

Lu Han shifted nervously in his seat as he could witness a strange female blatantly staring at him from the corner of his eye. He could see that she would constantly cease all her activity at that current moment only to watch him as he passed by.
It was on a Tuesday as he ran his weekly errands when he came to the realization that even if he had always been indifferent to the peculiar stanger, he has never uttered a single word to her that expressed his discomfort around her. Lu Han thought, maybe, that due to this, she feels that she was in the clear to continue her increasingly creepy actions. Therefore, Lu Han takes it upon himself to transform himself into the arrogant Lu Han in an attempt to brush her off without any physical confrontation.



Belief in miracles sometimes sounds childish, but, isn’t it better to think like a carefree child rather than constantly thinking negative?




This is an entry for「 EarGasmic 」╍ Writing Contest ╍

I used this prompt: "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is though everything is a miracle."


Poster credits to gray--❇ DIMENSIONAL

Currently being betaed by 「anonymous.」 editing shop



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