How Much He Means To Me (YeWook)

~The Kpop Poetry Book~

How much he means to me:
it's higher than what we all thought.
I'll let the blade of the sword cut those who hurt you, 
I go through hell... seeing you cry.

I stand still, watching.
I am the observer.
I watch over those who don't think they need it, but they do, and when they're sickly, I'll even be there.
Hush now, I'm watching over him.
I'm protecting him.

My love flows like water.
I sit. Staring.
I try, I do. I try to help.
But he turns his back. And I am sad.

I hate seeing you suffer.
My goal is to make you smile.
Why be mean, when I can be peaceful. Being angry isn't life.
Please, I beg you, stop being mad at me, be happy.
I hate it when you give me that look.
Ok, I'll leave now.

I cry for you.
And you don't see it.
Because you make me smile, and I forgive too easily. I hate it all.
You use me, and think that I can never be mad at you. And you're right.
I was broken.
A long time ago, I was broken.

I love him.
More than we all thought.
How much he means to me cannot be measured.
My love is power itself, and you never see it that way.

I'm crying.
Don't you care?
Don't you see how much you mean to me?

Damn it Yesung... are you blind?

Why do you push me away?

I thought you liked me back.

Dear Yesung, I've given up now. Love, Ryeowook.

Yay! My first poem! Now, even though I don't ship YeWook, I thought they fit the story perfectly. Ryeowook represents me (sweet and naive), and Yesung represents my friend (cold and angry).

I love confessing my feelings through writing, but this kinda needs to be explained.
The point is, I'm usually a happy person. I think the glass is half full, and I always try to see the light in dark situations. In this poem, when I say 'he', I mean all of my friends. I realized that my love and need to protect the ones I love is similar to a crush. I've had two separate people/friends tell me,
"I tease you because you're easy to tease. You don't fight back.".
Why should I fight back? You're my friend. Playful teasing is ok, I know I do it all the time. But it's all getting to be too much. I'm really upset with one of my friends right now, but I know that when I see her tomorrow, I'll forgive her the second I see her. And I hate that. I can never stay mad at anyone, and while most think that is a good thing, it allows me to be used by the people I care about. I go through hell when I see the people I care about sad. When they're in a negative mood, I care, and I never take them for granted. I'm starting to question some of my friends. Mostly my best one (She knows who she is.). As soon as I forgive them all... I'm just gonna get hurt again. To sum it all up: I care about the people I love to an intense degree, but I end up getting used because of my tendency to easily forgive.

Alright! I hope you enjoyed this poem. Even though it's sad, it's still poetry.

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Chapter 1: omo my YeWook feels OwO
Raveness #2
Chapter 5: Oh my gosh! This is so fluffy! I LOVE it! Hahaha I love this one! I really want this to happen to me~ XD It's so cute~ Awesome! ^.^
Raveness #3
Um... another one please?

1: Lay and You (the reader)
2: His real personality. The girl is just a few months younger than he is. She loves music and learning, but she gets frustrated easily.
3: She tries to play Lay's guitar but she can't. He sees her struggling and decides to teach her how to play it correctly.
4: Patience (and Music)
5: Fluff and romance
6: Normal people
7: Yes, You (the reader) and Lay

Thank you~ ^.^
Raveness #4
Chapter 4: Aw~ It's so sweet~! The song automatically played in my head when I read the first few lyrics. ^.^

Gaho is adorable ^.^ He's much bigger now too.... XD
Raveness #5
Could you please do another one?

1: G Dragon and his younger sister (OC).
2: GD's real life personality. The sister is just the girl version of him. Both of them are teenagers and GD is like 5 years older.
3: Both of them trying to enjoy a raining day while stuck in the house.
4: Family (that is considered a moral, right? ^^")
5: Family and Sibling fluff
6: Normal people
7: No pairing

Thank you~ ^.^
Raveness #6
Chapter 3: I love it! It's so cool! I honestly could never write something like this ^.^

I love the gif at the end. It's one of my favourites! ^.^
Raveness #7
Hello! Could I possibly request a poem?

1. SHINee's Jonghyun and Key.
2. Their real life personalities.
3. Each one sees their partner with someone else and gets jealous, not knowing that it was all just a big misunderstanding.
4. Trust
5. Fluff and Romance
6. Idols
7. Yes; JongKey

It would be awesome if you could actually write one, but it's okay if you can't ^.^