
The Fire Star [HAITUS]

After giving one final sob, Youngjae looked up, meeting Ethel’s brown eyes.
“This must be a dream right?”
Ethel stared at him before pinching him on the skin.
Youngjae flinched from the pain. Rubbing his skin, he scowled at Ethel who was calmly playing with her nails.
“Why did you do that?”
“You wanted a answer. And i gave you
” one.” Ethel shrugged her shoulders.
“Well thanks.” Youngjae murmured, before swinging his legs off the bed.
He couldn’t believe it. He was here, stuck in hell, forever and ever.
“Get changed, we’re having dinner.”
“Change? Why? Why are we having a dinner?”
Ethel sighed in annoyance. “Get changed, I’ll give you the details later.” Saying that, she pushed Youngjae into a spotless bathroom.
Clothes were lying folded neatly on the edge of the sink for him.
Sighing, he stripped before putting on the bundle of clothes. The fabric felt comforting against his skin.
He took some time observing the bathroom. There was everything a normal house would have, from shampoo to a bathtub.
He the bathtub and watched pure water flowed from the faucet.
“Red?” He squinted at the word on one side of the faucet.
Youngjae was about the change the direction of the faucet when Ethel’s voice echoed through the air.
“It would be good if you don’t do that “
Youngjae reeled around in shock. Ethel glared at him before walking off and turning off the tap.
Meekly, Youngjae gave an apology and walked back to the room.
“So. Sit down.” Ethel instructed, nodding at a chair.
Youngjae sat down obediently and ran his hand over the chair. The material was smooth.
“Every time we have a dinner when a new batch of souls arrives.”
“I’m a soul?!” Youngjae blurted out, and covered his mouth as Ethel glared at him again.
“No, one year later. Humans who have been brutally killed can stay here. At the dinner we have a 10-course meal.”
“Wow…” Youngjae’s stomach rumbled at the talk of food.
A bell echoed throughout the whole room. Youngjae’s head perked up.
“The bell. It calls for us, meaning dinner is starting. Follow me.” Ethel got up from the bed and walked through a door Youngjae never seen before.
Youngjae cowered behind them as souls reached out to him, their eyes crying for help.
“Ignore them. Help them and you go deeper down.” Ethel advised.
“Deeper? Where?”
Ethel spun around and faced him, eyes shinning despite the lack of light.
“Now where. That’s when life is over. Game over.”
Youngjae shivered.
The walk was short. They soon arrived at a scary looking mansion. Somewhere there was neighing of horses.
The soldiers inspected them before letting them through the tall wooden doors.
A banquet table had been set up. Boys and girls scurried around , balancing plates of delicious looking food.
Ethel took her seat and patted the chair next to her. Youngjae gulped nervously and sat beside another girl.
Youngjae glanced at the girl serving him orange juice. His eyes lit up.
“Hey i know you!”
Youngjae sudden outburst caused everyone to look at him. Ethel clasped a hand over his mouth.
Youngjae clawed at her hand. The grip was so strong, he felt that his jaw was going to break.
Ethel dipped her head. Everyone stared strangely at Youngjae before doing their own stuff.
The girl who poured Youngjae’s juice scurried away.
Youngjae shook Ethel’s hand off and glared at her. Ethel waved her fork at him.
“Don’t say a single word and you will be fine.”
Youngjae sighed. So much restraints.
The food had yet to arrive. As Youngjae’s eyes roamed around the room, he happen to notice a leather chair on a platform.
Different types of jewels were decorated on it. His eyes budged out. That had to be very expensive.
10 minutes had passed. The room was soon filled with murmurs of ‘where is he?’ and ‘Can we start?’
A cough echoed through the room, as a thin-looking man stood up.
His face was extremely pale. Not to mention the eye bags and his expression. And his bamboo-like figure.
“He has been delayed and instructed for us to start without him.” He spoke in a high-whiny voice.
Mutters rippled through the room. Youngjae stared at the man, puzzled and confused. He? Who was he?
The man waved his finger. The boys and girls began bringing plates of delicious looking food.
Youngjae his lips hungrily. So tempting.
His fork was stopped mid-way by Ethel.
Ethel shook her head disapprovingly before snapping her fingers.
Youngjae felt something tightening around his wrists. The force was so strong he was forced to lower his hands.
Cuffs?! What was she thinking?!
No matter how Youngjae tried to lift his hands the chains refused to budge.
“Ya! Let me go!” Youngjae hissed, tugging on the chains.
Ethel shook her head.
“I’ll tell you why later. Don’t say a word and be obedient.”
The man coughed as he glanced at Youngjae’s plate of untouched food. “Are you not going to eat Mr Yoo?”
Ethel stopped him before speaking up. “He refused to eat sire.”
Youngjae drilled holes in her soul, tugging as hard as he could at the chains. He stopped when a little piece of metal began poking him in the skin.
“I see, very well. Your request will be heeded to.”
A boy came running over. Taking Youngjae’s plate, he met eyes with Youngjae before running away.
Youngjae grumbled as he tried to move. Even making a single movement was hard.
Somewhere far away, a bell tinkled. The sound echoed throughout the entire of Hell.
There was some murmurs before everyone stood up straightening their crisp attire.
“Promise me you won’t eat?”
“Alright i won’t!” Youngjae snapped, longing to be free from the chains.
Ethel snapped her fingers. In a split second the chains dissolved to dust.
Youngjae stood up, glad to be free of the chains. He rubbed his wrist, and touched a tiny drop of blood.
The wooden doors opened. Youngjae was sure he heard faint clicking of a horse’s hoof.
A man walked in. Clad in robe of jewels, it was easy to guess who he was.
Everyone bowed. Ethel reached out a hand and slapped Youngjae’s head.
“Sit, sit. Come, let’s us enjoy this wonderful feast of finest food prepared by our ‘beautiful’ Annexes!”
Youngjae glanced at the boys and girls around him. So they were the Annexes?
The man offered a sickening sweet smile before throwing a glare at the Annexes.
“Let’s us enjoy!” He declared before holding up his glass filled with what looked like wine.
Youngjae happened to meet eyes with him.
The man smirked before snickering. His eyes were dark and scary.
Youngjae knew life here wouldn’t be peaceful anymore.

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Chapter 1: hey your writing is very interesting! ^^ and great imagination too! :) i like the main character! haha ;p ke~ do update soon :)
Smexyfrog #2