I think i am starting to like you..

The Guardian Angel


As luhan woke up, the sun shining on the curtains.

Luhan squinted his eyes as he sat up to look at the time.

He rubbed his eye as he turned and saw Sehun fast asleep on the chair.

Luhan looked at Sehun, he smiled,

Luhan lightly touched Sehun's hair, as his fingers brush against his hair.

Sehun opened his eyes, 

He looked at Luhan with those eyes of his. He blinked.

Luhan smiled,

" morning~" Luhan smiled.

Sehun nodded.

" what time is it?" he asked

" 11 apparently" Luhan spoke.

" its a sunday today i guess everyone is still asleep?" Luhan asked.

" ( nodding) most probably too i guess~" Sehun said.

Suddenly Luhan tummy grumbled.

Sehun looked at him and chuckled.

" shall we go grab lunch?" Sehun asked.

"  ( nodding) oh~" Luhan chuckled.

As Luhan yawned and made his way down, with Sehun following right behind him.

They saw the guys fast asleep on the sofa or on the floor.

" what time did they play until man ?" Sehun spoke.

" quite late i guess" DO spoke.

Luhan chuckled.

" morning~" DO said.

Luhan nodded.

" im preparing lunch now, you guys in?" DO asked.

" oh, hyung, skip our share. we're going out for lunch" Sehun replied.

Luhan looked at him as he sipped the water from the cup.

" Luhan owe me a big meal" Sehun spoke grinning to Luhan.

Luhan pointed to himself.

" me?" he asked.

Sehun nodded.

" haha, alright then. you two go enjoy. Its a sunday still~" DO smiled.

" oh, we can meet again for dinner" Sehun said.

" dine out?" DO asked,

" oh. how about the western restaurant that Suho always wanted to try down the street?" Sehun asked.

" haha. sure. we'll meet there at 7pm?" DO asked.

" cool" Sehun said.

" enjoy~" DO waved as Sehun and Luhan waved goodbye.~


( walking down the streets)

( Song : SNSD- Romantic ST )

" when did i owe you a meal?" Luhan asked.

" since just now." Sehun spoke, his hands in his pockets.

" huh?" Luhan said.

" aiish. i took care of you yesterday so .. dont you owe me a meal" sehun spoke, slightly touching his hair.

" ahh~ ( claps his hands) oh." Luhan chuckled.

Sehun shook his head.

" what do you wanna do today then? " Luhan asked.

" anything . you decide. " Sehun spoke,

" hmmm. movie? shall we?" Luhan asked.

" movie?" Sehun said.

" oh! there's this new horror movie that i heard is pretty good" Luhan smiled.

" horror?" Sehun asked.

" oh! Jonghyun went to watch it with Taemin and he told me it was pretty nice" Luhan chuckled.

Sehun raised an eyebrow.

" you're not scared of horror?" Sehun asked.

" ( shakes head) nope. actually i quite enjoy watching it , to be honest" Luhan chuckled.

" okay.." Sehun said.


( At the cinema )

After purchasing the tickets, they headed to the food booth,

" im super hungry" ranted Luhan.

" two cups of cola please" Sehun spoke.

" and can i have two hot dog buns and nachos and oh. a small popcorn too" Luhan added.

Sehun looked at him.

" can you finish it all?" Sehun said.

" ( nods) i can eat like a lion" Luhan joked.

Sehun chuckled.

After paying for it, they went in the cinema.

" the pop corn is nice" Luhan grinned as he chomped away.

Sehun shook his head as he sipped his cola.

" the movie is about to beginnn~" Luhan grinned , his eyes on the screen.

Sehun bit his lips.

( the movie started to reach the )

Luhan stared at the screen with his mouth opened.

Sehun then saw that and took a handful of popcorn and stuffed in into Luhan's mouth.

Luhan turned to look at him.

Sehun chuckled.

Luhan then took another mouthful of popcorn and stuffed it into Sehun's mouth.

Sehun looked at him,

Luhan gave a small chuckle.

As the two looked to the screen,

" ARGHHHHHHH" the loud noises boomed from the screen,

" OMGGGG!!!" Sehun uttered as he clutched Luhan's arm closing his eyes.

Luhan was in shock by this action of Sehun,

" haha! were you scared?!" Luhan asked.

Sehun then lightly cough as he sat back up .

" haha. A man like you is actually scared of horror?!" Luhan chuckled.

" ( bits his lips and looked to Luhan) 

" aigoo~ so cute ( pinching Sehun's cheek)" Luhan chuckled.

Sehun coughed.

( after the movie)

" ahhh~ its sad that the guy died just to save the girl" Luhan spoke.

Sehun raised an eyebrow.

" ( looks at sehun) HAHA!" Luhan started laughing.

" what?!" Sehun asked.

" ( looks at sehun again) HHAHAH~" Luhan laughed.

" AIISH ~ WHAT?!!" Sehun spoke as he cutely stomped his feet.

" our dearest maknae is scared of horror~" Luhan teased.

" ( looks at Luhan with his widened eyes) IM NOT! it was just.. " Sehun uttered.

" oh~ just what? " Luhan laughed.

" its just i goT  shock!" Sehun replied.

" ahh~ then can you tell me why you're practically closing your eyes at all the horror scenes" Luhan asked.

" ( looks at him) if you dare tell this to any of the other hyungs~!!! YOU!" Sehun spoke.

" WHAT?!! i WHAT!? AHHA" Luhan laughed

" AIISH!" Sehun spoke walking away first.

" ahh~ haha okay ! dont get mad uh, lets go eat~" Luhan smiled.

" ( turns to him) you , really" Sehun chuckled.

Luhan pulled Sehun along as the two walked on the streets~

( Song : Sistar- Loving you)


" oh, this suits you , ( as luhan placed a funny looking specs onto Sehun's face) HAHA!!" Luhan laughed.

" what. i still look handsome " Sehun added.

Luhan laughed.

" just wear this, ( puts a One Piece Chopper hat onto Luhan's head) it suits you." Sehun smiled, sarcastically.

" ( sulks) does it!!" Luhan uttered as he placed the hat back down.

" eat this!~  ( feeding Sehen a piece of dopokki)" Luhan smiled as he chewed on one piece too,

" look there , there's a guy giving free balloons" Luhan added.

Luhan then fed another moutful of dopokki to Sehun,

" oh, " Sehun spoke as he chewed.

" i wanna get one balloon." Luhan smiled.

" how old are you?!" Sehun asked.

" hehe.  ahhh~ ( feeds sehun another mouthful of dopokki)" Luhan chuckled.

" oh, okay. YAH! can you let me chew finish at least" Sehun spoke.

Luhan laughed.

" OH! its Kimbap ( something like sushi)" Luhan smiled as he raced to get one plate of it.

" yah , are you an elephant . how much can you eat. you ate all the nachos in the cinema , and then dopokki just now and now this?" Sehun asked.

" oh! HEHE~ you want?" Luhan smiled, offering a piece to Sehun.

" no thanks lets just go.." Sehun spoke. before he could continue.

" oh, im so sorry" Luhan bowed as he apologised to a lady.

" its okay" the lady smiled,

Luhan smiled at the lady.

The lady smiled in return.

" here , you dropped this , sorry for bumping into you" Luhan chuckled.

Sehun looked at him,

" its okay~ thank you" the lady smiled, as she pushed her hair behind her ear.

Sehun looked at the smiling Luhan.

" can i ( looks at Luhan , totally ignoring Sehun)" the lady smiled.

" oh?" Luhan smiled.

" have your number?" the lady shyly asked.

" oh! haha! sure!" Luhan smiled.

" 010-xxx-xxx" Luhan smiled.

" oh, thank you! i will contact you!" the lady smiled.

" oh, sure. haha" Luhan waved as she walked away.

" haha" Luhan chuckled.

Sehun was slightly annoyed.

" you seem happy " Sehun added.

" hmm? " Luhan asked.

" she asked for your number" Sehun spoke.

" oh! HAHA! oh!  i am! it makes me feel like ... hmmm.. Im handsome?" chuckled Luhan.

" ( shakes head) seriously" Sehun spoke.

Luhan laughed it off. haha.

As they continued walking , Luhan was explaining to Sehun about how he wanted to become a artiste who can draw well.~

Then, not looking,

" then ... " before Luhan could continue.

Sehun pulled Luhan close to him.

" BA-DAM BA-DAM!" Luhan could hear Sehun's heartbeat.

Sehun looked at him,

Luhan blinked.

" sorry!" the guy pushing the trolley apologised for coming in their way.

" be careful" Sehun spoke as he looked at the trolley.

Luhan blinked.

" yah." Sehun uttered as he pushed Luhan a little further from him

" oh, thank you" Luhan smiled.

Sehun shyly touched his hair.

" what do you want to do now" Sehun asked.

" oh,,, hmmm its 4pm now" Luhan thought.

" we have to meet them at 7pm" Sehun spoke.

" we have 3 hours. hm want to go drink bubble tea?! " Luhan asked.

" what? " Sehun asked.

" your favourite drink! bubble tea! there's a shop just ahead lets go!" Luhan smiled, pulling Sehun.

" aiish~ seriosuly" Sehun chuckled.

As the two ordered their bubble tea and chose the seat right at the end.

" ah, this is relaxing" Luhan smiled as he sipped his taro miilk tea.

Sehun sipped his.

" Sehun-ah" Luhan spoke. Sehun turned to look at him,

" ( smiles) you really look alot much happier now compared to the first time we met. .." Luhan uttered.

Sehun looked at him as he put his bubble tea on the table...

" im really serious here. its nice to see you slowly getting back to your old self. ( smiles) " Luhan spoke.

Sehun looked at him.

" hahah, im weird aren't i? " Luhan chuckled as he drank his milk tea.

( minutes of silence~~~~)

" hyung." Sehun spoke.

Luhan looked at him.

" thank you." Sehun spoke.

Luhan cant help but smile at that sentence.

" really. " Sehun said.

though it was just a thank you , it meant so much to Luhan~

Luhan broke into a big smile as he hugged Sehun who was sitting opposite him.

" yah" Sehun uttered.

" haha~ i love you Sehun- ah" Luhan smiled.

Sehun chuckled as he smiled.


( Outside the restaurant , 7pm)

" woah, they're early." Lay spoke as he spotted Luhan and Sehun by the restaurant.

" oh! Luhan ah! Sehun shii!" XIumin called.

The two guys turned.

Sehun nodded as Luhan waved.

( inside the restaurant~)

" okay thats all ~" kris smiled as he closed the menu as he talked to the waiter.

the waiter bowed as he walked into the kitchen.

" i cant wait to eat !" Suho chuckled.

" oh, i heard their chicken cutlet is the best here" Tao added.

" really? " Chen asked.

" oh" Tao replied,

" ( drinks water) so how was ur outing?" Kai asked as he turned to Luhan and Sehun,

" oh. haha Sehun-sshi even took care of Luhan last night" Chanyeol spoke.

Luhan chuckled. 

" he didnt even do that for me when i was sick." Baekhyun sulked.

" haha" Luhan chuckled.

" dont worry baeky! i shall do it for yoU!" Chanyeol joked, as he placed an arm around Baekhyun.

" Awww~~ really channie?" Baekhyun laughed.

" oh ! anything for you!!" Chanyeol laughed.

Everyone burst out laughing.

( after dinner~)

" lets play a game~" DO smiled.

" what game?" Chen asked,

" hmmm! the game where we write notes to one another but we have to remain anonymous and cant write the note is from who !" Baekhyun suggested.

" oh! Rolling Paper!" Lay spoke.

" oh oh ! yea!" Baekhyun smiled.

" okay! lets play!" Lay smiled.

So as everyone started writing to the person on their paper, and after writing they would pass it to the person next to them to write and so on and so fourth.

" luhan..." Sehun mouthed the words.

He looked at everyone who was writing . His eyes then turned to Luhan who was sitting beside Lay.

Sehun looked at Luhan who was so engrossed in writing.

Sehun's heart skipped a beat.. ...

" whats wrong with me.. .." he thhought.

( after awhile~~)

" okay! we shall read all the notes written on our paper " Baekhyun smiled.

" sure" Kris said.

" you really look like a dragon~ ^^ " Kris spoke, almost laughing.

" HAHAHH!!!! i wonder who wrote that!" Lay chuckled.

" isnt it YOU!?!!!" Kris laughed.

" ( shakes head) no no" Lay joked.

Kris chuckled.

" i love you hyung~ you're the best friend of a romantic/cute/manly panda~" Kris read.

" TAO! " Chen laughed.

Tao chuckled.

Kris smiled.

" you really look like a bao so cute~ :D" Xiumin read.

" HAHA!" Chanyeol laughed.

" you are too tall D:" Chanyeol read.

" aiish! hahah its called handsomeee!" Chanyeol laughed.

" you're to loud when you SNORE! :DDD" Chanyeol laughed.

" YAH! BYUN BAEKHYUN!" Chanyeol laughed,

Baekhyun shook his head.

" HAHA ! Umma you're so niceee~~ " DO read., smiling.

" when you dance you look like this * draws a funny looking Chen* " Chen laughed

" whats this." Chen joked.

" HAHAH!" Chanyeol joked as he looked at the drawing.

" Lay-sshi... ... .. can i tell you.. something... ... keke.. Thanks for being my wonderful roommate~" Lay shly read.

" SUHOOO!!! YO! your smile is like an angel :DDD" Suho read, chuckling.

" KAI~ oh KAI~ OUR Kkamjjong~ ( kai's nickname) saranghae~" Kai read. 

" you look like bacon~ :)" Baekhyun read.

" yah, a cute bacon " Baekhyun winked! 

The rest laughed.

" sehun ah, i love you, fighting" Sehun read.

" sehun ah, if you need me im here, hyung loves you :D"

" hellooo~ haha~ my dearest sehun who hugs me when he's scared.. of.. " 

" LUHAN!!" Sehun thought giving that killer look to Luhan,

" what? scared of?" Xiumin laughed.

" i cant read it terrible writng" Sehun replied.

Sehun shot a stare at Luhan.

Luhan chuckled.

" okay! we're left with Luhan hyung~" DO smiled.

" luhannn~~~~ you look like a deer, cute~ ^^" Luhan chuckled.

" LUHAN!!! dont keep tickling me! haahh ~saranghae" 

As luhan read.

He paused for a moment..

" .. I think i am starting to like you.. ^^" Luhan read as he folded the paper,

" WOOOO~~~ who wrote the last one" Baekhyun chuckled.

Luhan shly touched his hair,

Sehun turned and gave a small smile :) ( well we know who wrote it~ , hahah!)

The night ended with the guys just chit chatting away :D~~~


* the next chapter , i want to show a jealous Sehun, what do you guys think? haha ! when a girl likes Luhan, how will Sehun react :))))



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DinojiRyeo #1
Chapter 28: Sequel jebal :(
Xxpinky #2
Sequel plzz T.T
pearl_red #3
Chapter 28: <33333 so sweet and fluffy. glad that Luhan had a proper chance to say goodbye to Sehun. although it's sad. still, I don't agree with Luhan lookalike..he's not Luhan!! ):
thanks for sharing ^^
xinders_011 #4
Chapter 28: cool.. i wish luhan never go..
Sequel :)))
about chapter 25 :)
: its Sehun meeting Junghan who looks exactly like Luhan :)
Junghan isnt the reincarnation of luhan . haha..
So its basically just like Sehun meeting " Luhan" again after 2 years as Junghan looks and talking manner all resembles Luhan . :) hope this helped. !
and Junghan also dreamt of Sehun hence he drew the drawing too ^^ haha..
Chapter 28: so the junghan is human form from angel luhan that i assume luhan's memories been erased (based from he really dont know sehun) because he's human now. then u added luhan is happy in heaven too?
im sorry i still dont get it if luhan is in heaven so junghan isn't luhan in human and just look alike luhan? O__O
mouachristina #8
Chapter 26: Ahhh! Thank you thank you for updating!
NihaoPandaRamen #9
Chapter 25: Hoo the manhwa..i already read it and there still another HunHan manhwa that are good too..
(I printed it so i can read it at the class when i got bore)