhan asked.

Sehun shook his head.

" hey ( puts down the plate) i have a gift for you." Luhan smiled.

Sehun turn to him,

" ta-dah~! pulls out two deers, ( hands him one) you are the striped one, while im the other one!" Luhan smiled.

Sehun looked at it. 

" keep it well, it will be like your angel. when you are sad look at it. it can make you at least feel better" Luhan smiled, eating the hot dog.

" how can it " Sehun uttered.

" cos it does for me" Luhan chuckled.

Sehun shook his head as he drank the bubble tea.~ 

( after Dinner~)


" Its GIFT timeeee!!!" Baekhyun smiled.

" ohhh.~ yea!" cheered Tao.

As everyone handed their gifts to Sehun, Sehun just accepted it. 

Luhan noticed Sehun hasnt been smiling at all.

" i got you a super gift." joked Kris.

Everyone turned to him.

" i got you a book! " Kris smiled.

" book?" Xiumin laughed.

" yah , its a book so he can self improve." Kris added.

everyone chuckles.

" then mine must be a super super gift" Chanyeol grinned.

" ( taking out something) ta dah!!! its a year free of bubble tea from your favourite bubble tea shop!" Chanyeol grinned.

Everyone burst out laughing.

" ah! hyung ! whats that man!" laughed Tao.

" nah, i know you will love it." winked Chanyeol handing it to Sehun.

Luhan laughed. 

However, he noticed Sehun just nodded accepting it.

He sighed.

( After awhile when every one was seated by the sofa getting ready for a movie. )

" yo!' Luhan smiled. 

Sehun turned and then looked away.

" the scenery up here at the roof is good" Luhan added .

" you still not feeling better?" Luhan asked.

Sehun just sighed.

" hey , let me show you something" Luhan smiled.

Sehun turned to look at him. 

" lets go" Luhan smiled as he set the music.

( korean version of 3 little bears)

Sehun looked at him, he thought the song was abit funny.

Luhan started dancing randomly to it. He then started to shake and shake. Then.

Alll of a sudden.


He fell flat on the groud. 

" ow" Luhan spoke, rubbing his head.

Sehun chuckled.

Luhan looked at him.

" yah, you laughed didnt you?!" Luhan chuckled.

Sehun raised his eye brows, trying to hid that fact that he did.

" yah! ( jokingly hit his arm) you did!" Luhan laughed.

Sehun gave a small smile.

" aigooo !~ ( placing his arm around Sehun ) you should smile more ! you surely look much better!" Luhan grinned~


* and thats how their day ended*~~ Hope you like it! :DD


* the deer keychain above is the one luhan gave to sehun. the one luhan gave sehun is the one with stripes while he has the other one! :D

*The next chapter ( The Outing ) would be on their outing together to the amusement park~ and also where Luhan fear of heights acted up and how will sehun help in that? ;) haha! :D




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DinojiRyeo #1
Chapter 28: Sequel jebal :(
Xxpinky #2
Sequel plzz T.T
pearl_red #3
Chapter 28: <33333 so sweet and fluffy. glad that Luhan had a proper chance to say goodbye to Sehun. although it's sad. still, I don't agree with Luhan lookalike..he's not Luhan!! ):
thanks for sharing ^^
xinders_011 #4
Chapter 28: cool.. i wish luhan never go..
Sequel :)))
about chapter 25 :)
: its Sehun meeting Junghan who looks exactly like Luhan :)
Junghan isnt the reincarnation of luhan . haha..
So its basically just like Sehun meeting " Luhan" again after 2 years as Junghan looks and talking manner all resembles Luhan . :) hope this helped. !
and Junghan also dreamt of Sehun hence he drew the drawing too ^^ haha..
Chapter 28: so the junghan is human form from angel luhan that i assume luhan's memories been erased (based from he really dont know sehun) because he's human now. then u added luhan is happy in heaven too?
im sorry i still dont get it if luhan is in heaven so junghan isn't luhan in human and just look alike luhan? O__O
mouachristina #8
Chapter 26: Ahhh! Thank you thank you for updating!
NihaoPandaRamen #9
Chapter 25: Hoo the manhwa..i already read it and there still another HunHan manhwa that are good too..
(I printed it so i can read it at the class when i got bore)