Chapter 1

Paradise Love


Her long slender legs draw attention to the passer-by. Her

slim figure makes all the boys & men drool and her

beautiful, stunning face makes all the ladies wish they were



Park bom made her way to the arrival hall. It's been 5 years

since she left Korea after the devastating incident that had

claimed the lives of her parents.


On the age of 14, she left Korea to lived with her

grandfather from her dad's side. It was indeed a good idea.

Her grandfather treated her well, too well that he won't let

Bom feel the she's an orphan.


Two black-suited men approached her and immediately bow.


"Annehaesayo agashi. I am Kim Jin-hee and this is Jung Min

Hyun. We were sent by Mr. Kwon to fetch you", explained the

much older guy.


"Anneyong! Bom-imida. Where's Ji and haraboji?" Her couin

Ji-young promised to fetch her when they skyped the day

before she flew all the way from Paris.


"The president had flew to Macau a few hours ago due to the

company's complication and Young master Kwon had to run some

errands at the company. Both of them sent their best apology

to you. But Young master specifically told us to bring you to

a small suprise gathering to celebrate your comeback." Bom

frowned. But the idea of a suprise gathering excites her. She

loves suprises. 


Bom was then escorted to her white cryshler. It was heavily

tinted so it was not visible to other people to see it from





After a 20 minutes ride, her ride stop infornt of a pub where

a train of people queueing to get into it.


Mr. Kim Jin hee opened the door of the backseat. Bom clutched

to her coat as the night breeze chill her spine. All eyes set

on her as she walk towards the entrance. 


      'Who does she think she is?'


      'Dosen't she know how to get into the line?'


      'She will not be able to get into the pub that easy'


Bom smirked as she hear people murmuring about her. She used

to all of this. Mr. Jung whispered something to the bouncer

and he immediately allowed Bom to enter the pub.




It was dark in the pub. Music blasted from the speakers

through the walls, the lights setting boost up the party

mode. Young girls with model-like face except skimppier can

be seen anywhere in the pub, offering drinks to the customer,

some gliding against the opposite .


Bom was glad she was escorted to VIP room which was located

on the top level of the pub.


As she entered the room, she saw two guys sitting on the

couch, enjoying the company of young girls sitting in between



"It's been a while, oppa," the blonde guy startled but upon

seeing Bom on the door, his lips curved into a smile.





Hello! This is my first fanfic! Be nice to me and be sure to leave your comment. ^^,


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kratepow #1
update update authornim !!!
65384084 #2
Chapter 11: Please can you continue this story
Chapter 11: So, did Bom go on a date with jonghyun? :o lol it's actually kind of hard picturing jonghyun seduced bom~
And topbom moments soon right? ;D
Chapter 11: aww topp u need bommiiee
Chapter 11: Nice, glad Bommie saved him...i guess?

Aww...he misses his mom...
Chapter 11: Update soon ... :)
Chapter 11: I like it. Update please.
Chapter 9: update soon pls, need topbommm :D