Chapter 2

Future... Do We Even Have One?



“Hi hyung!!” A joyful voice greeted Daehyun as he entered the restaurant he worked in. His friend has a really wide smile on his face and Daehyun wondered why.

“Hello Jongup! You seem happier than usual today.. Is there a reason for that?” He asked casually. Jongup’s face flushed red immediately and he looked at the ground.

“Well… There’s that tall guy in my class.. I don’t know his name yet but he’s really really pretty an-and... He talked to me today!” Jongup exclaimed shyly but happily. It was the first time he talked to Daehyun about having a crush and Daehyun wanted to hear more.

“Really? And what did he tell you?”

“He-he… He asked me for…” Jongup kept his head down and it was taking him ages before he finished his sentence and Daehyun was just becoming more and more curious. “What did he ask you for???”

“He asked me for… a pencil!” Really? A pencil? Daehyun laughed. He was once again reminded how childish and innocent the younger boy could be.

“A pencil? Wow, that’s a huge thing. It’s totally sure he was trying to flirt with you! I’m sure he had many pencils but he acted like he didn’t just to have a reason to talk to you!” Daehyun chuckled silently, he had just so much fun to see how the younger believed everything he said!

He raised his head and looked at Daehyun with hope in his eyes. “Really? You think he’s trying to flirt with me? Oh my god, what should I do??” The hope and happiness in his voice just made the older want to laugh even more but he restrained himself to.

At this exact moment their boss walked in the room and ordered them to start to work.

 ~         ¤¤¤¤¤¤          ¤¤¤¤¤¤          ¤¤¤¤¤¤          ~

As he was coming back from his job, Daehyun found someone sitting in the hallway besides his apartment door. The man had his head low so all Daehyun could see was blond hair and he wondered who this could be. It was the first time somebody was actually waiting for him at his door so he was really curious.

Hearing footsteps, the blonde man looked up and made eye contact with Daehyun. The latter just then realised that the stranger waiting for him was actually.. The guy he saw at the coffee shop this morning, the person that had occupied his thoughts all day long. Immediately, the younger man stood up with a smile on his face. “Hi! I’m sorry if I’m bothering you but I saw you at the café this morning and you forgot something at your table and the only thing I was able to learn about you was your address so I came here to give it back to you!” The guy talked fast but he seemed really confident, wearing his wide grin.

Daehyun was speechless. He was still amazed by the guy’s handsome face and he was shocked by the fact that he was really standing right in front of him. He saw him this morning, admired him, he thought about him all day and about how much he wished he would talk to him one day and then, suddenly, he comes home and he’s waiting for him. This was probably one of the best days Daehyun have had since a loooooong time!

He opened his mouth to speak but the words wouldn’t come out, all he could do was stand there, mouth open, looking like a fool.

“I’m sorry, are you okay?” The man’s voice was really pleasant to hear. It was so smooth and beautiful to Daehyun’s ears, he wanted to hear more.

“Yeah I’m okay, sorry. Hm, do you want to enter? It’s cold here, I don’t know how long you’ve been waiting but you must be freezing!” Daehyun finally found the ability to speak.

“Yes! I mean, I would like to enter, if I’m not bothering..” The blonde angel shyly but adorably looked to the ground.

Daehyun unlocked his door and let the younger enter his apartment, silently thanking every god that exist for giving him the opportunity to have the blonde man at his home.



Heyy! =) I know the chapter isn't long but it's been a while since I've updated so I really wanted to! But the next update will probably come more quickly (or at least I hope so)..! Still a boring chapter I know but.. Please frogive me for writing this ..? :D

So Jongup is in the story being his innocent self he is! (I plan on having every member of B.A.P in the story anyway.. and there will probably be some side couples!! :3) And the guy of the coffee shop is waiting at Daehyun's door  and Daehyun invited him in... There isn't a lot that happen but there probably will in the next chapter..?

Also, I added something to the foreword so maybe check this out.? :)

Oh and.. Thank you to those who subscribe and comment!! It makes me happy :) ♥♥♥

And.. just so you know... I LOVE comments.. and that's what keeps me motivated and gives me the will to write.. So maybe stop by to drop a comment ? :)

I love you all!! ♥

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MySnowCheonsa #1
Are you still updating? O.o
Chapter 3: This was very sweet! Thank you for the update!
Chapter 1: I'm going to be your first comment! :) I liked the first chapter and even if you think you still have to improve, It was very interesting :) I got to know Daehyun and now I am curious how the blonde angel can bring happyness in his life !