
The Fire Star [HAITUS]

Youngjae was pushed towards his friends. Stumbling towards them, he offered them a weary and exhausted smile. He did not sleep a wink due to the trauma that engulfed him.

But the trauma was long gone. He was going home, safe and sound.

A smile appeared on Yongguk’s face. Finally his friend was free. They all longed to reunite with their friend that had been held captive for 10,000,000 dollars.

The gang boss from behind nodded at his henchmen, giving a small wicked smile.

He whipped out his gun, and swiftly pulling the trigger, the bullet was lodged in Youngjae’s back.

Youngjae felt the bullet in his back. His eyes went wide, and his jaw dropped.

His friends could only stare at him. Too shocked by the fact that they killed Youngjae brutally even though they had the money with them.

Youngjae let out a ragged breath before collapsing on the floor, slowly falling deeper into the abyss.

He could hear Daehyun roar in rage, Zelo womanly scream, Himchan cry of grief, Jongup already starting to fire his gun, and Yongguk desperately trying to wake him up.

But he was gone. Not around anymore.

Youngjae’s eyelids fluttered open. A small groan escaped his lips as he sat up.
The first thing he noticed was the clean white walls.
His brain was quick to think. A smile was on his lips as he gazed around the spotless room. He was still alive.
However, where was BAP? If he was the hospital they would be here too, wrapping him in a tight embrace that their friend was alive and breathing.
His eyes landed on a slim girl her wavy black hair rested on her shoulders. Her long, extravagant dress fluttered in the wind.
Yongjae gazed out of the window. Since his view was blocked, he could only make out the white milky sky.
Something told him he wasn’t on earth any more.
Youngjae was about to call out to the girl when she turned around, revealing her flawless face.
Her thick lips was parted slightly. Her brown orbs gaze into Youngjae’s, as though reading his soul.
Youngjae couldn’t help but gaped at her beauty.
“Mr Yoo, you are up.”
Mr Yoo? No one called him that before, and it made him feel like he was some CEO of a major company. He blushed slightly at that.
The girl stared at him. Youngjae coughed awkwardly and dipped his head.
“Anyways, you can call me Ethel. I will be your caretaker.”
Caretaker? Was he handicapped or something?
Youngjae happened to blurt that part out. Seeing the Ethel frown, he quickly clasped a hand over his mouth.
“Good question though. You are not handicapped Mr Yoo. In fact, I would appreciate if you look out of the window right above your bed.”
His bed? Wait, he was staying here?!
Not daring to ask another ridiculous question for Ethel might frown, Youngjae scrambled up his bed and gazed out of the window.
He wished he never looked out.
Mountains in the dark spewed out bits of lava. As far as his eyes could see, it was lava every where.
Soldiers in dark uniforms marched sickly looking people on a red-stone pathway.
Youngjae realised he wasn’t looking at people. He was looking at souls, souls who drifted along with emotionless faces.
“Ethel… Where am I?” He croaked. This must be a dream.
Ethel stared at him with those dark cold eyes.
“Sorry to make you go crazy Mr Yoo. Welcome to hell.”
Youngjae stared at her in utter disbelief. This was ridiculous. Impossible. Hell didn’t exist.
Youngjae was a logical person. He only believed in those that was proved true by science. Ghosts were just mystical creatures who could make people soil their pants. If there was haunted houses, he was the first to go in. In fact, “If there’s no logical evidence, it isn’t real!” was his personal motto.
“Are you kidding me?” Youngjae’s voice had now dropped to a hushed voice.
Ethel regarded him with her dark eyes. “Do you think i am?”
Sarcasm was evident in her voice.
Youngjae stared at her. This was too much to take.
He wanted to scream. And he did.
He let out a high-pitched howl before breaking down into sobs.
Ethel’s eyes widened in shock. Not the fact that he was crying, it was common after being here for 10 years or so, it was Youngjae’s high pitch howl.
All around, souls tilted their head as Youngjae’s howl echoed around Hell.
Hushed whispers erupted. Then in unison, the souls opened their mouths and emitted the same high pitched howl as well.
Ethel heard the howl from the souls. This was him, Ethel thought as she stared at Youngjae’s shaking frame.

Far far away in another corner of hell, the man clad in a robe made of royal rubies heard the howl as well.
He toyed with the 8-carat ring on his finger before taking it out and tossing it in the crackling blue fire in one corner of the room.
The maker of the ring, a short tiny devil stood before him, quite saddened and angry at the fact that he just threw away the ring he made.
Unable to suppress his anger he began lashing out at the men in front of him.
The man was unfazed.
His black horse with black hair and blood eyes noticed his master’s signal. Without a word he trampled all over the maker of the ring.
“The Devil Cries.” The man murmured.
Silence settled over Hell at his words.
Ethel heard it. She rushed to the window, looked out before sitting beside Youngjae and comforting him by giving him a pat on the back.
Youngjae was important.
Ethel now would give her life to save Youngjae. She knew bad things would happen very, very soon.


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Chapter 1: hey your writing is very interesting! ^^ and great imagination too! :) i like the main character! haha ;p ke~ do update soon :)
Smexyfrog #2