Eunhyuk Pov



Eunhyuk’s POV

“Why is this so boring! “ I looked around me, grumbling under my breath

I thought I had already said this quietly. But the person in front of me, my step-dad wouldn’t overlook any of my gestures. He gave me his trademark evil eyes. The eyes with the famous ability to pierce through the air, and then left a big hole on the wall. I was just kidding! However, I swore it was that scary. I quickly shut my mouth and gave him an angelic smile, or at least tried to. He knew, though, that I was far from innocent.

He knew the real me, I am the boy who loved to make pranks, whether I was doing it all alone or with my best friends at school I was mastermind and some of my classmates were my minors. They called me ‘The King’. No one messed with me, because once they became my target, they would definitely suffer. However, I didn’t choose them randomly, only the annoying ones or bullies.

I would give you an example. There is this boy in my school, they call him ‘King Lady Hee Hee‘but his real name was Heechul. How could a guy be called King Lady? Anyways he was really popular with the guys in my school and I was okay with it, but only if he never crossed paths with me. His ‘group’ didn’t have the guts to go against me. Heechul, being the blond bimbo who had a brain the size of a pea, decided to show me who the boss was. He loved becoming the center of attentions, and he thought that I took those from him.

He hated me because of a simple reason. I was more popular than him. That was it!

One day at school, I was sitting in the canteen when he came up to me and slapped me for no reason.  That was for me of course, but for him taking his spotlight was a good reason and it was enough to harm me. What a crazy ! He glared at me and started clapping and proudly said,

“Why are all of you scared of this piece of fish? The King? Huh? That’s my title you ugly fish. I have had enough people keep telling me about you as the King! “She said the last part loudly while pointing at me.

All the students at school were silent and shocked, looking at me to see my reaction. I just raised my eyebrows and let him enjoy his short glory. I wouldn’t stoop that low. Then I smiled with my killer smile. Everybody knew what the meaning was, except for the bimbo in front of me. He was too stupid to realize his mistakes. The students were starting to leave. Most students were afraid of me, Well…more like my evil pranks.

I walked to him and whispered softly. “You have crossed the line King Lady Hee Hee, be prepared. “ I was emphasizing the King part, because seriously I didn’t want that title. That wasn’t even a big deal.

He laughed and said, “Well! I have my own group, so we will see who will be the winner. “After he said that, he looked around him and his previous group who stood beside him was gone. All of them! He started to get nervous and he run away and I let him.

I rolled my eyes, and went to the opposite direction. I was a fast-thinker so I already know what I will be doing  to him. That bimbo had a habit of which was so easy to guess. Heechul really took care of his face and body. So we knew what he wouldn’t eat any junk foods, he only ate apple at lunch.

I skipped my lunch in order to prepare for my payback. I knew the guy who worked at the canteen very well, Simon. He was really popular because of his hotness. He was handsome and had a well-built body which made all the girls in the school drooling. But, he had no effect on me because he was my distant cousin.

He was really rich and he loved the attention from the girls. He was my minion too, of course! I walked to him, asking him for apple. He was confused at first, but still gave me one. I poked a thick skewer into the apple to make the opening and I inserted a gummy worm into the crevice, telling him to give this super-special apple to Heechul.  He just nodded sheepishly

I stayed there and talked to him until it was time for lunch.



TBC soon

Sorry to Heechull fans for making him the B*tch in this fic >__< I dont hate him because he's also my bias but i thought this role would fit him but let me know if you dislike it and i would delete it<3

leave comments and suscribe<3

Bye *waves*

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Sylphide890807 #1
Chapter 4: Je viens de découvrir ton histoire. Histoire très intéressante. J'espère lire la suite.
MeinAltire #2
Chapter 4: are they going to meet??? interesting. please update more
ELFhyukhae #3
Chapter 4: kkk i can't wait til they'll meet :D hae is actually attraced to hyukkie's beautiful smell
ChocoMarshmallow #4
Chapter 4: Update soon author-nim~ ^^ keep up the good work!~ i can`t wait to see what happens next x3
chicalokz #5
hope u update soon really like how the story is going(: