The Chat

The Guardian Angel

* The following day~***

( door opening)

" hi ." a guy smiled as he bowed to Taemin,

Taemin looked at him,

" you must be one of the workers " taemin smiled.

" yea, Im MInho." Minho smiled.

" welcome." chuckled Taemin,

" Who's here?" Jonghyun asked.

" oh hyung, its Minho" Taemin smiled.

" ah. haha alright~ The other two will be coming soon." Jonghyun smiled.

" hellooo~ " a guy in spectacles smiled.

" hello onew hyung." Taemin chuckled.

" oh hi." Jonghyun spoke waving to Onew.

* Onew was also an angel send down *

" sorry im slightly late" a guy came , decked in a polka dot shirt.

" you must be Key am i right?" Minho asked.

" oh yea. and you?" Key asked,

" Minho" Minho smiled.

" ah, hello" Key smiled.

" okay guys. i've a gift for all of you ." Jonghyun spoke,

Looks at them all.

Since yesterday was just the opening of  Seven Heaven's cafe, i have prepared a gift for all of you!" Jonghyun grinned.

" oh hyung? for real?" Taemin asked,

" oh , of cos! Since is kinda your big day yesterday too and its your mum's last wish so..." Jonghyun cheered.

" thanks" Taemin chuckled.

" TA-DAH!" Jonghyun cheered , taking out the 5 baby blue aprons.

" omo, haaha! i seem like an angel with this" Onew joked.

" haha its cute ." Minho added.

" is it? haha! its our apron when we serve customers!" Jonghyun smiled.

" so are we ready to open the cafe?" Jonghyun asked.

" of cos~ any time hyung." Key replied, putting on the apron. 

Jonghyun grinned.

" wooo~ lets go~" Jonghyun smiled, doing a peace sign to his dearest mortal, Taemin~

Taemin smiled. <3


(Well, at The Angel's Lair~) 

As Suho opened the book store, he walked in.

As he on all the lights, he changed the sign from close to open.

" hi." Luhan chuckled, as he entered.

" yo! " Baekhyun smiled, entering with Luhan.

" morning~" Suho cheered.

" hyung, who's on duty today?" Baekhyun asked.

" you , me , Luhan, Kai , Tao and Xiumin." Suho replied.

" ah. okay. i will go clean the shelves first." Baekhyun spoke,

" oh, sure." Suho replied.

" we have a new stock of a new book coming in later this afternoon, Luhan ah can you help me clear that shelve for it?" Suho asked

" oh, sure," Luhan smiled.

" Xiumin too , do you mind?" Suho asked,

" yep, no problem~" Xiumin replied

As both Xiumin and Luhan wiped the shelves.

" Luhan-sshi, do you mind ( points at the waterspray)" Xiumin asked,

" oh, no problem" Luhan smiled, handing it to him.

" thanks~" Xiumin replied.

" you know of the match tonight?" Xiumin asked.

" what match?" Luhan asked.

" yea! Park Jisung, is playing against Man U today"  Xiumin spoke,

" for real?! i thought it was tommorrow.?" Luhan asked.

" ( shakes head) its today" Xiumin answered.

" oh , i need to catch it, im a big fan of his" chuckled Luhan.

" same here, but dont worry we're dismissed at 4 today" Xiumin chuckled.

" oh? then who is gonna come in for us?" Luhan asked.

" oh, Chanyeol and Lay will come in later" XIumin said.

" ah. haha okay~" Luhan smiled.

( At cashier)

" thank you for purchasing with us. please come again~" Baekhyun smiled.

" can i ask for you a question?" the shy girl asked.

" yep? anything for you my dear~" winked Baekhyun. ( haha!)

" haha ( blushes) can i ask why do you look so cute?" she chuckled.

" haha! if you're curious , its 500 won" Baekhyun chuckled.

" haha! " the girl smiled.

" its natural. i was born  ( looks at her and smiled ) CUTE " Baekhyun chuckled.

" omo~ hahah! oppa! seriously~" the girl laughed.

" haha!" Baekhyun replied.

" aiish , Baekhyun sshi. " Suho spoke.

" ( looks at him then to the girl~) he's jealous." Baekhyun chuckled.

" what?! i can hear you!" Suho answered.

the girl waved good bye as she chuckled away.

Baekhyun grinned.

( At 4 pm that afternoon~)

" we're leaving" Xiumin spoke,

" oh , see you alll~" Kai smiled.

" see ya~" Luhan waved as he pat Tao on the shoulder who was unpacking the new books.

" oh, bye~" Tao replied.

" see you all ~!" Suho waved.

The two smiled.

" i need to pack food for Chen." Xiumin spoke.

" oh okay. i shall see you soon then~" Luhan spoke.

" oh ! haha ! we shall talk about the match after it ends~" Xiumin waved as he raced to get food for Chen.

Luhan breathed in, he suddenly thought of Sehun.

He went to the next door cafe.

" hello~" Key spoke,

" oh hyung!" Taemin called out.

Luhan smiled.

" your friend?" key asked,

" oh, he's Jonghyun's friend" Taemin replied,

" oh hello~" Onew spoke, nodding to Luhan.

Luhan chuckled.

" can i have 2 cups of chocolate bubble tea and a cup of taro please" Luhan smiled.

" sure~" minho replied as he got ready to make them,

" any cakes or waffles to go with it, hyung?" Taemin asked.

" hmm, can i have the strawberry cake, and hmm the chocolate cake too" Luhan smiled.

" sure~" Key smiled.

As they got busy preparing.

" where's Jonghyun?" Luhan asked to Onew.

" he's out. he said he had to run a small errand" Onew smiled.

" oh? for whom?" Luhan replied.

" for ( points upwards) " chuckled Onew.

" haha! ahhh. i got it~" Luhan replied.

Onew winked.

Luhan chuckled.

" its done hyung~" Taemin spoke, handing over the plastic bag to Luhan.

" thanks ah taemin ah." Luhan smiled.

" no problem~ enjoy it its made with love ( does a heart) " Taemin grinned.

" sure." Luhan smiled , waving.

( door bell rings~)

Sehun opens it.

" o." he uttered.

" haha! afternoon! " Luhan cheered.

" what are you doing here." sehun asked.

" to deliver you this, ( places the bubble tea and cakes down on the table ) " Luhan spoke, placing his hands on his hips.

Sehun raised an eyebrow.

" im not a bubble tea freak you know." he uttered.

" i know but i know you LOVE it~" Luhan chuckled as he plopped onto the sofa.

" there's a soccer match later. lets watch it" Luhan added.

Sehun sat beside him, munching on a cookie.

" oh! you still have that?!" Luhan asked,

" ( have what and saw luhan looking at the cookie) oh. yea. i like it alot." Sehun spoke.

" how many of that do you still have? i remembered i made a jar only" Luhan thought.

" this is the last piece" Sehun replied

" ah, i can make more for you if you want" Luhan cheered.

Sehun turned the tv on.

It was a drama, 

he blinked at it.

" isnt that. Kim Hyun Joong?" Luhan asked.

Sehun nodded.

He turned the chanel.

This time it was a show on the guy crying over the lost of his girlfriend.

Sehun stopped munching as he looked down to his feet.

Luhan looked at the tv and then to him,

" hey." Luhan spoke.

Sehun didnt answer.

" sehun - ah , ( pats him) its over. Dont think of it already" Luhan spoke, offing the tv.

Sehun closed his eyes .

Luhan hugged Sehun as he pat his back.

Sehun slowly opened his eyes.

" she was .. ( pausing for a moment) everything to me" Sehun uttered.

Luhan nodded.

" we were so happy together. i still remember her telling me that we would grow old together, she told me that ( sniffs) she would be by my side forever.. ( pauses for awhile) but it didnt happen." Sehun spoke, in tears.

Luhan bit his lip.

Luhan looked at the crying guy.

His heart ached to see Sehun cry too, Luhan teared.

As luhan tear fell and landed on Sehun's hand , Sehun closed his eyes.

" im sorry ." Luhan answered.

Sehun looked at him.

" im sorry i couldnt make you happier." Luhan replied, as he teared even more.

Sehun could not understand.

" why are you crying." he asked.

" ( looks down) cos it hurts me to see you sad too." Luhan sniffed.

Sehun looked at Luhan.

" you're weird." he spoke, handing a piece of tissue to Luhan.

As luhan blew into the tissue, he looked at Sehun.

Sehun looked away.

" bubble tea?" Luhan offered.

Sehun took it and sipped away.~

" you know i was really shocked and didnt know what to do when i heard she passed away, and on the day before our wedding too." Sehun uttered.

" it really..really. hurts alot ( Sehun trying to control his tears) she even called me 3 hours before she passed away to tell me how happy she is and how she cant wait for tommorrow." Sehun spoke,

" she was one girl whom i wanted to protect so so so much." Sehun spoke.

Luhan looked at him.

" ( shakes his head) however our happy moments didnt last , she passed away " Sehun heaved, as he wiped his tears.

Luhan closed his eyes, and comforted the crying Sehun.

" cheer up  uh sehun, its sad that you lost her. but you've us. you've all 11 of us." Luhan uttered.

Sehun cried away.

" at least there's me" Luhan uttered.

Sehun closed his eyes.

( after a while~)

" thank you." Sehun uttered, as he dried his tears.

Luhan smiled.

" you're really nice " Sehun spoke, lowering his head to hide his red eyes.

Luhan smiled.

" cheer up " Luhan spoke.

" thanks" Sehun replied.

" ah! i have something for you" Luhan answered.

Sehun looked at him.

" here ( hands him a drawing )" Luhan smiled.

Sehun looked at it.

" isnt that us.." he uttered.

" yea! at the amusement park." Luhan smiled.

" you drew this?" Sehun asked.

Luhan nodded.

" turn it to the back." Luhan spoke.

Sehun flipped the picture.

" hello sehun ah, its Luhan~ haha! im giving this to you as a gift ,so as to remind you to smile more often okay? :D" it read.

Sehun chuckled, as he sniffed.

" thanks" Sehun sniffed wiping his nose.

" ( shakes head) keep it well okay i took quite awhile to draw it" Luhan replied.

" thanks" Sehun smiled.

" aish! its already 7.30?! soccer match!" Luhan sulked.

Sehun looked at him, as he sipped his bubble tea.

" on the tv , on the tv.~" Luhan spoke, hurrying Sehun to on it.

( after 10 minutes)

" GOALL!!!!" Luhan cheered! He clapped Sehuns hand as he jumped .

Sehun chuckled as he look at the hyung who's eyes were glued to the tv and he drinked his bubble tea to realise he already finished one cup.

He reached for the second cup of chocolate bubbletea.~




* hope you guys enjoyed this chapter~~ :DDDD <333

Watch this video!~ hahah man i really love this couple! <333



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DinojiRyeo #1
Chapter 28: Sequel jebal :(
Xxpinky #2
Sequel plzz T.T
pearl_red #3
Chapter 28: <33333 so sweet and fluffy. glad that Luhan had a proper chance to say goodbye to Sehun. although it's sad. still, I don't agree with Luhan lookalike..he's not Luhan!! ):
thanks for sharing ^^
xinders_011 #4
Chapter 28: cool.. i wish luhan never go..
Sequel :)))
about chapter 25 :)
: its Sehun meeting Junghan who looks exactly like Luhan :)
Junghan isnt the reincarnation of luhan . haha..
So its basically just like Sehun meeting " Luhan" again after 2 years as Junghan looks and talking manner all resembles Luhan . :) hope this helped. !
and Junghan also dreamt of Sehun hence he drew the drawing too ^^ haha..
Chapter 28: so the junghan is human form from angel luhan that i assume luhan's memories been erased (based from he really dont know sehun) because he's human now. then u added luhan is happy in heaven too?
im sorry i still dont get it if luhan is in heaven so junghan isn't luhan in human and just look alike luhan? O__O
mouachristina #8
Chapter 26: Ahhh! Thank you thank you for updating!
NihaoPandaRamen #9
Chapter 25: Hoo the manhwa..i already read it and there still another HunHan manhwa that are good too..
(I printed it so i can read it at the class when i got bore)