The Sun

Whats Inside


I woke up on the couch, yet again. there was a weird pain in my back so I immeaditly went to get some medicin. After taking the medicin I realised it was 5 in the morning, and that I did not have school for 3 more hours.

I decided to take a jog, even though my back was still bothering me. I figured it would be nice and streched and that this was what my back needed. I went to my room and slipped on some running shorted and a tanktop. I put on my running shoes and waled out my apartment door. When i was outside I pulled out my small I pod and started playing some music. The song I love you by 2NE1 came on. I ran down 4 or 5 blocks till I came to a white house. I stopped when I saw a fimilar blue haired boy standing on te front lawn.

"Zelo?" I said puzzled. He looked over to me and waved.

"Yoonhee! Hey!" He said and walked over to me.

"Hi Zelo!" I said and smiled.

"What are you doing here Yoonhee?" He asked and looked at my apperal.

"Im running!" I said.

The front door opened and a head poped out. "ZELO-AH GET INSIDE!" They yelled.

"Come inside Yoonhee!" Zelo said. Without permition he pulled me inside by the arm and I was suprsed when I walked in. Thre were 5 boys sitting on a larg couch in the  room.

"Zelo- oh.. who's this?" A guy with blonde and red haiir asked.

"Yongguk hyung, this is Yoonhee." Zelo said and smiled. I bowed to the guy. He smiled and did a little hed bow.

"Hi. Im Yongguk." He said. I smiled.

"Im Himchan!" Another guy yelled. He had black hair and looked strong.

"You know me." Jongup said. I hadent noticed him till now.

"Hey Jongup!" I said and smiled.

"Um are we all introducing ourselfs? Im Youngjae.." A guy said I smiled.

"And lastly Im Daehyun" A tan guy said. I smiled and bowed deeply, but felt a sudden sharp pain in my back.

"Ahh!" I said and strightened back up. I held my back and said, "Sorry, Hello! Im Yoonhee!"

They all smiled.

"Yoonhee-ah, are you okay?" Zelo asked.

"Yeah, Im fine Zelo oppa, I should be getting home though. I need to get ready for school." I said and smiled. "It was nice meeting you!"

I wave and walked out the door, and as soon as I started walking the sharp pain returned in my back. I fell to my knees by the door.

"Yoonhee!"Zelo yelled and crouched down next to me. "Whats wrong?"

I held my back. "My back.. it hurts!" I said. It felt as though someone was stabbing me repeaditly with a pen.

"Can I look at it?" He asked. I blushed and nodded. He pulled up my shirt, exposing my creamy white back.

"Yoonhee-ah.. there are bruises all along your spine!" Zelo yelled. My eyes widned and I looked down at the floor.

"What should I do?" I asked and tryed to get up. The pain in my back came mor intense.

"I dont k- Yoonhee! Dont try to walk! Your hurt!" Zelo said. He picked me up epicly and suprisingly.

"AH! ZELO!" I yelled as more pain shot through my back. I started to cry in pain as he carried me down a hall and into a bedroom. He laid me down onto a soft bed and I instantly currled up into a ball. "Oppa.." I wispered to Zelo.

"Yoonhee, your going to be okay. Ill go call my father. He is a doctor and he can come look over you."

"Zelo oppa! Dont leave me! Whos bed am I in?" I asked and grabbed onto his arm tightly.

"Its mine, and ill just be a few moments! Ill be right back!" He said. I let go of his arm and he left. As soon as he did I started to shake vilontly and I was cold. I didnt want to go under his covers because I was wearing shoes and I was sweaty and grose.

In a few moments Zelo walked back in and looked at me shaking. "Yoonhee! Your shaking! Get under my blankets." He insisted.

"No! Im sweaty and dirty. I still have shoes on." I said and bit my lip.

He slipped off my shoes, laid next to me, and pulled hiis warm covers over me.

"Yoonhee I dont care if your dirty or sweaty. Your sick and cold!" He hugged me and I hugged him back, feeling his warm embrase heat me up.

This Boy Is ing Warm! I thought and hugged him closer.


"She will be fine, she just needs to get lots of rest and eat right. She needs to be carful for the next few weeks!" Zelo's father said.

I was shocked to hear that I had a broken rib.

When he was gone Zelo looked at me.

"How did this happen?" He asked.

I shrugged and said, "Proably because I fall off my couch all the time." I said. He smiled and laughed at me.


I woke in my bed and stood up, only to be greated by pain. I walked to my closet and put on my uniform quicly seeing as I was running late. I slipped on my shoes and quicly walked out the door. I walked to school in pain and tried not to twist my back in the wrong way.When I was at school the halls were empty because classes had started. I went stright to my locker and put my books away. I grabbed my english book and started to walk to class but was stopped by a guy I knew fairly well.

"I see the 's late to class." He said to me. I looked down and tryed not to take it personally. "Get moving , befor someone sees your ugly face again."

I walked past him and as I did he slapped me in the face then hit me hard in the back. I felt blood rush out of my nose as my face hit the floor. I quickly stood up, despite being in pain, and walked to my firsr class. When I walked in I immeaditly went to my seat. The teacher saw my face and did not say a word. I looked at Anna and tears started to stream down my face. She frowned and sighed.

'Minho?" She mouthed. I nodded and looked to the front of the room. The class could not have gone by faster. When the bell rand Anna and I walked silently togther to music.

When I walked in I saw a cheerful Zelo in his seat chating with Jongup. I tryed to hide my face but he noticed me too quickly. His smile turned to a large frown and he looked sad. I sat down and kept quiet.

When qlass was half over Zelo decided to talk to me.

"Yoonhee-ah.. What happened?" He asked. I let a tear slip down my face.

"Minho-ssi." I said and hugged Zelo. "Its all Minho-ssi's fault."

He hugged me back and whispered, "Ill take care of it." I looked up at him relaved and somehow I belived him. My mood lightened for the rest of the day.

When the final bell rang for school to get out I saw Zelo in the hallway.

"Zelo oppa!" I called for him. I walked over to him and saw him smiling.

"Yoonhee!" He said and hugged me.

"Wanna hang out today? I can help you with science some more!" I said.

"Sure, come to my house! We can walk home toghter!" He said. I smiled to him and nodded.

"Just let me go get my stuff! Ill meet you at the front of the school."

I walked away to my locker and grabbed my bag quickly. I walked haistly to the front of the school to see Zelo waving at me. Just as I was almost to him Minho turned the corner. I saw him and ran to Zelo. "Oppa.." I wispered to Zelo, "Lets go now."

He nodded and we both started to walk out of the school. When we were walking to Zelo's house, I felt like someone was folllowing us. I stopped and Zelo did too.

"Yoonhee?" He questioned. I looked at him and smiled.

"Sorry, I thought I.. nevermind, lets go oppa!"

We arrived at Zelo's house and when we got there everyone was there but Jongup.

"Yoonhee! Do you feel better now?" Daehyun asked and smiled to me. I frowned  and tryed to avoide answering. I turned my head to look at Zelo and the cut on my cheek was revealed. "Yoonhee! Theres a cut onyour face!"

I covered my cheek with my hand and bit my lip. "Um.. its nothing." I said

Daehyun stood up and walked over to me. I grabbed Zelos slev when Daehyun movedd my hand awa to look at my cut. Zelo blushed and grabbed my hand. I flinched when Daehyun ran his thumb lightly over the cut. I bit my lip harder.

"Ill clan this for you." Daehyun said.

I stuttred "T.. thank you."

He walked away and returned shortly with a medicin kit. He took out some ointment and peroxite. After pouting some on gause he cleaned my cheek.

I continuet to flinch and squirm as he cleaned it. When He was donw I looked out the window at the beautiful sun and smiled.

"Thank you."




I Hope You Liked Chapter 2!



Thank You All!~~

PS. Heres A Little Something I Love!:

Zelo With Blue Eyes. <3

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