Getting Started

Kpop for Dummies


Getting Started

There's a few things you have to do before embarking on your journey. Like any great traveller, you will need some sort of map or Pokédex, which is where this guide comes in. Be sure to check for updates as more sections of the Wondrous World of Kpop are discovered. So bookmark, subscribe, or whatever, just make sure you can find your way back to this guide when the time comes. 

Next, find a knowledgeable mentor to aid you. Ideally, they are someone you can meet face-to-face but online companions work just as well, given the increasing ease of communication nowadays. Hell, there's probably a bunch of users on this site who would be happy to help you out if you ask nicely. Gender is not an issue, but you may find that a same-gendered mentor can empathize with you more easily. Age too, is no matter, though mentors who have been in the Kpop scene longer tend to be loyal to older, and more established artists and less inclined to explore other options.

There are two basic criteria for a suitable mentor. They must be:  

  • aware of numerous artists (not just one)
  • aware of the general happenings in the Kpop world

It would be ideal if they are also a respectful and moral fan who can act as a role model. If they are not, you may wish to continue your search for a mentor, or if you possess the courage, venture off on your own. A mentor is not a crucial component of your journey, though it is comforting to have someone to support you as you face obstacles and guide you away from danger.

Lastly, ensure that you have allocated enough time for this endeavour. Kpop fanning is a brain-draining, time-consuming commitment, so be sure that you are mentally prepared before beginning.  

If you're all set, then let's move on to Step One. 

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Chapter 3: OMG this is brilliant! (like all the rest of your stuff) PMSL xD
I have to send this to my friends :D