(These routines you loved to share with her;)--#5


a YoonYul one-shot for everyone. :))




 Monday morning, She woke up at six, rolled over, and gently kissed the forehead of the Woman who shared her bed. By seven She was showered, dressed, and fed. At precisely seven thirty-five, She stepped onto the familiar subway, preferring to stand than sit. Her secretary looked up at a minute to eight to greet Her as She walked into Her office, and followed Her with another cup of tea for the morning, brewed slightly too strong and containing far too much sugar for Her tastes. From eight to twelve She worked. 

At noon, She walked the seven minutes to a café and ordered a salad, and by one She was back in Her office, working once more.
At five, She stood up, threw on Her coat, politely wished Her secretary a good evening, and made Her way back to the subway. She was home by five thirty.

After changing out of Her dreadfully uncomfortable suit, She sat down to a quiet dinner. She watched TV for an hour, read for half of one, and then proceeded to sit in Her favorite chair until ten, staring blankly at a wall of photos. 

With eyes half shut, She shuffled to Her room, lay down on the left side of the bed, and buried Her nose in the pillow. She fell asleep surrounded by the smell of that pillow.
Sometime around three, the sound of roaring grew slowly outside for twenty seconds before shutting off abruptly. A door opened and shut, footsteps sounded, and, as She woke up more, She picked up the sounds of a zipper. 

When footsteps again could be heard, She quickly rolled over from the left side of the bed to the right, attempting to imitate a natural sleeping position. The door to Her bedroom opened, and the Woman tiptoed over the threshold. As quietly as possible, the Woman attempted to avoid bouncing the mattress while slipping under the covers on the left side. 

Once settled, the Woman slipped her arms around the Her, holding herself flush against Her back and burying her nose in Her hair. The woman gently kissed Her neck, unaware that She was awake.

Tuesday morning, She woke up at six, rolled over, and gently kissed the forehead of the Woman who shared her bed.

Wednesday was much the same.

Thursday and Friday were awfully similar.

Saturday was almost a repeat; She didn't make it back until seven that night, and the Woman didn't make it back until four-thirty. She was so tired that she didn't wake when the Woman returned in order to roll back to Her side of the bed. The Woman, rather than switch sides, tucked herself carefully into the four remaining inches of mattress on her side of the bed before gently rolling Her on top of herself, falling asleep with Her head on her chest. The Woman smiled.

Sunday morning, Im Yoona woke up at 9:17. Lifting her head lazily from Kwon Yuri's chest, she smiled genuinely for the first time in seven days. Careful not to disturb the older girl, she disentangled herself and rose, ambling to the kitchen. Putting the kettle on, she shuffled about the kitchen, pulling out a pan here, taking out a dish there, and removing eggs, tomatoes, onions, and cheese from the fridge. When the kettle began to whistle, she took out her favorite brand of tea and brewed herself a perfect batch.

Savoring her first sip, Yoona relaxed, eyes closed. It was a good minute before she opened them again. Immediately setting down her cup, she set about making first coffee and then omelets.

A little before ten, Yuri stumbled out of the bedroom wearing nothing but an oversized T-shirt. Stumbling a little as she made her way to the living 
room, she inhaled deeply; she loved the smell of Yoona's cooking. Sitting down in her favorite chair, she looked up at the wall before her. It was covered in photos of Yoona and herself.

Yuri hadn't long to wait before two warm arms s around her from behind, one holding a mug of coffee and a glass of warm milk, the other a plate of food. Blushing lightly as she felt Yoona brush her lips against her cheek, Yuri reached her right hand up behind her to gently caress the soft skin she found there. Taking the food and drink, she waited for Yoona to walk around the chair and sit daintily in her lap.

"I missed you."

"I…I missed you too, Yoona." Yuri blushed faintly once more.

They ate their food from the same plate that morning, sitting in the same chair. They spent the entire day together, talking, laughing, teasing and being teased. At five, Yuri suited up and drove Yoona and herself to the nearest beach on her car, from which they watched the sky turn a beautiful scarlet. 

When they made it back home, they kissed and touched until their body's felt so alive with love that the moment seemed timeless. And together they found release.

Almost ready to fall asleep, Yuri turned to Yoona. "I…I think I almost have that promotion. I should get moved to that earlier shift soon. I'd get off at four in the afternoon, I think…" Yoona felt her eyes tear up a little, looking up at her lover.

"Really?" She asked softly, her words almost lost to the quiet.

Yuri looked off to the side, slightly embarrassed. 

"Yeah…my pay-check should increase a bit…" Yoona waited, "…and I'd be home more." Yuri turned back, looking deep into Yoona's eyes. "We'd get to see each other more." The tears began to fall freely down Yoona's face, her smile bright beneath them.

"I love you, Yul."

Yuri didn't blush or stutter this time, but spoke confidently, if gently. 

"I love you too, Yoongie..."

They kissed briefly, pulling each other close for one moment more. Then Yoona reached behind her. She set her alarm for six. Staying facing the edge of the mattress, she scooted back. Yuri pulled her flush against her front, wrapping her arms tightly around Yoona, and buried her nose in Yoona's hair. She fell asleep surrounded by Yoona's scent.

Monday morning, She woke up at six, rolled over, and gently kissed the forehead of the Woman who shared her bed. By seven She was showered, dressed, and fed. At precisely seven thirty-five, She stepped onto the familiar subway, preferring to stand than sit. Her secretary looked up at a minute to eight to greet Her as She walked into Her office, and followed Her with another cup of tea for the morning, brewed slightly too strong and containing far too much sugar for Her tastes. 

From eight to twelve She worked. At noon, She walked the seven minutes to a café and ordered a salad, and by one She was back in Her office, working once more.
At five, She stood up, threw on Her coat, politely wished Her secretary a good evening, and made Her way back to the subway. She was home by five thirty.

After changing out of Her dreadfully uncomfortable suit, She sat down to a quiet dinner. She watched TV for an hour, read for half of one, and then proceeded to sit in Her favorite chair. She smiled brightly, unable to help Herself; there was a new frame hung on the wall. Two pictures had been cut to the same size and framed together, one of Her, one of the Women. 

The Woman was looking to the left and She was looking to the right. They appeared to be gazing at each other, their smiles soft and eyes warm. There was a note beneath the frame:

'I just got a call. I'll know by the end of the day.'

She gazed at those words for an hour, for two, for more, until a roar began to grow outside, for twenty seconds before shutting off abruptly. A door opened and shut, footsteps sounded, and sounds of a zipper could faintly be heard. She refused to turn around, instead choosing to wait until the Woman came to her. She stared straight at the pictures before her and the note beneath, wringing Her hands and desperately hopeful.

Two warm arms s over her shoulders. "Yoona?" the Woman called.

"Yes?" She answered, Her voice almost strangled.

"What do you say I make you dinner next Monday?" The Woman's voice was light, cheerful.

"I'd say there better not be mayo in my kimbap."

The Woman blushed lightly. "Mayoless kimbap, check. Anything else?"

"Promise me that I'm not dreaming?"


Tuesday morning, She woke up at six, rolled over, and gently kissed the forehead of the Woman who shared her bed.
Wednesday was much the same.
Thursday and Friday were awfully similar.

Saturday was energetic, but the schedule repeated all the same.
Sunday, Yoona and Yuri barely left their room, let alone their house.

And Monday, well…for the first Monday in three years, Kwon Yuri came home at four thirty in the afternoon rather than the morning. She diligently prepared a simple meal of fish and rice, with a small plate of kimbap, Yoona's favorite meal. By five thirty the table was set. By five thirty-one, she was happily engaged in the lip lock of the century.

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Chapter 1: Wow. this is good.
Chapter 5: Love this YoonYul one shot :)
I hope you will write more author!
Chapter 4: Haha sorry but i'm not that good with understanding writing styles like that...it confuses me a lil bit but think it was about Jessi feeling weird that her things aren't hers alone anymore buut when she overthinks it, it REALLY is the best to have Tiff sharing hher thhings...? XDD

Chapter 3: I love the way you write. Your drabbles are cute. :) I think you should consider writing more oneshots because you're good :)



JeTi <3<3<3