Step One

Kpop for Dummies



There are three basic steps to becoming the Ultimate Kpop Fan, which we have named Initiation, Propagation and Termination. This process will be very familiar to you poor souls who have suffered through free radical theory in chemistry class. (If you have never heard of it, pray that you never will.) A fourth (optional) step does exist, but we will discuss it in later chapters.  



Step One: Initiation (aka WTF is this ?)


initiation [in·i·ti·a·tion]

-A period of instruction with which a new member is admitted to knowledge.


During this first stage, you should be exposed as much Kpop-related material as possible, preferably in the company of the mentor. This guarantees a plethora of choices from which you can find at least one group that you sort of like and plan to follow. Your mentor should ensure that you do not accidentally follow the failure groups, which will no doubt result in a lonely and disappointing fanning career. However, if you have fallen head over heels for a member of an unknown group that has long since disbanded, be prepared for a limited amount of content to fan over.

If you are a fledgling fan, it is highly recommended that you review the following crash courses before moving on to the next step. Remember, they are meant to be guides, rather than comprehensive compilations of anything and everything about the subject. If you wish to know more, feel free to continue to conduct your own research.  



List of Courses

► Introduction to the Big Three 

Course description: A quick run-down of the companies who rule the Kpop world and rob you of all your savings.


► Introduction to Member Differentiation  

Course description: A few tips about how to tell idols apart (despite all the dye jobs and wardrobe changes).


► Introduction to Digital Collections 

Course description: A simple guide about organizing the songs, pictures and videos that you will amass along the way and how to find them.




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Chapter 3: OMG this is brilliant! (like all the rest of your stuff) PMSL xD
I have to send this to my friends :D