Roller Coaster Path



You tapped your finger on your chin and decided on the roller coaster. It seemed like a nice thrill ride to finish the day off.

           You and Zelo walked to the entrance of the ride. Zelo knelt down below the line that was marked to show how tall you must be to ride the coaster, and pretended like the line was weighing him down. He pushed up on an invisible ceiling and struggled to go beyond the line.

           You laughed. He’s such a dork.

           “Idiot,” you said laughing.

           He laughed at his own stupid joke and you both got in line.

           You began to realize how nice it was to be with Zelo. You felt younger and lighter.

“Noona, are you scared,” Zelo asked.

You laughed and stuck your tongue out. “Not even~”

            “What’s with this face?” Zelo laughed.

            “Are you scared, Joon Hong-ah?”

            “Of course not,” he said nervously.

            “You’re such a liar,” you said pointing your finger in his face.

            “Yah~ I mean I’m not lying,” he mumbled.

            “Aigoo~ Our baby Joon Hongie is so brave~”

            “Noona~ Stop~ Look! We’re up next.”

            You began walking to the first car when Zelo stopped you.

            “Maybe we can ride the last car?”

            You laughed. “Sure~ Mr. BraveMan.” You tousled his hair.

            “Please pull down the lap bar in front and keep your hands and legs inside the car at all times,” the announcer said over head. “Thank you and enjoy your Decent into Hell.”

            The car began lurching up the first drop.

            “Are you ready,” you shouted to Zelo.

            He shook his head. “No!”

            “Hold on tight!!”

            Zelo reached over for your hand and clutched it.

            You looked at him surprised, but before you could say anything the ride tilted down sharply, beginning the ride.

            “Wow! That was more fun then I thought! Wasn’t it fun noona?” Zelo looked over to you but you didn’t respond.

           “Noona? Are you alright?”

           You looked over to him dazed. “Huh?”

           “Are you okay?”

           “Oh…” You couldn’t get the thought of him holding your hand out of your head. You internally shook yourself out of it and smiled. “Yeah! That was fun, right?”

           “It was the best,” Zelo exclaimed. “It was so cool when the…”

           Zelo went on to talk about how fun the ride was, while you kept thinking about how strong his hand felt.

           Why do I keep thinking about this? Why is the effecting me so much? His hand probably only felt manly because he was so scared that he was putting all his strength into holding onto my hand for dear life!

           “Oh my god, are they a couple,” a girl whispered to her friend.

           You looked over to them confused.

           “He’s so young though, but they are holding hands.”

           You looked down and saw that you were holding hands. You slipped your hand out of his embarrassed.

           Zelo noticed and looked at you sad.

           “Come on,” you said pointing to the exit. “Let’s go home.”

            Zelo didn’t say anything to you the whole ride home, until you arrived in front of your apartment.

            “Noona,” his voice sounded grave, “Are you embarrassed being with me?”

            “Of course not. I was only embarrassed of myself being so absent minded.”

            You laughed and hit yourself over the head.

            “Don’t lie noona.”

            “I’m not lying.”

            “You got embarrassed because of what those girls said, didn’t you?”

            So heard them.

“Just tell me the truth noona. Do you like me?”

            You looked at him surprised. “What?”

            “Do you like me?”

            “Well, of course I like you. You’re like a little brother to me.”

            “No. Not like that. Like how you like Daehyun-hyung.”

            Your eyes widened in shock. “You knew?”

            He nodded.

            “Joon Hong-ah I don’t kn-”

            “Is it because you see me as a kid?”

            You only stared at him.

            “Because I can prove to you that I am not a kid.”

            He then came closer to you and grabbed your hands. He pushed you against the wall and kissed you on the mouth hard. You could feel the emotions behind his kiss.

            He pulled away and stared down at you with intense loving eyes. “Am I a kid now?”

            “Joon Hong-ah it’s not lik-”

            “I’m going to keep kissing you until you think of me differently.”

            You pushed him away. “This is what makes you a kid. You can’t just keep whining to get your way!”

            “What am I supposed to do then? How can I make you see me differently? Do I have to tell you that I love you again? I love you, okay?! I always have! Ever since my trainee days, when you would bring me food to give me energy or when you would help me study for my tests at school. All the encouraging words, laughs we shared, and serious conversations we had, I held all of them to my heart.” He looked at you exasperated. “I know you only see me as a child, but I want to prove, with every day we are together, that I am not. I am a man who loves you.”

            You didn’t know what to say. He felt this way about me for that long?

“I don’t need to know your answer because I already know it.”

            He turned away. “Good night, noona.” He started to walk away from you.

            With every step he took, you felt your heart pull towards him.

            Why didn’t I realize it sooner?

You took one step towards him.

            All those memories we had together, I cherished them too.

You started walking towards him.

            It wasn’t Daehyun.

You began to run.

            It was Joon Hong. I told myself it was Daehyun, but who I really wanted to see was Joon Hong.

“Joon Hong-ah wait,” you shouted.

            He stopped a few feet ahead of you.

            “It wasn’t Daehyun. It was you,” you said panting. “All this time. All those memories we had together, I cherish them too. You may act like a kid sometimes, but I love that about you! I love how childish you are. It makes me smile and feel younger. I love how much fun you have dancing and how serious you get when it’s time for you to do your work. I love everything. I love your adorable nose, eyes, smile, chin, neck, everything!”

            Zelo stared at you surprised.

“I know you’re still a kid, but I want to be there on your path to adulthood. I don’t care what others will say about us. Joon Hong-ah! Choi Joon Hong! I love you!”

            He lowered his voice. “Really?”

            “Idiot,” you shouted and ran to him. You hugged him hard, looked up into his eyes, and kissed him on the lips. “Of course.”

            He smiled and whispered in your ear, “Noona, you’re mine.”

Source: geureona.tumblr

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