Donghae Pov


Donghae’s POV


“From this day onwards, you are dismissed from your position as the leader of the vampire pack! “  the man In front of me said that sentence without a hint of emotions, just plainly monotone. It was like an everyday thing to do for him.


I felt my jaw drop. “What…. But dad! “


The emotionless man infront of me was my father. He wasn’t that cruel though. My father was a fun person, but I guess I did something that made him dismiss me. I looked at my beautiful mother who stood beside him, and tried to get any hints from her. What was this about anyways?  She was just standing there like a statue and staring at me helplessly.


“Hae, do you remember what I said when you became the leader of the vampire pack? “ He asked me


I started cracking my brains. I honestly didn’t remember what he said. There were a lot of things to memorize and I didn’t really pay any attention at that time. Feeling to happy, I just went with the flow. In my mind, I kept thinking how to become a good leader. He saw my face and knew I was confused.


“Did you even listen to me? “ He asked me again


I smiled at him sheepishly. “ Errr…yeah? “ he shook his head and knew that I wasn’t listening to him at that time. He massaged his large forehead, showing that I was making him dizzy. Well, It wasn’t like I purposely did that.


My mother whispered to him, “Maybe you should tell him darling.“


He sighed and nodded. “ I will tell you, but you better be listening to me now. “ I nodded my head because I didn’t want to make this famous notorious EX- Leader get angry.

“You are a good leader Hae! But like I said before, there is a rule that every vampire should follow. For a mated- vampire, this rule isn’t a problem. However, for the unmated one, this is important. “ he sighed dramatically again.


I started to sweat. I thought I knew what he was going to say. Sh*t! how could I forget about that rule? But still, I nodded to show him that I understood what he was saying.


He stared at me intently.  “An unmated vampire has to find his mate within a year or his leader position will be revoked and represented by the previous leader, until he finds his mate! “he stated the rule easily. I looked away and felt guilty instantly.


“But Dad! I am handling the leader position just fine! “I argued profusely

“You have no clue, don’t you? “Looking at him questiongly, I head him grumble under his breath, “Yes! You are handling the leader job very well, Hae. How to connect and make good relationships with other vampires, even how to handle the battles or cases inside our pack.


I nodded solemnly and let him continue his rants. “But what about Dara job? Your mate’s job, huh? She is supposed to help you with the problems, their education, the organization of our vampire’s women, and so on. It’s important too! Who did that for you, for one full year, when you became the leader?


Knowing the answer, I looked away and answered him quietly. “Mom. “

“And what are you doing when you are supposed to look for your mate? “ He forced me to answer question. I looked down and felt like a child again realizing that you are never too old to be scolded by your parents.


I mumbled to myself, “it wasn’t like I played around with girls. “


“What did you just say? “he said raising his eyebrows but I knew exactly that he actually heard what I’d said. We are vampires for God’s sake, and we were blessed with sensitive hearing.


“Dad, I am allergic to girls for God’s sake! I prefer men and how am I supposed to find my mate? “ I started to raise my voice.


“You are not allergic Hae! And you can mate with a man for all I care but don’t raise your voice when you are talking me young man! I am your father and starting now, your leader again! “ he scolded me with a loud voice. I was known as a big notorious myself, just like my father but I couldn’t win this time. Damn! I looked pleadingly ar my mother for help but she just smiled sheepishly. What! Did she enjoy my misery?


“What should I do now? “ I asked both of them. They pushed me to the front door and kicked me out.



Next chaper wil be a Eunhyuk POV  so stay tuned and find out what Eunhyuk wil do to Heechull

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Sylphide890807 #1
Chapter 4: Je viens de découvrir ton histoire. Histoire très intéressante. J'espère lire la suite.
MeinAltire #2
Chapter 4: are they going to meet??? interesting. please update more
ELFhyukhae #3
Chapter 4: kkk i can't wait til they'll meet :D hae is actually attraced to hyukkie's beautiful smell
ChocoMarshmallow #4
Chapter 4: Update soon author-nim~ ^^ keep up the good work!~ i can`t wait to see what happens next x3
chicalokz #5
hope u update soon really like how the story is going(: